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News Item9/4/19 11:33 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Interesting that even ABC in Australia had nothing about the singing of a hymn as part of this protest.
I saw the Japanese network NHK's program, Newsroom Tokyo, today and they have nothing about the hymn singing or a religious aspect to the protest.
Have you seen your local news reports on this issue include the hymn or any religious aspect?
Have you seen any national news, whether ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, or any other networks or websites (besides Christian ones) include this hymn singing or religious aspect to the protests?
It almost makes me think this is a 'Fake News' story.

News Item9/3/19 5:16 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think Mormons did not allow blacks in their 'church' for the longest time. Then they changed their theology to allow them.
A friend told me that their missionaries in South America were telling the locals there that they were descendants of the famous "Lost Tribe of Israel"

News Item9/3/19 5:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Have you seen CNN or MSNBC or any national TV networks report this? A friend who watches the Japanese network NHK online also tells me that they have not mentioned any singing going on.

News Item9/3/19 5:11 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Years ago a friend told me he went to a wedding reception in the NE USA, and people asked him, how you can stand to live in Florida with all those hurricanes.
Within a year or two, Hurricane Sandy made a visit to the NE USA, avoiding Florida altogether. You can look at a historical chart of all the paths of hurricanes and see that much of the East Coast and Gulf Coast have had experiences. Just ask anyone in Houston about Harvey, or someone in New Orleans about Katrina.

News Item9/3/19 5:06 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think there is a denomination out there that does not allow any musical instruments at all in their worship services.

News Item9/3/19 12:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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That is certainly interesting, "John" especially the presence of a drummer.
A friend of mine told me of a 'seasoned citizen' Baptist pastor visiting from Cuba who told him that drums are not allowed in church because they come from Africa and are used by Satan and his worshippers.
At first I thought this was an old fogie's imaginations, but when I am out on the street, and hear a thumpa-thumpa-thumpa sound in the distance, and it gets louder, it is usually from a guy with a flat tire who thinks he can make it to a gas station (that still does repairs--good luck!), or it is from someone with a Super Loud Sound System playing some strange 'music' that is mostly drum beats.

News Item9/3/19 12:20 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Yes, "John" that it right, but some of them might say that 'gathering together' can be an annual retreat at a resort in the mountains in the summer, or in the winter if you like to go skiing.
Or it could be a monthly gathering at a local park, with a 'pot-luck' style lunch or even, in the South, barbeque. This would also comply with the Biblical admonition about the Lord's Supper.

News Item9/2/19 10:05 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This story is getting to be repetitive--I had to look at all the comments already posted to make sure I had not already added my 2 cents.
First, let's ask what the poll thinks are Christians---do they include Catholics? I think they do, though many who read this news item here are thinking of people who used to attend their gathering, their church meetings.
Some say that the reason there are so many denominations in the US is that people will leave due to the flimsiest of excuses, like the color of the carpeting in a remodeling job. It is sad to see such divisiveness, though any passerby at this website who picks the news stories with the largest number of posts will find the same, if not worse divisiveness.
So, there are plenty of reasons for people to stop coming to a church gathering.
I have posted before on the Big Error of calling 'church' only the building where the people gather, and not the people, as the Bible teaches us.
But in this news item, the building is what they are referring to.
Some people don't like this 'angle' because is then gives another reason to stop coming to the building and prefer a small group gathering. Yes, that is logical, but there are group dynamics at work in those groups that make you think twice before preferring them as a solution.

News Item8/31/19 4:30 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Scientists are searching for a gene to predict Alzheimers Disease. If they find it, what will be the next step? Probably, to isolate these individuals and reduce their lifestyles because, well, you know they won't notice anything anyway, and we have to reduce spending on them due to the Social Security System going bankrupt, high college loan debt (in fact, we can prevent them from even going to college or buying houses, etc, and just put them in special housing facilities, like the Adult Congregate Living Faclities today where the people just sit there and watch TV hour after hour after hour after hour.
Families are happy to send them there since it takes them 'off their hands' so they can pursue their own entertainments of travel, eating out, etc.

News Item8/31/19 4:24 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Sad news, and confusing for John Q. Public who opens up his morning newspaper to read this. He starts to think, who are these 'extremists' opposed to abortion, when here I read of a group of intelligent Christians who support it?
The fact that one of the 'pastors' is a woman goes to show us how far the world's ideology has penetrated the church.
No, we can't use those Bible verses that talk about family, like I Timothy 5, that could be subtitled, "God's Plan for the Older Christian Woman," nor can we dare think we could preach these verses as an application to the church today. That would be upsetting, and we might lose some of our members over what the Bible says, since they are not following it.

