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News Item11/10/08 9:31 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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pew view wrote:
"President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research"
Naturally!! He is after all a Liberal whose object in life is to reject Scripture and worship the creature and his culture.
Next will be to legalise the homosexual everything and legalise abortions.
Homosexual everything is already legal, and abortions have been legal, through all nine months for any reason, since 1973 Supreme Court Decisions Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.

News Item11/10/08 6:45 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
NOW I'm Thoroughly CONVINCED That you, "Banned"...ARE Indeed A Satanic Vaticanist "Jesuitic" FOOL & LIAR ! blah, blah...HATE-FILLED...
There is nothing more hate filled than murder, and last year there are three murders in Obama's church, all execution style, of homos who knew Obama. 50 million abortions a year is also murder, and Obama supports this. Your incoherent postings make it plain you are full of hate, intemperate (ie out of control), and in league with Zionist Luciferians, eugenicists, racists, proaborts, gun grabbers, homosexual activists, and foreign Banksters working to destroy the country. If Alberto Rivera were alive he would not give you the time of day, and Rivera would never have aligned himself with people such as you have, or promote their wicked agendas as you do.

News Item11/10/08 4:02 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
It's OBVIOUS that Obama did not personally execute those three black "homos"...
But your Satanic-Vaticanist "Jesuitic" 'all-things-common'HOLY-Scripture-Twisted Socialism is NOT The Answer--When I viewed his Youtube video calling people "TRASH": I knew right off the bat that He's a PHONEY !
You support a rabid proabort, sodomite, Zionist puppet of the NWO and claim to be standing against the Jesuits. If you are an enemy of the Vatican, who needs friends?

The Bible speaks of Christians entering into voluntary "all things common." This is different than Luciferians, communists, Zionists herding people into camps at the point of a gun.

In the hellish days to come (South Africa providing a example of what America is in for), people will need to form alliances with each other to withstand the pillaging and savagery. If you want to rant against this as somehow "Vaticanist" go ahead and start capitalizing and screaming.

Maybe Obama will give you a job, since you are from Chicago, a seasoned politician who runs for office all the time (even if you never win), and an Obama supporter. Do you go to Rev. Wright's church? Did you know the three men who were murdered execution style last year?

News Item11/10/08 3:13 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Vogue wrote:
That Rev. Manning is a lunatic, etc, etcetera...
Facts: Three homos from Obama's church were murdered, execution style, last year.

Another homo, Larry Sinclair, says he had trysts with Obama and snorted coke with him.

A black pastor of 27 years, Rev. Manning, loudly warns Obama and Rev. Wright are homos and lovers.

The silence of men such as John MacArthur, etc., does not disprove Obama to be a sexual deviant and drug addict.

Fact: Michelle Obama is CFR, a secret society of Luciferians working and plotting to bring on the NWO and destroy America's sovereignty.

Fact: Obama's new new chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, is Mossad, son of a Mossad. Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, is also Mossad.

Fact: Obama used his power and charisma to enable the Bankster financial coup of the USA.

Fact: Obama is rabidly proabort, a champion of radical homosexual goals, and gun confiscation to clear the way for the NWO and mass roundup into gulags.

Fact: Obama is a puppet of a cabal of wicked men, and will do whatever he's told or face public disgrace and/or assassination.

News Item11/9/08 10:14 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Vogue wrote:
Banned in Boston:
Where do you come up with these crazy allegations? Rev. Manning of NY is a complete lunatic!
Rev. Manning has been pastor of his church for 27 years, w/ networks with other pastors, and wouldn't be speaking out as he is out of the blue sky.

Rev. Manning stated on Jeff Rense's show that he has all kinds of contacts with people in Chicago, that it's common knowledge Obama and Wright are homos.

Larry Sinclair is risking his life to speak out. Three homos at Wright's church have already been murdered, including the choir master and assistant choir master.

The controlled media is silent because the Illuminati needs a charismatic Obama type as president to push through gun control and possibly to foment domestic insurrection for an excuse to bring on marshal law.

It would be wonderful to have a black president who truly was for peace, but Obama is just a willing puppet for the Zionist international crime syndicate/foreign banksters to bring on nuclear war with Russia, China and Pakistan.

News Item11/9/08 10:02 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
That is the way The Satanic Vaticanist "Jesuits" operate (In case you don't know, Banned, The Satanic Vatican "Jesuits" are The Religious 'Illuminati': or as Ignatius Loyola called His "Society of 'Jesus' "[Really, The Society of Satan !] Los Alumbrados--Translated: "The Illuminated Ones"), Just Like The Mafia: Because THEY (Los Alumbrados) CONTROL The Mafia, etcetera
If all this is true, and I don't doubt it, why do you support a candidate who is a willing servant of the pope to bring on the NWO? You do understand the Zionists, Nazis, Vaticanists are part of the same Synagogue of Satan? You do realize the Talmud and Kabala are the source books for the Vatican's Illuminist beliefs? Are the Vaticanists, Nazis, Zionists not united in their racist beliefs and desire for the Fourth Reich?

