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News Item6/10/09 5:14 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Postage wrote:
Oh look an arminian response!

And *Wesley* John UK accepts it.
No surprise there fellas.

If admitting that the unregenerate has an awareness of his sin(s) -- [[even though his feeble awareness is nowhere near what is necessary for him then to desire and seek salvation]] -- makes one an Arminian, then count me IN as one of the Jacobus A. Boys!

(I feel "dirty" for saying that. Oh well. I'll get over it.)

News Item6/10/09 4:25 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
If we ourselves hold that catechisms, commentaries, opinions, other writings, being of man, do not carry the same authority as the Scripture, we cannot condemn RC's for removing the 2nd commandment from the Scripture if they have not done so in their official bibles, even if they have done so in the catechism. Best you can do is say their catechism is wrong on it
*Mike* | New York --

You're quite right about the Catholic NAB & Douay-Rheims containing the 2nd Commandment.

BUT, you are forgetting an EXTREMELY important fact: the RCC does NOT play by the same rules as does Protestantism! The RCC doesn't hold to "Sola Scriptura." As a matter of fact, Tradition and particularly the Magisterium TRUMP anything Scripture has to say in that it has the SOLE power of interpreting the Scriptures. IOW, if the RC Magisterium teaches that the 2nd commandment is: "You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain" and teaches the same in its RC approved Catechism, then THAT'S WHAT THEIR DOCTRINE IS regardless of what's in their NABs and Douay-Rheims bibles!

For as long as I can remember, the RC Church has taught that the Biblical 2nd commandment was OUT and that the 9th was not to covet your neighbor's wife & the 10th was not to covet goods.

News Item6/10/09 3:52 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Postage wrote:
Short answer is no!
So, in essence, you are saying that the unregenerate is TOTALLY oblivious to his sins. Is that about right? He has NO awareness of his sins whatsoever. Correct?

News Item6/10/09 3:05 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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*Postage* --

You are dodging a very POINTED question asked of you by both *Mike* | New York and myself, that is:

"Does the unregenerate man have an awareness of his sins?"

Additionally, if he does, to what extent is this awareness?

Or is he completely oblivious to his sins?

Please answer succinctly, directly, and clearly. BTW, this is NOT a "trick question." It's asked for clarification.

News Item6/10/09 2:28 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Tony Lopez-Cisneros wrote:
I Know Not Why Sermonaudio Removed A Bible Christian Who Believes' Posting Below
Buenos tardes, Señor Tony Lopez-Cisneros!

Perhaps your alter ego -- *A Bible Christian Who Believes* -- was given yet another SermonAudio "timeout" for having a sticky CAPS LOCK key on his keyboard. Typing posts in mostly ALL CAPS is akin to yelling and is verboten as far as SermonAudio is concerned. It's not nice. It's contrary to sound, Christian etiquette. Posts in mostly ALL CAPS are subject to removal.

It's evident from your response here that you haven't gotten that message yet.


News Item6/10/09 11:07 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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From the article comes this:

"Violent jihad returned to America last week....
How many other mosques are there like this in the United States? In 2008, the Center for Security Policy’s Mapping Sharia in America Project found that seventy-five percent (75%) of American mosques were preaching jihad. Muhammad’s [killing] attack and his possible connection to the Masjid Omar Ibn El Khattab indicates that jihad violence on American soil is still a very real possibility. As the Obama administration continues its attempts to build bridges to the Islamic world, it should not lose sight of the fact that the jihad here at home is far from over."

You can bet that the Obama Administration will keep under wraps as many of these acts of "jihad" as possible. It's very probable that many more killings in the name of Allah and "jihad" WILL occur on American soil in the next few years with increasing frequency.

News Item6/9/09 5:39 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Michael Hranek wrote:
John Yurich USA ... etc., etc.
*Michael Hranek* --

Sad to say, but we are ALL barking up the wrong tree with this guy *John Yurich*.

How many years has he been posting here on SermonAudio the same-old, same-old?

The thing is, he's quite comfortable where he is. As far as he's concerned, he has "all the bases covered." He can claim to be BOTH a Roman Catholic, and a Christian.

