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News Item12/27/13 5:07 AM
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That's it !!!!!!

Remember 'A bible Christian Who Made Believe'?
He had a superhero messenger called JV that used to travel to hell and back through a portal somewhere on route66. JV had had all these special powers and was privy to secret supernatural information.

JV is Joshua Valez.

News Item12/26/13 4:36 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
[URL=]]]Hail Mary?[/URL] SteveR? You might find this interesting, [URL=]]]The Biblical, Catholic, and Occult View of Mary[/URL].
You picked that up too in SteveR's post.
He was setting up for the Roman Mary.

News Item12/25/13 5:47 AM
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My Lord and my Savior. My redeemer.
If only I would know you like you out to be known.
If only I would love you like you out to be loved.
But I always get on my way. For I love ME more then I love you. And forfeit the truelove for a counterfeit one.

I would have perished in my ignorance had you not come looking for me. But now I will never know all those things you took upon yourself in my stead.

If there's one thing I want to be known for, is that 'he loves his Jesus'.

News Item12/24/13 2:26 AM
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Observer wrote:
..till we meet again..
that's a certainty. If not here, then in heaven for sure with the rest of the faithfull.
God bless you all.

News Item12/18/13 5:48 PM
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Ahem wrote:
A household may include infants, and it may not include them. It cannot, then, give evidence on this point. In such a case, the extent of the baptism must be determined by the commission.
A simple yet great lesson on forms of speech.

Stating the obvious that should have been so obvious. Sheesh paedo's!

When people look down the block and say that "that's a christian family" they employ a form of speech that generalises overlooking the punk rock teenage son that listens to Metallica and Slayer.

News Item12/18/13 5:13 PM
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We CAN pray that the Lord had granted Harold Camping grace and mercy.

Better yet, WE should pray for all those whom God gives us the opportunity to now, while THEY still have the opportunity.
Death is a horrible thing for those who are lost.

News Item12/18/13 3:23 PM
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objective wrote:
Think about it UPS. All that GOD reveals and records in Scripture is the term "Household" (Lets stick to God's Word alone) - No detail of ages because they are not required. Now question for you Ups, What age of humans can you find in "household" ???
The call was to "repent and be baptised". I always saw that as the age that the bible gave for any and all in any hosehold that got baptised. THAT"S THE SCRIPTURAL REQUISITION FOR BAPTISM.

So you see, the bible doe's give the age then!

Now a real simple question:

Why do we baptise infant girls?

And why did peter ask Jews, (who had circumcised their children to claim Abrahams promise), to then baptise those children in Acts 2:39 to claim Abrahams promise?

News Item12/18/13 2:52 PM
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MWicks wrote:
The church building that we meet at burnt down just about 15 months ago. One of our elders said he was praying that our church would be on fire for the Lord, but this is not what he had in mind!

All things do indeed work out though.

News Item12/17/13 11:55 PM
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Hate Cristianity, will he defend an American?

News Item12/17/13 6:15 PM
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SteveR wrote:
Jeremiah 10:3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. Jeremiah 10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not
Really Steve, Roman Catholicism gave us Jeremiah 10:3,4 Christmass?

What, not halloween too? RC gave us that too?
What's wrong with praying to the dead, that's the ALL SAINTS DAY?
Right Steve.

News Item12/17/13 5:57 PM
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Well the WCF cleverly plays both sides.
That infant baptism saves, or maybe not.

It says the batized are saved

WCF wrote:
Baptism is "to be unto him a sign and seal of the covenant of grace,[3] of his ingrafting into Christ,[4] of regeneration,[5] of remission of sins,[6] and of his giving up unto God, through Jesus Christ, to walk in the newness of life"
- they are regenrated/forgiven/ingrafted in Christ/to walk in newness of life with Christ.

That's a saved person!!!

But then again it's forced to concede they are baptizing unregenerates!

WCF wrote:
But not "[14] all that are baptized are undoubtedly regenerated".
Paedo's scripture references are of no help.
Their sermons are filled with soppy tearjerkers of, "what about our children? whould God forget our children? doesn't He love em more in the new testament?" Lets baptize them all!

Does that help any serious look at the subject? No!

God has already given the parents the reponsibilty of bringing up children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. There's no call for any special magic water, just a call to dedicate all & in bringing up godly children.

News Item12/17/13 5:01 PM
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SteveR wrote:
SA has a crowd that believes that a Catholic once saved could never ever stay in the RCC, yet they believe the saved could do all these horrible acts. Is your idea really that the Spirit only controls what Church they attend?
You've got to be kidding!
Are you sure you've read the bible and understood the born-again new regenerative nature of a believer?

