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News Item1/7/09 1:11 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Satan is subtle and because unbelievers may happen to stay at home and wear dresses does not directly correlate with those actions being evil.

Modesty and being discreet are Biblical directives and whether or not they have widespread approval in the church of today, they nevertheless should still be the norm. Things may be what they appear. The question is how do we interpret Scripture?

News Item1/7/09 11:20 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Biblical "housewifery" today has been thrown down and treaded upon by some as an old form of libertarianism. Being born-again... it is a joy to be a new creature in Christ and to find all things becoming new, ie., children are a gift and blessing from God, learning homemaking skills as a rewarding and not a demeaning task and learning the true spirituality of contentment with God's ordained roles.
Sad but true, some homeschooled women become depressed when ridiculed by other women(even Christian)as it is a sacrifice and demanding but rewarding task.

News Item12/21/08 6:08 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Okay, let us see the list of socialist politicians who claim to be born-again Christians?

News Item12/21/08 1:38 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Banned in Boston,

Did you have another psedonym? Just curious.

As for Walt, I used to enjoy his postings. Believing him to be a credible Christian, his committment to reading the Bible-only(at least through in a year I believe)shows his commitment to truth. I probably would enjoy listening to his call-in comments.

Yes, I do believe that many churches are compromising today and falling to the wayside.

News Item12/20/08 11:07 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Churches beware!

How many today have semi-adopted seeker-sensitive approaches?

Friendship evangelism;Forty days of purpose;blended music services with CCM eventually dominating, etc.

Jesus seeks to save sinners - sinners are not seeking the Savior.

As far as the so-called "felt needs" of these seekers; lost people's needs are all of the same, all over the world, all through the ages -

Through a false CGM speaker.
The lost so-called church seeker.
Ends up no more the meeker.
CGM - all the more weaker.
Purpose-driven numbers.
Onward it slumbers.

News Item12/20/08 4:16 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Unanimous consent here.


As we realize, Biblically(that is using the Scriptural creation texts)it is explicit that there were 6 literal 24 hr. creation days. If we were to compare the scriptural proof texts of Biblical creationists vs. the others the 6 day literalists would have logical, contextual entries while the others most often would have no explanation or would spiritualize the text.

Rocky Lanciano,

The West. Con. does indeed state a belief in a literal 6/24 hr. creation but the founder, Mr. Machen,(who happened to be a godly man ironically opposing liberalism in the church) stated that the creation texts were too difficult to determine dogmatically any view. During this time Darwinism had gained a foothold in the church and the leaders not wanting to look foolish, when all of the so-called scientific intellectuals were "proving" micro evolution, then simply compromised.
This is evidenced by the day/age theories (Scofield Bible), the Princetonians(Hodge's), etc. The foundation of the Westminster Seminary was actually destroyed from the start.

News Item12/19/08 4:07 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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"Of his own will begat he us with the word
of truth, that we should be a kind of
firstfruits of his creatures." James 1:18

News Item12/13/08 4:47 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The Bible is true.

Christians read it,
How about you?

JOHN 3:36

News Item12/7/08 12:20 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You fear extremist Christianity more than the extremist Sharia Code? Define please?

News Item12/7/08 3:57 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Alan H,



I thought that when you last posted that you implied that you were simply goint to leave these Obama postings and let us "find fault" and give warnings concerning Mr. Obama and leave us in so-called "misery"?

PROVERBS 29:2, says:

"When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice: but when the wicked
beareth rule, the people MOURN".

Misery indeed!

News Item12/5/08 3:37 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! There was a need to mention B. Goldwater simply because of the statement of LBJ's %. Btw, I was only 12 at the time but I remember wearing a Goldwater imitation straw hat as my father was a staunch supporter.
A decent article that you might enjoy and was posted only 3 years ago: "HBO Hijacks Barry Goldwater's Ideology",
Personally, I believe that everyone has some racism in them, including your favorite son Barry and that only "In Christ" does anyone possess the ability to be completely free from that sin.
Have a "grace day"!

Job 42:2

News Item12/4/08 5:23 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! A black voter landslide for the Democrats is not normal throughout Amer. Hist. From A. Lincoln, of course, until F.D.R. blacks voted Republican.
Remember, 96% voted for the black candidate this year. At least 6% more than any previous election!

If you were to look at a barred graph on the % of the black vote for either party from FDR until now you would see clearly that race was an issue.

Remember, in 1964 B. Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act to which L.B.J set into motion.

A key would be the victories for Obama in Virginia and N. Carolina, with their increased % of the black population and of course these states were traditionally Republican that even Clinton, Gore and Kerry lost in the PREVIOUS FOUR ELECTIONS!

News Item11/24/08 3:38 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Our elected officials trophy.
A pretense of Mr. Philanthropy.
Dear old Uncle Sam has been your decider.
Dearest Uncle Sam is your provider.

Who-to the innocent would penalize?
And for honest,hard work would demonize.
Heavily-taxed people would criticize.
If only they had eyes!

Incomes stolen and heavily oppressed.
A Government sham; "through us you are blessed".
Economics - a Herculean task.
You must concede to us and simply ask.

