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News Item3/5/15 1:48 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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d. post ••••••• might I suggest that you leave all that other stuff alone and just get in the word of God and let Him speak to your heart!!!

You have a great day

News Item3/4/15 5:48 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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d. post •••••••• maybe you should go to Franklin Graham's website and take it up with him

Have a great day!!!

News Item3/4/15 4:02 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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T. Bough wrote:
Now why would Graham attack Obama like this?
Or to put it another way.
Why would one of Satan's religious servants attack one of Satan's political servants?
T. Bough. – – – I'm sure Franklin Graham would tell you himself that he is not perfect --- and to be honest I do not know him personally --- but I think it's a far-fetched idea to lump Franklin Graham in with a group of "Satan's religious servants"

I just wanted to put that out there seeing how Franklin is not on to converse with you on the matter.

I'm sure FG is in search of God's Will for his day–to–day life in the hopes that he might be an effective tool for the Kingdom of God Isn't that all any of us can hope for as we live out our lives in search of God's Higher Good

There are many religious charlatans in this world and you can rest assured our God will be dealing with them severely ... they will understand the true meaning of the fear of God then, but it will be too late for those hellish characters --- What a terrible day that will be.

What did you think of my post?

I hope you had a blessed day – – – take care

News Item3/4/15 1:58 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Franklin Graham is right

All the things that have been going on since Obama has taken office –– it just breaks my heart. But it's not just Obama and all the radicals that he surrounds himself with –– we have had trouble brewing in Washington for many, many years. –– Our elected servants are guilty of GROSS NEGLIGENCE –– Yes, FAILURE TO PERFORM their fiduciary duty. –– It's all so far beyond the pale that I cannot fully grasp it –– so unbelievable.

It's a mind-boggling proposition to envision a bunch of misguided, arrogantly selfish individuals without vision and void of moral rectitude playing political ping-pong with the future of America ... allowing our debt to climb BEYOND $18 trillion –– letting Communist China get their hooks into us so deep ... How in the name of all the demons of hell have "We the People" lowered ourselves to the point that we now accept their cockamamie dysfunctional antics in DC as normal day-to-day discourse

"We the People" should demand, as penalty for their NON–PERFORMANCE, that they all (Obama too) take a substantial pay cut, maybe 25%, until they get serious about reducing the size of government and balancing the budget. –– A little motivation is needed

God help us and give us wisdom!!!

News Item3/2/15 11:16 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Today we are being plagued with quite a number of dysfunctionally distracting and destructive factors that are contributing to the decline here in America. The sad truth be told one of the greatest problems we face going forward is the fractured church with all its pretended piety –– This should be of great concern to us all!!!

Okay, I will say what I feel in my heart is true ––– If the founding fathers and all the men and women who lovingly shaped America would have been a bunch of heartless milquetoast wishy-washy unprincipled christians, as are unfortunately being bred today, we never would have become "America" (The greatest nation in the world). –– The true fear of God, which I am convinced those that came before us thoroughly understood, has been lost in all this touchy-feely me, me, me theology being taught today...

Now let's be honest, our predecessors were far from being perfect –– And there are naysayers who will badmouth the founders –– But the truth is we are all partakers of the vision God gave them and we have been poor stewards of that with which we have been entrusted.

All that being said -- Yes, "Christians Need to Stand Up" if they truly love God and Country -- Yes, if they truly love Freedom and our God Given Rights

News Item3/1/15 2:45 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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While the world looks on these Moslem fanatics are taking crazy to a whole new level – – – – – – It's time for all the civilized world to come down on these maniacs – – – Hundreds of bombing missions a day and boots on the ground coming right in behind the bombing campaign doing a gun and run – – – Just put them down and leave the rest to God

A message needs to be sent to all these fanatics that they will be crushed if they're going to act like this --- These Islamic radicals are burning people, beheading people, taking Christians hostage and killing them, raping women and children, selling women and children ------- The atrocities committed by these sickos are far too numerous to list.

I pray Almighty God will move the hearts of leaders around the world to band together and put an end to this swiftly – – – There will be collateral damage in war but these devils must be dealt with and with the greatest prejudice

News Item2/28/15 5:21 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Unfortunately Obama sees himself as a ruler and not the servant of the people of the United States --- he's constantly pushing the envelope to see what he can get away with --- and even though "We The People" elected Republicans (giving conservatives the House and the Senate) in the hopes that we would stop Obama hijacking this country in his attempt to "fundamentally change America" --- it just seems that the Republicans cannot conjure the backbone to stand up and DO what they were elected TO DO

The second amendment gives Americans the right to keep and bear arms and by extension this right encompasses the right to possess ammunition for the arms that we bear --- otherwise your weapon becomes nothing more than a club and you better believe criminals will have loaded weapons.

There have been so many disturbingly controversial and problematic situations this administration has gotten into from Eric Holder, to Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, Ezekiel Emanuel (architect of Obama care), Jonathan Gruber (helped to sucker Americans into "Obama care" and called America stupid for it) ...