He doesn't realize that fellow Catholics who know what he's all about (like *Lance Eccles* and *GG*) reject him as a brother and proclaim him a heretic. Likewise, he doesn't realize that "Protestants" won't have him either because he holds on to the whore of Babylon and her practices.

But WORST of all, he doesn't realize that GOD will more than likely eternally reject him and his duplicity if he continues to play some sort of hypocritical, "religious" game.

And that's all that matters.

The man's in DANGEROUS territory.

News Item6/9/09 8:54 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
Sometimes POSTAGE IS ADDED. Postage originally said what we thought he said, that the sinner CANNOT perceive his sin, (being dead in sins) not that he didn't understand the extent of it
*Mike* | New York --

It probably isn't worth arguing the point, but, I read his 2 initial posts a little differently. *Postage* mentioned that the Arminian attitude toward sin was that it was just "a mild headache". IOW, sin was perceived, but not in its full-blown terribleness. In his next post, he says:
"If you know sin and what it REALLY communicates in relation to being redeemed by the Saviour, then your eyes have been opened by divine hands."

Notice the word **REALLY**

Maybe *Postage* will show up and tell us PRECISELY -- in no uncertain terms -- what he believes concerning the unregenerate's view toward sin. I doubt he will say that the unregenerate is TOTALLY unaware of it.

But maybe I'm wrong ... again.

News Item6/8/09 6:48 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Postage wrote:
They are blind sinners, sinning, who cannot perceive sin and its effect to blind them from seeking the true path/way of confession.
Psalm 107:17 Fools *BECAUSE* of their transgression, and *BECAUSE* of their iniquities, are afflicted.
Very Good explanation.
You have refined your point well!

They [RCs going to confession] have an awareness of their sins and their sinfulness, but they can't come to grips with the EXTENT of it all, i.e., Total Depravity.

I think that's just about what *John UK* was saying when he posted that he KNEW that he was a sinner 10 years before he was regenerated & converted. At that time, however, he just didn't realize the depths and pervasiveness of his fallen condition.

BTW, from what I can tell, you might have jumped on him needlessly about being an Arminian.

News Item6/8/09 5:51 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:

I'm not sure if you are agreeing with my post or not, (he can perceive his sinfulness) so I don't know how to answer.

I'm in whole-hearted agreement with you on this point, *Mike* | New York.

Survey6/8/09 5:47 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
I am more comforted in trusting God's character, John. And I might agree in part with what you said about him not being under any obligation to save a single soul, but for this: He is under obligation to his own character, which is just, loving, and incapable of error. In the creation of humans, we have to either say he made a mistake, or he didn't. God doesn't make mistakes, therefore he must for that reason alone save some. He is not under obligation to us, but he is to himself. THERE IS NO SCENARIO POSSIBLE WHERE HE WOULD CHOOSE NOT TO SAVE A SINGLE SOUL

Please explain why, then, He chose NOT to save one, single fallen angel. Not a one.

News Item6/8/09 5:25 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
If, Mr Stamp, you think the sinner in his natural estate cannot perceive his sin, you are a bit in error. That is a little different than receiving not the things of the spirit. It's in the Book.
*Mike* --

If a sinner in his natural estate can NOT perceive his sinfulness/sins, then what are all those millions of unregenerate Roman Catholics doing going to confessional booths?

News Item6/8/09 11:23 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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GG wrote:
The Pope has a member of his entourage that hears his confession. .. Nowhere did Jesus say: "Just tell the Man upstairs and you're good to go!"
John writes: "If we confess our sins, **HE** is faithful and righteous to forgive .." [1Jn 1:9] This was written in 90-95 A.D. WAY before there was a priestly caste. So what was John the Apostle writing about when he wrote this "confess[ing] our sins"? To whom were they to be confessed? To a priest? There were no "priests" in John's day! There was no sacrament of confession then! Augustine wrote in his *Confessions*:
"I shall confess my sins TO GOD, and he will pardon all my iniquities." Funny, but someone should have reminded Augustine in A.D. 398 to go tell it to a priest!