Biliever can stumble in sin multiple times but will not remain in his sin because his new nature will not be comfortable to remain at odds with the Holy Spirt. We have grace and forgiveness for when we stumble.

As act of continual, habitual rebellious state of being, say like remaining in a satanist church, is not sign of regeneration.

Hope it helps Steve

News Item12/17/13 4:39 PM
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a macDonald wrote:
We cannot just say all Roman Catholics are lost.
I can only speak of my own conversion as a miracle of grace.
They're not lost except they still need to be saved through the conversion you went through.

You end up right back at square one with everyone else here.

News Item12/17/13 4:16 PM
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Can this pastors wife claim that her husband is a gay muslim who belongs to the Nigerian death squad killing Christians?

If she wants Obamas help!

News Item12/17/13 3:07 PM
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objective wrote:
"The children of believers are heirs of all the promises of the covenant....This is supported by four things:

Christ regards children as members of the Matthew 19:13

Peter does this at Pentecost, Acts2:39 and Paul does it with the Philippian jailer, Acts16:31.

In 1Cor7:14, Paul affirms that the children of believers are holy." (Jason A. Van Bemmel)

1Cor7:14 says the unbelieving spouse is sanctified. And the children are already holy before baptism

If children of believers are heirs of the covenant, Mathew 19:13 Jesus says ALL children (as you point out) are already members of the covenant without baptism.

In Acts 2:39, Peter is calling circumcised and already covenanted people to now get baptised
Oh no no no!! Acording to you, Jewish circumcisn was not valid!

Acts16:31 The Jailers household got saved. If you're right then no confession of faith was required except from one beliving jailer. Every believing & nonbeliving adult & child in that household recieved baptism without consent.

News Item12/17/13 1:23 PM
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Appealing to historical practice is not "proof" that pedo is legitemate.
It is legitemate if it was a practice esablished by God. This is what we contend.

There's no doubt that all kinds of pagan practices were rife even before the start of the Christian church. When the church started, paganism tried to come alongside and creep into the church. Look at Semiramus's babylonia, already present from before the time of the appostles, it lives on now via Romanism.

Some of the worst and most rapid corruptions were happening whithin the first 100 yrs.

Going back is not "proof". Proof is, that we have the true and pure form that was given by our Lord to His church.

Paganism always tried to override wherever it came into contact with Gods truth. It's true that Anabaptists look like a new upstart because they were the minority that wanted to keep to the truth against a widespread paganism that rode alongside some of the corrupted churches & could claimed that it had always been around!

We examine the bible to see what God had given His church to practise. The paedo's on the other hand do it backwords. They find people and groups in history with these pagan practices and find verses for it. That's why they don't ref the bible, or their verses look forced & out of place.

News Item12/17/13 11:57 AM
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SteveR wrote:
"We believe that the Pope of Rome is anti-Christian, not the Antichrist"
Aw shuks Steve, that's great progress. Let's all "like" the pope on his facebook now!

News Item12/17/13 11:31 AM
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Please pray for this family.

Matthew 19:29
"And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life"

News Item12/16/13 11:09 PM
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objective wrote:
Ge17:7,l0-11; Ro4:11: Mt28:19-20; Acts 2:38-39;10:47-48h Deutl0:16;30:6; Jer4:4; 9:25-26; Ez44:7,9;?Ro2:28-29 ?Baptism: Acts 2:38-39;22:16; Col2:11; Ga3:27,29;?1Pe3:21; Ti3:5-6 ?3. Ro4:11 ?Baptism: Mt3:13-17; Acts22:16 ?4. Deut10:16;30:6; Jer4:4;9:25-26; Acts15:1; Ro2:26-29; Col2:11-12.
When a person believed God in the Old Testament, what happened? Ans: He was circumcised.
What was the outward event representing the clean heart in the Old Testament? Ans: Circumcision. ?What was the outward sign that marked entry into the community of believers in the OT? Ans: Circumcision.
Now replace the words "Old Testament" with "New Testament," asking the same questions:
When a person believed God in the NT, what "happened? Ans: He was baptized.
What was the outward event representing the clean heart in the NT? Ans: Baptism
What was the outward sign that marked a person's entry into the community of believers in NT? Ans: Baptism.
None of those verses support infant baptism.


Why did Peter ask circumcised Jews to be bsptised. Why did they need both?

Where is the aothrity to baptize infant girls?

News Item12/16/13 5:03 PM
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Wanted to get those points out of the way because Lurker's question is the one most pertinent to understanding why paedo baptism is senseless. If baptism is a one-to-one changeover from circumcisen then Lurker's question cannot be answered.

Don't look to Gal 3:28. That's talking about us meeting all the requirement of the law in Christ. There's no distinction, all are now sufficiently met in Christ. Exactly the opposite point of what you're making.

'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ'.

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