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News Item8/26/18 10:44 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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The neighbor thought she was less than 5, and alone for 90 minutes outside, in Chicago. I can understand his concern.Even if she is 8 years old, that's still too young to leave them outside for so long!

News Item8/26/18 9:03 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I would agree that some africans are quite zealous and pray loudly to god. Similiar are the Mormons and J.W who do much of the evangelism in america.

Too bad majority of them all are relegious, but not saved. Recently I talked to a friend from Nigeria, he loves God, Bible very much and shares scripture with his secular teachers. But when confronted with the truth that he is a guilty sinner and must pay the price, he could not answer the question "What did God do so that you don't have to go to hell"

It's not a good feeling to find out that some many nigerian christians are murdered and many could be like him.

News Item8/23/18 1:50 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I hope Bob Jones University is not next! 😭

News Item8/22/18 7:10 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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The ESV is available for free online.

Got a free NASB from the Gideons a few days ago.

The audio files for ESV are also free on their website.

The Bible is available, and is being given away the problem is that many dont care to read it or believe in it.

News Item8/16/18 11:44 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Ever since the invention of podcasts and audio books I have started to read less and less. The problem with this is that not every worldview gets represented in audio form, and you are just stuck on this same stream of information. I have noticed search results from YouTube and Google constantly feed me the same biased info, and essentially Google is searching and deciding information for me.

News Item8/7/18 8:54 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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There's still many faithful true Christians, but you don't hear about them because they are satisfied with what they got.
And what do they have?
- Cheap Bibles easily available at most official churches, even with some many ministries claiming this or that farmer needs the Bible, they are available. Apparently for some people it's worth to invest in a Bible, even if it means skipping breakfast for a week.

- Online resources, translated sermons, Paul washers preachings, this site! almost every popular ministry has books available in Chinese, from John Piper to John MacArthur.

- Christians have no trouble meeting one another in their homes, what is trouble some like this article mentioned is 200 people house churches.

News Item8/7/18 12:01 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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This is actually a good article to show what these house churches really believe:

"The church leader prays that the government will change its mind.

“We support President Xi,” he said. “All we ask for is a space for our faith.”

And this is the heart of the problem, these people are moralists, but deep inside there is no desire for reformation, they embrace communism, they just hate the corruption in their lives.

News Item8/7/18 11:56 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I feel there is a little bit of mis-information here, let's start with this:
"since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982."

Constitution never meant anything, and history proved this over and over again. It was designed to deceive people that China would someday become democratic, but powerful corporations knew this all along, which is why they chose mainland over Taiwan.

"They are part of what experts describe as a spiritual awakening in China."

Making such a statement without describing what theology this awakening uses is useless. And infact the entire article won't mention if it's roman catholic, pentacoastal, SDA, or prosperity preaching. Infact Jesus is not even mentioned. Many people still believe baptism saves, but you would never know this unless you ask around, which no journalist seems able to do.

"Chinese Christians say the Bible gives them a sense of right versus wrong and the strength to endure in a country where power often trumps justice. While China’s rapid growth has brought prosperity to many, others despair at what they see as a deterioration of public morals."

These Christians believe the Bible can make them into better people, and if they embrace the morality of the Bible all corruption will cease. It's a work ba

News Item8/4/18 10:34 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It's just their national flag, there is no hammer and sickle on it which would be the true communist flag. No different than flying the American flag...

But the article did mention this, which is a more serious matter and should be front page, but Christian victim priorities...

According to the U.S. State Department’s annual International Religious Freedom Report, Xinjiang is experiencing some of the most brutal religious repression in the world. The Chinese government is forcing hundreds of thousands of Muslims into “political re-education camps,” where they are often tortured and forced to violate their beliefs, sometimes by being forced to eat pork.