In all the book of Acts and in ALL the epistles, you couldn't find a shred of evidence that showed the "sacrament" of confession. Closest you could come would be James 5:16 -- "Confess your faults one to another". This is a FAR cry from some confessional booth!

The NT teaches that believers are a "holy priesthood" and a "royal priesthood." [1Pet 2:5-9] "A kingdom [of] priests" [Rev 1:6, 5:10] We go DIRECTLY and confidently to the throne of grace and mercy! [Heb 4:16] A believer's "confession booth" is open for business 24/7/365!

News Item6/8/09 8:22 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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GG wrote:
Actually, Catholics do believe in: "Only Christ", "Only Grace", "Only Faith (provided its formed by Charity), an "To God alone is the glory". The bible itself is against "Only Faith". Read James 2:24. So Jim is a lair
*GG* --
You have as much understanding about works as they relate to faith as you do about "eat My flesh and drink My blood." Zilch.

RCs love to point to James 2:24 and cry out: "See?! See?!" as if this verse was written in isolation from all that James says about works & faith elsewhere in his epistle.

James is NOT contradicting Paul who writes that a man is justified by faith. [Rom 3:28, 5:1, Gal 2:16, 3:24] Rather, that the OUTWORKING of faith is good works. Faith is PERFECTED by works. [James 2:22] Paul says much the same thing. [1Thes 1:3, Gal 5:6]

Man is justified by faith alone, but faith is never alone. That's the idea. Both James and Paul in several places show the true CHARACTER of the faith which justifies. It's not sterile; it's not lifeless; it's not alone. It manifests itself by works -- good works are SYMPTOMATIC of the faith which alone justifies.

If faith PLUS works were true, then just how many good works would be necessary for justification? Sorry, but the RC system just doesn't WORK.

News Item6/7/09 5:29 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Here you Evangelical Protestants go again stating that one can not be Born Again and be Catholic. If a Catholic becomes Born Again by receiving Jesus as their Personal Savior and repudiates and rejects the unscriptural Catholic doctrines and UNSCRIPTURAL PARTS TO THE MASS, DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE UNSCRIPTURAL PARTS TO THE MASS, adheres only to the scriptural Catholic doctrines and PARTICIPATES IN ONLY THE SCRIPTURAL PARTS TO THE MASS, then they are just as saved as Evangelical Protestants. Do you Evangelical Protestants actually believe that when everybody stands before the Lord Jesus after they pass away that He will require for entrance into Heaven that everybody had belonged to an Evangelical Protestant Church in addition to having received Him as their Personal Savior? You guys must if you keep harping that when someone becomes Born Again that they have to leave the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and unite with an Evangelical Protestant Church. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that church membership is required for going to Heaven
So at what points during the MASS do you stick your fingers in your ears and chant: "Lalalalalala"? Or do you leave then return, leave then return, etc.?

News Item6/6/09 6:04 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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GG wrote:
If Catholics are cannibals then it's only because Jesus teaches cannibalism in John 6
*GG* --

Just a little follow up on:

You Roman Catholics fail to realize that when Jesus told the Jews of His day that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to have eternal life, He was saying something, if taken LITERALLY, would be in DIRECT OPPOSITION to the Law of Moses.

Leviticus 17:10-14 Strictly forbids the drinking (eating) of blood under penalty of DEATH.

The "eating of His flesh" and the "drinking of His blood" is our finding (believing) in Christ's sacrifice on the cross our VERY LIFE. His cross is as vital to our eternal life as food and drink is to sustaining physical life. That's the metaphor which is involved here, *GG*. We "eat and drink of his flesh and blood" by BELIEVING in Christ and the efficacy of His death for us unto the forgiveness of our sins.

Christ NEVER meant for men to think (or believe) that by gobbling down communion wafers -- which other men brainwashed them into believing was the actual body and blood of Christ -- that by doing so they were obtaining for themselves eternal life! What utter foolishness!