News Item8/31/19 11:56 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Well, if 'racist' means noticing patterns of human behavior, then the writer is correct. I compare Portland Oregon with Baltimore Maryland--both have had Democrats running their govts for decades, and both have similarly sized populations. What is the difference? Baltimore is mostly a black city, Portland is not. Do you notice a pattern?
Remember the Virginia Beach shooting? The black shooter went into a local govt office and shot 12 people. Did you know 9 of the 12 were white? Do you recognize a pattern there?
If so, then you are a racist, or better said, a Race Realist.

News Item8/29/19 4:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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The 'prosperity gospel' is a contradiction in terms since the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about prosperity.

What is more interesting to study is the link between this 'Prosperity Message' as I would call it, and early 20th Century 'Positive Thinking' or 'New Thought' American writers like Frances Scovell Shinn.

And these writers influenced many later writers, like Norman Vincent Peale and others. It is why, even today, the largest number of books you can find in any secular bookstore are in the Self-Help section.

Americans are in love with re-starting themselves, and the verse where the Apostle Paul says, "Leaving all things behind, I strain forward for the prize," is used by many to say it's OK to think we can reject our past and start over again.

Even in sermons, you can often hear, "7 Principles on..." as if these were things no one in the 2000 year history of the New Testament Church had ever thought of.

News Item8/28/19 5:03 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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One sheet of paper could give you a paper cut. Then, when you go to the beach or to the creek to catch catfish by hand, it could get infected with that 'flesh-eating' bacteria and kill you within hours.

Sermon8/28/19 4:59 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for pointing out the New Yorker article about the problem the elites have with the idea that having children within families is objectionable. This shows you how important it is for Christians and churches to show this difference, that we are 'family focused' because that is what the Bible is telling us to do. Christians think they can compete with the world's offerings, but the family issue shows you the difference. Churches need to focus on what the Bible says about families, like 1 Timothy 5, which I would subtitle, 'God's Will for the Older Christian Woman.' First, she is a widow, (even today, 96 percent of all people get married). Second, her own family should support her, though if younger, she should marry again. Third, if her family cannot support her, than the church should, though she should meet certain 'work requirements' like 'washing the feet of the saints' and doing good works. Even the book of James has a verse about 'real religion consists of..helping widows in their distress' I think Christians and churches who skip by these chapters without seeing their application are doing a real disservice to the message of the Bible.

News Item8/28/19 4:31 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think the seeds of the problem are in the very words..inclusive...and politically correct..
First, inclusive does not mean what a math teacher says it means in an equation. In the US, it means, anyone who has an opinion we do not like are NOT included. Thus, anyone who says, "Jesus is Lord" or "Jesus is the Only Way to God" is not included. Anyone who says, 'The Bible condemns homosexuality' is not included.
Politically correct means certain facts will not be admitted, like pointing out that Portland, Oregon and Baltimore, Maryland have similar-sized populations run by Democrats for decades, yet Baltimore has a murder and crime rate many times higher. Why is that? Look at who makes up Baltimore population--what racial group do they belong to?

News Item8/27/19 2:20 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I'm dying to see the outcome of this, aren't you?

News Item8/27/19 12:54 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This reminds me of that new questionnaire that we saw at our doctors' offices when Obamacare rules came into place. They asked if you had throw rugs in your house, alongside a question about guns. I even asked my doctor--you mean, guns are as dangerous as throw rugs?
Well....yes, in the sense that many people trip and fall at home due to throw rugs.
Any decent actuary could probably tell us how many Americans are killed from throw rugs, guns in the house, etc.

News Item8/27/19 12:30 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Problem here with meaning of church, which seems to be here--a place to go to, rather than the Body of Christ.
Benefits of gathering together are being recognized by secular folk, check out link to Outside magazine website for one about health that includes a portion about Sundays. Also, I have linked to a podcast from EconTalk that mentions the community that forms around a church. Of course, I would guess there is less of that once you get above a certain number, say five hundred or one thousand in a room.

News Item8/26/19 3:01 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Check out the link (in the little house symbol above) to the article in Outside magazine that talks about how good socializing is for our health. This is a secular publication, so anyone who does not attend a local church gathering is missing out on this vital health benefit.

News Item8/26/19 2:49 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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In terms of what the term 'church' means, I found today another article about how important socializing is for health, from a secular perspective. Link is in the little house symbol above this message.
This means that people who do not believe in God have to admit that what we do on Sundays in terms of gathering together is good for our health---and they are missing out, but you might want to watch your local news or social media to see them create their own 'secular' gatherings on Sundays.
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