News Item11/9/08 6:51 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
I may very well have to retract my previous statements to the effect that President Elect Obama is NOT a Sodomite: at least a "Closet" Sodomite !
The More that I look into this Larry Sinclair Matter--The MORE I am convinced that (although Sinclair himself is a Sodomite) Barack Obama DEFINITELY has something to hide.

My only surprise is that The President Elect Obama's People have NOT "silenced" Larry Sinclair via Political "Assassination" !

The reason Larry Sinclair is still alive and the three murdered homos in Wright's church are buried in the ground with the back of their skulls blown off is because Larry came out fast and loud with the facts about his trysts with Obama, his coke snorting sessiosns with him. To kill Sinclair would lend credibility to his story.

The homos were killed because they did NOT talk. The DC Madam was killed because she did NOT release her list. This is the way the Illuminati operates, just like the Mafia. They are indeed an international crime syndicate, all Freemasons, and all Luciferians.

Obama is a Zionist, a rabid proabort, gun grabber, sexual deviant and totalitarian. He's also not a citizen of the U.S.

News Item11/9/08 6:41 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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A Democratic Conservative and Anti Vaticanist wrote:
There are ALOT of Rumors & even YouTube videos, like the ones about Larry Sinclair, Mr. Manning, Etc.; which accuse US President Elect Barack Obama of Being A SODOMITE...several YouTube videos that accuse President Elect Obama of Assassination & Murder of "Former Sodomite 'Lovers' to "Silence" Them from Exposing The "Truth" about Mr. Obama's alleged Sexual-Deviance!...I know for a FACT That MANY Chicago Politicians Are Either Secret/Closet Sodomites Themselves, Sexual Deviants, Notorious Pedophiles & Corrupters of Boys(& Girls) !
People aren't accusing Obama of personally executing the three black homos in his church last year. They were executed for him. Obama is a puppet and the Illuminati will stand by him and treat him like, make him a God as long as he does their bidding. And he will.

We'll be as South Africa is now. Our lives will be micromanaged and taxed to a ridiculous degree; teenaged armed zealots will make sure we aren't using more than our share.

There's strength in numbers in a feudal society. Christians need to get together and practice Biblical all-things-common living while there is still time.

News Item11/8/08 1:11 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Vogue wrote:
This false assertion of Obama's citizenship has been deunked several times over! In fact, just last week, a judge threw out a similiar lawsuit.
It's never been debunked. True, courts have thrown it out -- but not because anything has been debunked, but because they refuse to allow the matter to even be discussed.

Andy Martin's lawsuit is not thrown out, and the state of Hawaii took a look at Obama's COLB, decided the suit has merit, and on November 17 his lawsuit will be heard.

Berg's lawsuit I'm not certain of, but I know Berg is taking it as high as he can until he can't take it any higher.

It's not over yet. Why doesn't Obama just reassure the people that he is in fact a naturalized citizen? Is that too hard? Even Bill Clinton has stated that Obama would make a good president, IF he is constitutionally qualified.

He is not a natural citizen, not even a naturalized citizen. He is not a citizen at all. He is an empty suit that was pulled out of obscurity by the Trilaterals because he has what they want, the right look, probably also the right breeding, meaning he is related to them somehow by birth.

All these people are related.

News Item11/7/08 9:45 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
In the interest of The TRUTH:
I must reveal to the Whole World about President Elect Obama's Choice for "Chief of Staff": Rahm Emanuel.

#5.I personally believe he's a "Closet" Sodomite who may very well Intensely Push the Sodomite/Gomorrahite Agenda in The Obama White House.

Anti Vaticanist, being from Chicago, what do you hear about Obama being a homosexual? Larry Sinclair claims he had trysts with him and smoked crack with him. What about the three homosexuals from Rev. Wright's church that were murdered execution style last year? Rev. Manning, a black pastor in Obama's neighborhood, can be googled up in a video where he claims Obama and Wright are both homosexuals and that the three men were murdered because they knew too much about Obama.

News Item11/7/08 8:15 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Obama's new chief of staff wants to take everybody's guns. America has given money to Israel so they could have guns, but now Mr. Emanuel, who has fought for Israel in the Israel army, whose first loyalty is to Israel, wants to take our guns away from us.