Nothing is said of supply and demand.
Yet, spending is praised throughout our land.
"Consumer confidence", by name swindled.
Bankruptcies appear as savings dwindled.

Hard work and thrift lead to philanthropy.
Not Robin Hood ethics and those of true greed.
Paul said if thou not work thou shall not eat.
Christians defend, yet rest at Jesus feet.

Year of government spending and bail out.
Tempest of debt they bid you to sail out.
This land's freedom the socialists have stole.
Through it all, my God is still in control.

News Item11/22/08 6:35 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You said,"Obama is perhaps the most gifted and eloquent politician we've ever had."
You also said,"He will go down in history as one of the great Presidents in US history!"

I not even 100% positive what candidate my wife actually votes for while in the booth. However, her statements normally reveal her intentions.

Maybe the question would be: would you ever vote for Obama instead of did you? You may of thought that another candidate was better.

News Item11/21/08 6:35 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I am always amazed with people's false assertion about our Lord's attitude towards sin. Obviously, he doesn't know the God of the Bible, and is therefore delusional in his misleading statement. What a shame, and that is why I am concerned about people who embrace this kind of mockery!

Any hypocrisy with your above statement but also not realizing that Obama has no credibility with true born-again Christians who abhor his most wicked affirmation for the barbaric act of birthing a child except for his head and then piercing his skull with a sharp tool so they may suck the child's brains out!!!
Not to mention his approval of the perverted homosexual lifestyle!

News Item11/20/08 3:44 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Yes, it is obvious with normal hermeneutics that the rod is literal. There is not reason to interpret it as figurative. Agreed.


Are you personally against using the rod?
Are you a parent?
Do you see the Biblical chastisement mode as wrong?
Is God's counsel in the Bible our wise standard?

This has been clearly answered in the forum about the pastor that was jailed for spanking his son.

Are you simply mocking?
If so it is better that we not answer you.

JOHN 3:36

News Item11/19/08 4:15 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Sir from Oregon,

It seems that this was a case of severe overreaction to a most needed and proper form of discipline.
On the contrary, the social elite are destroying the strong foundations of this country. In an effort to police any attempts at abnormal behavior in this country we must not jump to conclusions and join sides with the new wave of social architects.
BTW my one sister has been a social worker manager for years in her particular county. While their hearts may be sincere I disagree with many of their methods.
I definitely don't believe that watching a t.v. program should influence our thinking to the extent of... "even appears to border on child abuse. Certainly, spanking would not qualify!
Sir, your wondering about the other party is simply that. Obviously, the party overreacted(no wonder with the childrens rights movement and the related unbiblical child-centered approach in many of our homes today.)
Notice, the other party admitted they were wrong and he was released.

News Item11/19/08 4:43 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Sir from Oregon,

Spanking on the derier is not child abuse.
I wonder if the other party was a "progressive/liberal" Dr. Spock protege type who abhors any type of corporal punishment and adheres to the "now don't make me count to ten method(which of course ends in counting to 100...not to mention an even more hardened will). No wonder these undisciplined children grow up to be child abusers and molesters.
Too bad G.Britain does not have the Biblical foundation that the U.S.A. has with the jurisprudence aspect of two witnesses.
Notice, he was "caught" spanking his son once. And of course once the other party admitted to that he was let go immediately. Anything else is simply empty speculation.

JOHN 3:36

News Item11/13/08 2:25 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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My point sir is that you continued to bring up the racist issue and I was simply pointing out to you that there are no racial distinctions whenever it comes to this sin. There are as many racists in the black community as the white.

There you go again, unequivocally stating that Republicans are more racist!!!

The S.B.C. started out good and became more liberal through the years and I would venture to say that many vote Dem.
Your example is flawed to this extent.

The main reason many racist people can't see that they are racist(such as the phenomenal almost 100% of the black vote for the black Pres. candidate)is because they are blinded by the Prince of this world.

The Bible is the Christians standard and the murdering of the unborn child is an abominable sin to God to which one could never waver in degrees. You also missed my point concerning abortion. Statistically, the % of blacks having abortions and on welfare is disproportionately higher.

News Item11/12/08 2:31 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Let's be clear-there are racist Democrats,
also. As far as treatment of minorities-I know Reps. that care for all people groups in their hearts enough to want policies that will help and not hurt.
Maybe, the worst thing that ever happened to the impoverished was the so-called "Great Society", by L.B.J. and the slum camps that exist today.
Also, abortion is devastating the black community. The previous Dem. initiated tax code of giving credit for children without married spouses only encouraged fornication, as well as welfare encouraging "our" sinful hearts to laziness.
If their is a difference between Reps. and Dems. it is that the Conservative Chr. Reps. have unwavering moral principles while many Dems. have white guilt(as a consequence the Bradley effect of they simply want to broaden their voting base).
The Bible states that all races came from Adam! Continuing to call whites or Reps. racist ignores the fact that all are born sinfully depraved and the recent fact that almost 100 % of black voters chose the black candidate.

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