FAR TOO MANY entrenched politicians (ie - Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, ...) in DC putting themselves before this country --- we best get serious about "Term Limits"

News Item2/25/15 5:50 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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What Christian would so staunchly support abortion and partial-birth abortion as Obama does

Remember this quote from Obama "White folks greed runs a world in need"

Obama said the most beautiful thing he's ever heard in his life is the Muslim call to prayer –-– Do any of you know of any other Christian that holds the same sentiment in their heart

Who amongst us knows of any Blood Bought Holy Ghost filled Christian who would sit under the tutelage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright for 20 years subjecting their children to such a hellish doctrine and would profess to the world on national television that Rev. Wright was their mentor and that they use Rev. Wright as a sounding board for ideas

What Christian would kick off their political career in the home of Bill Ayres an unrepentant terrorist who was the head of the Weather Underground and carried out numerous bombings in America and said he feels he should have done more

What Christian would surround themselves with the likes of "Rev." Al Sharpton (The biggest racial antagonist and charlatan in America) –-– calling him to the White House over 80 times Like birds of a feather Community DISORGANIZERS flock together

The list goes on and on. So sad

News Item2/24/15 2:26 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Looks like another sad case of "Did God really say?"

Not too long back I received a call from one of the denominations requesting that I come back to the men's morning breakfast Bible study –-– I asked the gentleman hasn't your denomination accepted practicing homosexuals into the clergy and he replied "Yes" and I proceeded to tell him to run don't walk and get out of there – – – I told him that is'nt God's house anymore – – – I told him "don't be stupid and don't be fooled you know that is not Biblical" – – – I continued and Warned him to tell his brothers the same that they all need to get out of there –-– and in closing I told him I would die before I came back to that church.

Now I want to make it perfectly clear I do not hate the homosexuals I pray that God will touch them and open their eyes to the lie that they are living – – – I pray that He will heal all the scars and hurts in their lives and reveal Christ to them and save them to the uttermost!!!

We all need God's Grace and the only way we can partake of His Rich Forgiveness is through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son!!!
And never let us forget that in the light of that which we have been Forgiven we are always to stand ready to Forgive others
But let us not fail to Warn others in Truth

News Item2/22/15 7:19 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Once again Obama exemplifies his inability to formulate clear and relevant thought --- Marie Harf and Obama are really grasping at straws --- these people cannot be for real.

I'm sorry but I just don't have the words to describe the depths of stupidity he is delving into...

Maybe a shaking head describes it best --- --- When will people who so fervently support Obama finally get tired of carrying his stagnant water???

News Item2/22/15 1:27 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Here we have a prime example of one of the biggest problems that has manifested itself all through the ages --- hardened hearts in pursuit of their own path (their own will, their own way --- the path of "self"). --- Yes, theirs is a path suited to their own desires of self-indulgence and can only be accomplished by creating a god of their own making --- a god that winks at their sin --- a god that requires no heartfelt "REPENTANCE" --- a god that bids them come as you are and stay as you are ...

I'm sorry but they haven't met the Son of the living God. --- They haven't HEARD what Christ did for them, for all of us, --- yes, for the whole world on that cross at Calvary!!! --- No, they haven't experienced the power of the Holy Ghost tugging at their heartstrings convicting them deep within their innermost selves of their sinfully self-centered worldly lives.

Let us all pray that God will pour out his Spirit on all mankind to open every heart as never before because Jesus will be returning soon!!!

News Item2/20/15 2:11 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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That was the right decision!!! Some have lost track of the truth amidst the wishy-washy thinking of this day and age.

Young Adam Phillips has fallen prey to the very same thing that several of the denominations today have fallen prey to and that is --- ***The failure to comprehend the true meaning of God's call to the whole world to come to Him In/Of and Through His only begotten Son with a real brokenness and remorse over the willfully self-indulgent sinfilled life they have lived ...

The great deception is this --- many people have forgotten what the true meaning of "REPENTANCE" really is or just never really knew the meaning at all --- God never said come as you are and stay as you are

Amplified Bible
Acts 2:38 And Peter answered them, Repent --- change your views, and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it --- and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise (of the Holy Spirit) is to and for you and your children, and to and for all that are far away, [even] to as many as the Lord our God invites and bids come to Himself.

