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News Item10/2/18 6:49 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I think the Daily Briefing with Al Mohler, Kevin Swanson on this site do a good job. For a middle east report I listen to Prophesy Today with Jimmy Deyoung, Line of Fire with Dr. Michael brown. Also Wretched Radio with Todd Friel for evangelism encouragement. I used to listen to Janet Mefferd, but her opinions on Dr. James White from ruined her for me.

News Item9/29/18 5:23 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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We can't really know until we get it in our hands.

I'm meeting with a 3 self church leader who is my good friend and a real faithful believer soon. I think the young generation don't use printed bibles anyway, but android apps.
There aren't that many of them either... most 3 self churches are made up of old people.

News Item9/28/18 5:43 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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For the past few years (let's say 2011) the persecution was light, hence why you have so many underground churches and pastors coming out now, they could have buildings without much problems. The persecution that we saw were the removal of crosses from catholic churches, and putting up the countries national flags, and installing cameras at the entrances. The persecution happening now is destruction of registered churches, and putting up idols of communists inside the church. The grip is getting stronger, the squeeze tighter, the escalation of persecution quicker.

And the underground church did struggle with communism, and racism, hence why it's reaping what it sowed. Very few mainland Chinese Christians cared for anyone but China. And that is a FACT.

News Item9/27/18 10:12 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I see, I think I mean commercial, more like passenger trains that help people get from one city to another. Going to an embassy in a different city would be very nice.

There used to be greyhound buses, but I haven't used them since childhood.

News Item9/27/18 12:38 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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What do you guys think about the railway in your country, do you use it to get around? I think investment in commercial trains has completely declined in North America

News Item9/27/18 12:32 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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This story becomes sadder if you have ever worshiped with local Nigerian Christians before... 3 years I have interacted with African students in my uni, and I don't consider any of them saved, for they believe in a gospel of works, or salvation by baptism, oneness pentacoastals, Seven day Adventists and prosperity preaching.

News Item9/27/18 12:26 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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This is a really good and encouraging article, I think for the first time (at least for me) we have a clear statement of faith, which was always missing from other articles that were highlighting the persecution.

I truly believe these believers were always bold, but some western news sites wanted to paint them in a different light, make it politically motivated rather than spiritually and theologically.

News Item9/26/18 7:02 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Let's also pray that such dangerous jobs would be wiped out, or at least become safer. Pray for Indonesia, we don't know what these lamp keepers did do deserve this dangerous life that none of us would ever want. What do we do with the grace that God has given to us westerners? Something to think about for this upcoming sunday worship at your church.

News Item9/26/18 6:36 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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With so much fake news, I believe we are forced now to read articles instead of just trusting the headlines, hidden away in this article is this quote that says it's not always biological reasons...

"Other potential causes for the gap suggested by the researchers include peer pressure on boys to behave in a more masculine way and the increased frequency of behavioral problems amongst boys that may delay their learning."

News Item9/23/18 8:33 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It's happening very rapidly, for the most part last year the persecution was politically motivated, with groups like China Aid siding with cults to promote democracy under guise of religious persecution, now it's quickly becoming spiritually motivated, a real anti-Christian mentality.

1 Peter encourages persecuted believers, that there is a place waiting for them, and the pain in this life is short lived, compared to eternity in heaven.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, (1 Peter 1:3, 4 ESV)

Thanks to all who are praying for china.

Sermon9/16/18 11:34 PM
Youth in Asia | China  Contact via emailFind all comments by Youth in Asia
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“ Your offer to help someone is nice ”
I don't struggle with suicide, but I really appreciate your offer at the end of the podcast. I still have on my old phone a podcast of yours from 2012, where you said the same thing for any pastor who struggles. Many times I've been thinking of emailing your church, but even though your offer to help is genuine, I have this fear of being just another Internet person, a nobody, just an unknown, coming from the online world and connecting with the real world, I fear I won't be able to relate. But I will try someday

News Item9/12/18 2:14 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It's my home, I live in China. At least during persecution the realities of the bible are clearly seen, instead of being hidden away by perceived safety. Spiritual safety versus physical safety.

News Item8/31/18 7:26 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Life becomes very limited to most drop outs, it's a cruel world, ask anyone working at the food bank or a homeless shelter.

News Item8/31/18 9:08 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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not sure if that post about christopher is a joke or bullying, i guess herein lies the challenge to discern such things. Can you imagine being a public school teacher dealing with things like that?

As a young boy I often skipped classes, more than normal.As a teacher now, I often see myself in some students, though I understand how they feel, I'm powerless to help. It's not that encouragement is not available or offered, but it's that it's never taken. Kids prefer help from other kids, or gangs.

News Item8/29/18 9:22 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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No, thank you for caring!

I often don't love living here, the constant evil, and sin, real life slavery, rascism, the constant cheating and theft, and thought control since everything is monitored, cameras everywhere.

But I have friends from Africa and Ukraine, where life is much more hard, so much so that most of them find jobs as dancers in Chinese bars, hoping to make ends meet in the prostitution industry, because white and black are considered exotic.

I recently learned that word Apostle in Latin means missionary, people who are sent. I meet so many missionaries who are ignorant, unprepared, and unteachable. And they get financial support to be tourists.

But in all of this, I have grown in my relationship with God, Opening the bible and studying is not a chore, I can relate with so many things Jesus and the apostles went through, that it's cool to see the Bible speak to me!

News Item8/28/18 9:12 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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There are many things to be concerned about in this article, but this one stands out:

"“Party members who have religious belief should have strengthened thought education. If they still don’t change after help and education from the party organization, they should be encouraged to leave the party,” the new rules say."

We know that "help and education" part means re-education prison camps that house about a million minority Uyghur today.

A normal Chinese person can lie and get out of most persecutions and accept corruption as is their way of life, but
I don't know what will happen to Christians, hopefully their testimony shine brightly.

News Item8/28/18 3:25 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I apologize if I misunderstood that "I'm homeschooled", it seemed like it meant that homeschoolers are better at reading than public school goers.

News Item8/28/18 9:42 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Glad you are reading, but get out that elitist "I'm homeschooled" attitude.

People get their reading fix from website articles, and forum posts. Not to mention various video games with huge amounts of text.

Youngsters have stopped reading books, but they have not stopped reading.

Writing is an art form, something that most 500 page novels don't get.

Combine that with the evolution of the english language, which makes most classic books simply a chore to read.

How about asking how many of them read Manga this year? Most read equivalent to a small novel.

News Item8/28/18 9:03 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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And yet I see many people remain in the church. Anyone who has invested their whole life supporting a lie, financially, prayerfuly, physically, simply can't leave it. I have always angered many people with my claim that the Catholic church is the worlds largest cult. When I was young I would read the Left Behind series of books, and it would always mention the Pope getting raptured! Many protestants believed the popes were saved, which is sad.

News Item8/27/18 12:13 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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First, Sad sad day. I saw the video, horrible.

second, Gotta admit this does not look too good for people who argue for gun ownerships.

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