Why is the Obama administration so anxious to take away all of the guns of the American citizens, that he says we are clutching our guns and our Bibles? We hear that people are buying guns in droves.

Rahm Emanuel is the one who pushed through the ban on assault rifles under Clinton.

Chuckie Schumer wants Americans' guns grabbed away as well.

Rahm Emanual is pushing for the million man tattletale brigade of armed teens, which reminds me of the scenes of the Khmer Rouge marching the Cambodian citizens away to relocation in the film the Killing Fields.

Congress is strictly ceremonial, scared. America is now a dictatorship under international crime syndicate control.

When there is no food in the stores, no jobs, and roving gangs are prowling around killing and stealing, without guns to defend themselves people will be glad to have marshal law, to let themselves be carted off to FEMA camps.

Anybody who goes to one of those camps can expect NEVER to get out alive.

The place to go I hear is Brazil. Anyplace but

News Item11/7/08 4:15 PM
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Mike wrote:
If this doesn't happen, will you get a life?
I already have a life, and I'd like to keep it. What is so special about your life that you can disparage others as not having any?

I don't have a crystal ball, but if Joe Biden and Madeline Albright say there will be some kind of terrible "testing" of Obama in January, with Colin Powell even giving a specific date for what he warns is a "manufactured crisis," I'm going to take notice.

If you think the best reaction is to just laugh it off when people like this say these kind of things, live as though the world is not on the brink of WWIII, world government, famine, pestilance, and DEATH, you are the one who is in the wrong. The Bible says it is a sin to fail to see the signs of the times.

What makes you so sure the book of Revelation is for another time?

You do realize a financial coup has taken place in this country and that our new president is being handled by a Mossad agent. Don't you?

If these dire warnings by these people don't come to pass, it will be because enough people took them seriously and the powers that be realize they cannot pull off some kind of staged event and get away with it.

News Item11/7/08 2:22 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Excerpt from Wayne Madsen Report, 11/6/08:

November 6, 2008 -- Obama faced with security problem at outset of transition process

WMR has learned from informed U.S. intelligence sources that prospective Barack Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has an active FBI counter-intelligence file maintained on him. Emanuel's rise to the Chief of Staff position may pose a significant security problem for President-elect Obama if the FBI insists on conducting the full background security investigation normally required for senior White House officials.

Questions about Emanuel's links to the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, were allegedly so great that President Bill Clinton was forced to dismiss Emanuel from the White House staff in 1998............


Colin Powell and Joe Biden said there will be a huge crisis in January, and I'm hearing that is going to be an attack on Iran -- first a blockade and then an attack. Russia will retaliate.

This means at the least, the draft, at the most that most of the people in the U.S. will die from Russia's nukes.

News Item11/7/08 11:34 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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enough already wrote:
.. where did you get your definition of zionism? The Arab/Muslims detest Zionism..
I also detest it.

Zionists like Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, are racists, believe themselves "chosen," literally the personification of God on earth by way of their genetics. Zionists claim the right to own and run the world.

Zionist international bankers provacateur wars, finance both sides, build and crash economies to further their aims. Their agents infiltrate governments and manipulate the revenue, resources, weapons and human cannon fodder to bring on the NWO and install their phony antichrist messiah in Jerusalem.

The House of Rothschild, controlling the wealth of the world today, founded Israel and controls it today. The so-called star of David is the Rothschild coat of arms, an occult symbol of great power to Luciferians.

Zionists hate Jesus and Christians with a raging hatred and are proud of their part in the crucifixion of Jesus, believe Mary a whore and claim Jesus is a scoundrel burning in Hell.

Zionist religion is Luciferian, comes straight out of Babylon, contained in the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabala, from which all secret societies take their doctrine.

News Item11/7/08 2:25 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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The Repugs and Dems are two sides of the same coin.

The evil things the neocons did that the Demonrats formerly condemned are now embraced by the Demonrats with Obama leading.

And the same evil things the neoCONs did under Bush which were and are supported by the Repugs, will now be condemned by the Repugs under Obaaama.

When will people realize the left/right paradigm is a big dog and pony show, that both parties are owned by the same people; that the president, regardless of party, has no power but is just a puppet of the Luciferians?

If Obama does not do exactly as he is told to do, he will be ruined, destroyed. They have so much dirt on him they can ruin him in one day. And as we can see from what happened to JFK, there is also assassination.

As long as Obama plays his part well, he'll be exalted by his puppet masters and their controlled media. The murders already done on his behalf (the three homos in Wright's church in Chicago done execution style last year), his coke habit, his bisexuality -- all will be covered with a blanket of silence. Obama will be exalted with halos and media hype, just as Bush was.