LGBT? Pray they will HEAR and "REPENT"

News Item2/18/15 11:19 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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s c wrote:
KK, Obama is proper judgment on a nation that has turned its back on God.
And,I might add,that He's (God) been very long-suffering as well.
America needs to wake up...if it's not too late. Quit killing babies in the womb,quit sacrificing children to its "god" of lust,cut the pomp and circumstance that goes with ugly pride.
I have contributed to the mess as well, not trying to be self-righteous...just trying to make an objective Christian observation.
We know what the wages of sin is.We need to quit playing with God.
I hear ya sc --- I have entertained the very same thoughts I can only hope that things will turn around --- that's what I keep praying that God will turn this around and that we will repent as a nation --- just like the wayward son that found himself in the pigpen eating what the pigs were eating and he came to himself and got up and made his way back home. --- We've got a heart problem in America -- we need to come to ourselves/to our senses in an act of true wholehearted repentance --- it will require the eyes of our understanding to be opened and the commitment to stand for that which is right and true

News Item2/18/15 10:14 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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From the article:

... In October, the group dedicated the cover of its Dabiq magazine to a story called “Reflections on the Final Crusade†about how it will conquer Rome, complete with a photo of a black jihadist flag flying over St. Peter’s Square. “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted. If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market,†said the article in Dabiq. “Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him… And the Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome.†...

Just the other day I heard a news report that said after they beheaded those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians on that beach those islamic devils made a statement saying Rome would be there next stop. --- These madman will stop at nothing to accomplish what they perceive to be their destiny ...

What more can be done about this kind of evil than to stand against it with all your might??? These twisted Muslim fanatics must be dealt with and as unpleasant as that may seem to some the fact still remains that these uncivilized degenerates are a problem that won't just go away on its own

News Item2/18/15 12:19 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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If there was any question in anyone's mind concerning these radical Muslim fanatics and their agenda this should help clear up any fuzzy thinking that may be lingering. They are merely following the dictates of the Koran and their false prophet Mohammed --- they will lie, cheat, steal, rape, use children and women as shields against attack by their adversaries, they will kill their fellow Muslims and they will murder the infidel...

I believe it was General Sherman that coined the phrase "war is hell" and indeed he was right --- WAR TRULY IS HELL --- just look at what civilized people are up against here with these mentally dwarfed Muslim Jihadist. --- all the countries that surround their areas of occupation best wake up and come to terms with the fact that they must eradicate these twisted fanatics from their midst

These maniacs are nothing to be trifled with --- there's no negotiating with warped minded individuals such as these!!! The only thing they will understand is the heavy end of a big stick --- in other words you hit them with everything you've got and crush them because you dare not let them proliferate and spread...

War is hell and you have to take it to them or else they'll be bringing it to you

News Item2/16/15 12:13 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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From the article --- ... the Declaration of Independence clearly affirms:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…â€

It may be more convenient to Cuomo’s political philosophy that a select few are empowered to grant rights to the masses, but it certainly is not part of this country’s foundation. ...

It's a dangerous proposition when people forget where they came from and that which made them great as a nation

News Item2/7/15 12:59 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Limbaugh said of Obama, “We have a guy, we have a man who really has a problem with this country. He has a problem with this nation’s founding. He has a deep-seated problem..."

I remember hearing Obama on a radio station being interviewed concerning the Constitution of the United States --- he vilified our founding document and said it was flawed... --- When one takes into consideration his worldview, the church he attended for over 20 years under Jeremiah Wright's tutelage/mentor ship (I'm sure many of you remember his choice words concerning America ) and the list goes on... I find myself to be quite conflicted when it comes to Obama having taken the oath of office to uphold the Constitution of these United States when he looks down on everything this nation was built upon -- I'm sorry but I just really have a problem reconciling this in my mind --- I find this to be an undeniable disturbing fact that in Obama's heart of hearts he really does not love America, not the America I have grown up in and love so dear, not the America that has as its flag the Red, White and Blue that speaks to all that is good and true and all those that have paid a high price with life and limb for God and Country, yes for our Freedom...

America --- love it or leave it!!!

News Item2/6/15 12:33 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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It seems as though America is systematically being torn apart --- when will people say in their hearts enough is enough???

What is it now 18 trillion dollars in debt and counting ... I believe it's about $3 million a minute accumulating on the 18 trillion? If all of you aren't concerned about that you ought to be --- And the greatest national security issue we have is that open border between us and Mexico they're still flooding across even now --- we don't know who is coming across mixed in with all these others and what they are bringing with them we don't even know...

Do people really love America anymore??? I wonder.

News Item2/3/15 3:40 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Seems as though the grandiose ideas are never ending ... too bad there's not a money tree growing dropping dollars all amongst us

I keep praying that God will give Obama a true Saul moment ... and to be perfectly honest we could all use that in our lives!!!

News Item8/4/10 12:12 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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This gross negligence of our elected public servants in Washington has been, and is, an ever increasing danger for America ------- what we have here is a complete and total failure to perform ------- I’m sorry brothers but the fact of the matter is this, the rudimentary duties which are expected and required of the posts to which these men and women have been elected have been thrown by the wayside … Let’s face facts!!! … Americans are being played for fools, and have been for far too many years to count, by the masters of tomfoolery, greed and corruption … there isn’t a true patriot amongst them.

We have never been in more danger than we are today …… And you can take that to the bank and cash it.

"IN" Christ, KK

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