News Item6/6/09 12:03 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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GG wrote:
If Catholics are cannibals then it's only because Jesus teaches cannibalism in John 6. The Romans accused the Christians, who died before Nero, of cannbalism.... he blithly drops that Divine part of the Gospel of John out of his belief system because it doesn't fit. Who is more faithful to scripture? Catholics who use all the "inspired" books and believe what it clear states, or Jim, who agreed to drop seven books and mangles the others in his disbelief?
*GG* --

Funny thing about those 7 "inspired" books of the OT: not even the Jews themselves (who WROTE them) include any of the Apocrypha in their canon of Scripture!

And if Jesus meant that men should LITERALLY eat his flesh and LITERALLY drink his blood in order to have eternal life, the Apostles and disciples of Jesus, upon hearing this, should have taken out their knives and forks and started carving Him up on the spot!

But in explanation of what Jesus just said about eating His flesh and drinking His blood He went on to say:

"IT IS THE SPIRIT WHO GIVES LIFE; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you ARE SPIRIT and are life." [John 6:63]

Jesus was NOT pointing to some future "Hocus Pocus" performed during some formalistic Mass invented many centuries later!

News Item6/6/09 11:30 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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GG wrote:
The Deceivers are those who image that God is so narrow, and emotionally crippled that he can only love an person of an equally narrow theology. Imagine for a minute..your father or Mother only loves you so long as you belong to their approved social network. Is this what passes for love to a Fundamentalist? Then God deliver me from that particular mental illness. Is this the true God? When even the lowest, most unworthy human being is capable so much more love and compassion than your dried up, withered version of a dysfunctional dictator-god. Give yourself a break. You don't want Catholicism, least don't settler for 'Ebenezer Scrooge' in a little, gaudy, god suite. **The real God offers forgiveness, acceptance, and Freedom, SO LONG AS you love him with your: whole heart, whole mind, all your strength, and your neighbor as youself. And that's it!** The rest is Phariseeical Denominational poppycock
*GG* --

You say that:
"The real God offers forgiveness, acceptance, and Freedom, SO LONG AS you love him with your: whole heart, whole mind, all your strength, and your neighbor as youself. And that's it!"

Tell me, *GG*, do you do this?

And IF you do, I would suppose that eliminates any necessity for the Cross. Is that about right?

News Item6/5/09 7:40 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
DJC, isn't it interesting that the just shall live by faith, but we cannot be justified IN THE FIRST PLACE without it?

Romans 5:1
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"

When I think of faith and the part it has in the initial stages of salvation, my mind goes to Luke 6:6-10 -- Jesus restoring the man with the withered RIGHT hand. First Jesus had to give the command: "Stretch out your hand." And then, in faith, the man stretched it out.
On the other hand, there are other incidents in the NT where it seems that one's faith PRECEDED the miracle!

Here's something to chew on ...
"justified by faith" (right?)

In other Scriptures we find that we are:
justified by our WORDS -- Matt 12:37
justified freely by his GRACE -- Rom 3:24
justified by His BLOOD -- Rom 5:9
justified by the faith *OF* Christ -- Gal 2:16
justified by CHRIST -- Gal 2:17
justified by his GRACE -- Tit 3:7
by WORKS ... and not by faith only -- Jam 2:24

And Jesus Christ was:
raised again for our justification -- Rom 4:25

IOW, there's something MUCH more going on concerning salvation (particularly about justification) than just an incident of faith on the part of the sinner.

News Item6/5/09 4:52 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
a) DJC49, appreciate your thoughtful post

b) That's not an answer, Raindrops. What I'm trying to find out is, what does the elect believer do with the faith that "is the result of the new birth" as posted by Post Grad quoting Spurgeon? In other words, WHAT DOES THE REGENERATE PERSON DO WITH THIS FAITH THAT FOLLOWS THE NEW BIRTH, IN TERMS OF SALVATION?

a) You're quite welcome.

b) According to Scripture, he continues to walk in it! Daily.

Just one example:

Rom 1:17
"For therein is the righteousness of God revealed FROM FAITH TO FAITH: as it is written, The just shall LIVE by faith."

Faith is NOT a one-time, got-my-salvation-now-I-can-move-on-with-my- life kind of deal. Rather, it's a daily, lifetime walk right up to the very end. Scripture is abundantly clear on this point and speaks on multiple occasions of continuing on in the faith.

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