As long as he does as he's told. And he will, because Obama is corrupt, as Bush; Black Pharaoh reincarnation of Osiris per Illuminati pagan beliefs.

News Item11/7/08 1:32 AM
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enough already wrote:
Why do you defend the Muslim faith, which does NOT follow the word of the God of the bible? This is a Christian website, most who post here follow Jesus Christ, who do you follow banned?
Just because I don't advocate Shock and Aweing the Arabs doesn't mean I'm a Muslim. I have to favor killing everybody who doesn't agree with my theology or my faith is suspect by people such as yourself?

Zionism is the belief that it's okay to kill, steal from, and destroy anybody who isn't just like you, to take over the world and run it at your pleasure. Are you a Zionist? Is that why you call yourself "enough already."

Brigades of troops are being brought back for marshal law in America. Psychocops, psychosoldiers and psychokillers turned on the Americans. Our constitution has been trashed and our economy ruined and America has turned into a rogue nation of killers, a police state at home.

Your warmongering, hate-filled, ignorant statements aren't welcome or appreciated.

News Item11/6/08 7:55 PM
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enough already, why does it upset you that the Muslims are hoping for peace with Obama?

Paul Watson reports on Obama's Zionist chief of staff Rahm Emanual on Alex Jones site: "after the 1996 re-election of Bill Clinton, Rahm Emanuel “Was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting ‘Dead! … Dead! … Dead!’ and plunging the knife into the table after every name.” Sounds like a nice guy.

"Rahm Emanuel is also an enthusiastic supporter of the United States Public Service Academy Act, a lobbying group founded in 2006 in order to promote the foundation of an American public service academy modeled on the military academies - a youth corps whose students would be trained in “civilian internship in the armed forces”.

"This rings the alarm bells when we recall Obama’s pledge to create a “civilian national security force” that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military.

"A creepy You Tube video of a brown-shirt style Obama youth brigade chanting and marching military style emerged last month, raising fears about where the messianic cult-like status of Obama’s image could eventually lead."

News Item11/6/08 7:11 PM
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enough already wrote:
There is a much deeper issue concerning Barack Obama;
Hey,if Obama is going to lay off the poor people of Iran and Iraq, I'm all for it. But I doubt it. Obaaahma's first appointment is Rahm Emanual as chief-of-staff, the son of a member of the Zionist terrorist group Irgun, which was responsible for bombing hotels, marketplaces as well as the infamous Deir Yassin massacre, in which hundreds of Palestinian villagers were slaughtered.

Irgun has been labeled a terrorist organization by both The New York Times newspaper and by the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry.

Obama is a NWO stooge ready to blow up the planet for Israel and bring on their phony antichrist Messiah. The Trilaterals are looking to start a war with Russia and China.

Is the reason you seem to be slathering for war with the Muslims because they have no weapons to defend themselves?

This is supposed to be Christian?

Whatever happened to the desire for peace on earth? I guess when the bombs start dropping on us we will know how the people in Iraq and Afghanistan feel, won't we?

Shame on you.

Survey11/6/08 6:56 PM
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Christiana wrote:
It's interesting how the secular, or New Age world, and the Christian world can see the same happenings occurring, but obviously attribute those happenings to different sources.
The Georgia Guidestones erected by the Illuminati in the '80s in Elberton, Georgia, announce their goal to reduce world population to 500 million, annihilate 6 billion of us.

Alex Jones has a film on-line called Endgame, which describes the plan of the Illuminati eugenicists to do just that with their present wars, with the mercury in the vaccines, the GM food, the chemtrails, aspartame, and gulags.

The United States is at the top of the list for population purging. The Luciferians are going for broke, as we have seen recently in their financial coup.

Bush was bad, came close to depopulating the planet with WWIII. The neocons have passed the baton to the "left path" to take the conflict to Russia and China.

Russia has 20,000 nukes. Most of us in the U.S. will be dead in 30 minutes when the war breaks out.

The Bible says, Woe to the inhabitants of the world for Satan has come down to you in great wrath because he knows his time is short. When God's judgments kick in, we'll thank him for relief and defense against a literal hell on earth.

Survey11/6/08 5:57 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Nathan wrote:
The rapture concept is a Jesuit construct promoted by both Jesuit plants and dupes for the last 200 years.
Actually Scofield, who has done more than anybody to enshrine the imminent rapture heresy, was a Rothschild agent. Check it out on the net.

And the Great Tribulation has not been going on for 2000 years. Jesus said it would be a time more horrible than the earth has ever seen or ever will see and unless that time were shortened there would not one person be left alive.

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