News Item7/25/18 12:43 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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the borrower becomes a slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

News Item7/22/18 9:24 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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it might be miserable, corrupt, and can indeed drive you insane (I have to leave every 5 months because i start to hate everything and everyone around me) but it is a wonderful and safe opportunity for western Christians to be a light in a dark place. But coming un-prepared and under estimating china is a big mistake.

News Item6/22/18 3:09 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Yang and Pastor Su Tianfu, another leader at the church, were fined over $1 million for collecting so-called "illegal" donations from members of the congregation, even though they argued the money was freely given by believers.

Are you saying if this happened in America, the pastor would not go to prison? If it's wrong in america, it should be wrong in China. This swindler broke the law of the land, probably did not pay his taxes, or tell the authorities. What kind of house church gets a million dollars? What's more, what hymn was he singing? Come on, go read the article and tell me. China Aid is a secular human rights organization, wikipedia says majority of their shareholders are oil companies.

News Item5/27/18 7:36 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I think it means your country is influenced by Islam. It's really hard to find a muslim who cares about Israel, or Jewish people. Maybe inside Israel itself you can find some, but certainly it's a minority.

News Item5/26/18 9:23 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Do you think your persecution prophesy will impact sermon audio? I think remove that tax exemption from the churches, and many will fall, and therefore many of the sermons will be removed because you need to be a paying member to have them be hosted. Something to think about if you have not backed up your favorite sermons.

News Item5/26/18 6:31 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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What do you mean "we are ‘Augustinians"?
There is no evidence of him ever holding to a true gospel. Hence why he is so adored by the Roman Catholic church.

News Item5/20/18 2:54 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I enjoyed the left behind books, but that is all they are, Christian fiction books. I read the late great planet earth when i was a young christian, it introduce me to Hal Lindsey and his tv program. Though I don't agree with him on some things, he did teach me many things. At some point I had to make my faith my own, based on my convictions, and not succomb to the pressure to believe some of the theology of my church and christian friends, but I'm thankful for them either way, because they had the true gospel.

News Item5/19/18 6:50 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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We have the opportunity to worship Christ, know more about Him, but yes, we decide to waste it on something stupid.

News Item5/16/18 10:16 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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To be clear, I am not here to bash the church, or make fun of it. Just yesterday I talked with a house church leader, what is the cure for apathy in the church? How do we encourage people to have a burden for the lost and ministry? Do we send them to seminary, or is there something we can do? My advice is to make the church precious, if you are a member, you have to commit to ministry, anyone can be useful. You can't just come every Sunday and do nothing. Make yourself useful. Maybe write a letter to an American or European Christian, pen pal, get together with other friends to pray, visit someone every week. If not, then the pastor has to ask why not? And usually that is where sin is exposed. And if a person does not want to deal with their sin, I would not invite them to church. Church is precious. Word of God is precious.

News Item5/16/18 6:10 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I guess I mean that is the current stereotype of them (not that it's a wrong one) . In my life I only had Mormons and J.W ever visit my house, to give out tracks and invite me to their church. I have not seen anything close to this, besides myself doing it. At the airport, you can the entire middle east take out their carpets and pray during the wait times. And not just a simple prayer, but maybe about 10 mintutes+. I have only seen the Chinese and the African charismatics pray like that. Too bad those charismatics say the name of Jesus like 60 times when they pray, and many are not saved. And the traditional Jewish people, liberal or conservative, how many do you know who are not circumcised? How many do not have a bar mitzvah? Not very many, if none at all.

Now, what is a stereotype for a protestant church? Bible thumping, ok, is that a majority of your church or the minority?
I hope it is the majority. But it goes back to my point, the reality looks very bleak.

And why should we not refer to Protestants as a legit Christian church? Does your church not consider itself Protestant? Even most non-denom churches, would say they are!!

News Item5/16/18 12:25 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Many unbelievers are more commited to their faith than protestants. Muslims pray everyday, Mormons go door to door, Jewish people are known for raising children correctly, teaching them right from wrong and make them remember traditions. Can we say the same about the protestant church? I hope so. But the reality is bleak
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