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News Item10/7/07 4:25 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Only Ron Paul will win against Hillary Rodham Klingon.

News Item10/7/07 5:50 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Liberalism and Socialism created the problem, so Liberalism and Socialism will make the problem worse.

News Item10/6/07 8:14 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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It does not take an expert to pull the plug on a country's internet access:
Myanmar for instance

News Item10/6/07 4:35 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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I thought Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
I thought Jesus was the "prince of peace"
I thought the gospel was "the ministry of reconciliation".

Bush seems to have mistaken worshiping Jesus for worshiping Mars or Thor or some other god of war because there's no where in my Bible I can find that says:
Blessed are those who lie about WMD to invade a crippled third world country, for they shall be re-elected.
Blessed are those who bomb, shoot and maim women and children, for they shall be called Evangelicals.
Blessed are those who stir up civil war and generate fanatical terror groups, for they shall be able to con Americans surrendering their liberties and rights in the name of "security".

Bush worships another Jesus and reads another bible.

News Item10/5/07 9:51 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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"We doall we can..." NO NO NO they do not do all they can for Christians. I am not whining cause we got to get it done in the HS but I do not like lying Pentagon officials when they give Christians such a har d time.
I had a former Muslim prof from England & he said England is eat up in the armed forces with Muslims. Great for them if they are going to defend Britain or the US. BUT if they have a spiritual call to fight Israelis & the West, how can they do their legal, appropriate responsible job in the armad forces if their spirit leads them contra? {Of course we are told to follow God before man also....hmmm)

News Item10/4/07 8:34 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Ron Paul has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

Go Ron Paul!

News Item10/3/07 8:17 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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And who says that Captitalism isn't compassionate? Socialism makes people slaves to the State, Captialism gives people the opportunity to be free.

News Item10/2/07 7:45 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Don't misunderstand me. Islam is a corrupt and evil religion, but I believe that God's common grace and the fact that Muslims are made in the image of God both prevents the worst of what Islam teaches from becoming a reality in most Muslim's lives. However, Satan is real, as the existance of Muslim suicide bombers proves.

My point is that if you keep poking a hornets nest, you shouldn't be surprized if you get stung. The whole of the Middle East is one big hornets nest and should be left well alone. I've no problem with fighting Muslim countries who try to invade my country, but I don't think the USA should be the policeman of the world.

Lance, as a Roman Catholic, you ought to know that the war in Iraq does not fit into the Just War theory of your church. It wasn't legally declared by Congress (as the Constitution says a war must be), it has no achieveable objective, there isn't a reasonable chance of winning, the evil that is being committed does not outweigh the good that was supposed to come of it.

This is an unjust war, a waste of human life, a waste of tax payers money. We should just bring our troops home.

And in case you didn't know, the only Presidential candidate that we can be certain will bring the troops home is Ron Paul.

News Item10/2/07 3:29 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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We have no reasons for being in Iraq. Only excuses.

News Item10/2/07 12:11 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Do you thin there could be any relationship between Isam's hatered of the West and the fact that we've invaded a Muslim contry under false pretences (no WMD were ever discovered), having previously economically destroyed that country by 10 years of sanctions, causing the early deaths of thousands of children?

Perhaps its just coincidence that the CIA deposed a democratically elected government in Iran in the 1950s just because the Iranians wanted to keep a little of their oil wealth, and then the CIA set up an American friendly puppet dictator (the Shah).

Perhaps its only a coincidence that most of the 9/11 bombers were from Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia is friendly towards American oil interests and is happy to have American troops in the Muslim's most holy country, yet America did nothing to punish Saudi Arabia for the terrorists they produced.

Personally I can't see why Muslims hate the West. It must be because they are all pure evil. There can't be any rational explanation. After all, if they are all just pure evil, the its much easier to kill tens of thousands of thier women and children.

News Item10/1/07 11:19 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Ron Paul is a born again Christian who doesn't use his faith to rally the gulible. He's been married to the same woman for over 30 years. He's so pro-life he's delivered over 2000 babies (He's an OBGYN).

His faith is real enough for him to actually be faithful to his oath of office. When he swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, he really did! He's never voted on anything that he can't justify from the Constitution. It's earned him the nickname Dr. No.

Look at the other leading candidates, and you'll find a superficial faith (Mormon or "Christian") and a history of divorce and unfaithfulness.

Vote Ron Paul.

Vote yes for Dr. No.

Dr. No cured me of my apathy.

Put another Ron in the Whitehouse.

News Item9/24/07 6:12 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Remember that some russian schools have taught creationism along with evolution so that you can get the whole picture

News Item9/24/07 6:06 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Ahmadinejad stated, trying to defend his sometime rejection of the Holocaust, at Columbia U., "There is no absolute!"
Does this include ALLAH & Muhammad??
Once you say there is no absolute, you are not only in intellectual LaLa land, you are in moral & spiritual outer space with no up or down or gravitation ground of being.
Unfortunately, he believes his own press.

News Item9/21/07 2:11 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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The last comment of the Father could be dated 1962 (school prayer case) or 2007 be the date that atheists &/or agnostics do not beleive in the God of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob

News Item9/21/07 1:59 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I beleive that the term of any politician should EXPIRE after 4 years!

News Item9/20/07 8:27 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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This is Very Important.
By increasing the money supply the Fed can lower interest rates, but the increase in the money supply makes the purchasing power of the dollar weaker. In this way the Fed is able to rob the savings of the lower and middle classes, and hand the profits over to Wall Street.

Among all the Presidential candidates, only Ron Paul understands the corruption of this system. Only Ron Paul wants to abolish the corruption of this private bank called the Federal Reservea and replace it with a gold backed dollar.

With a gold standard, should inflation occur, the value of the gold increases too, keeping the purchasing power of the dollar intact.

Vote Ron Paul.

News Item9/17/07 4:08 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I hate to sound negative but who will be the first one to buy this vehicle 7 turn it into a military weapon?? Better the Pentagon gets it than the East.

News Item9/17/07 4:04 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I can understand the religious concern. We are concerned about CHRISTIAN doubts in the govt.
So let them call upon Ram to protect the bridge.

News Item9/17/07 3:51 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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This would be Homosexuality in the Bible whether it has that named.

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

News Item9/14/07 8:33 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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ALSO Public probably would say Public TV mening PBS is getting worse about their broadcasting also. They have never shown a program on historical Christianity that was not bias toward liberal profs & speakers. Not counting the BILLIONS & BILLIONS of years that every nature show has to annouce in the Carl Sagan voice. Has anyone CONTACTed him lately?
PBS means Pretty Bad Shows to me.
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