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News Item12/7/08 2:14 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Take heed wrote:
Here's Alberto Rivera on Catholic origin of Islam:
Rivera is a deceiver and WRONG!
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Here is a link that contains irrefutable proof that Alberto Rivera was who he said he was, a high level ex-Jesuit priest who knew a lot of things the Catholic Church never wanted anybody to know -- including the history of Islam, how the Catholics invented it out of thin air using Mohammed as their frontman kind of the same way the Illuminati uses Obama. Somebody else is calling the shots and writing the speeches. So it is with Mohammed and the Catholics and the pre-fab, instant religion.

The Jesuits are a secret society like the CIA or Mossad and they all work together to bring on the New World Order.

News Item12/7/08 10:41 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
Again, Islam is traced back to its founder,Muhammad {not the Catholic Church}.
Here's Alberto Rivera on Catholic origin of Islam:

Here's Walter Veith on Catholic origins of Islam, why the two religions are so similar:

The Koran is a confused mass of mumbo jumbo w/ five other lesser books given to interpret but ALL AGREE Jesus was born of virgin Mary, was taken to Heaven bodily and is coming back again. Watch The Arrivals on You Tube, hear for yourself Muslims refer to Jesus as the Messiah.

I'm didn't say Muslims are born again or Christian. I said they are CLOSER to the truth than the Catholics, Mormons and definitely the Jews in their beliefs about Jesus.

Catholics give Mary and saints godlike powers, put papal decrees ahead of the Bible. This is paganism.

Mormons say God the Father was a man who had a father and had a father ad infinitum and Jesus was the firstborn of his many spirit children, Satan as his brother(Satan more the "good guy.") This is polytheism and Freemasonry.

Talmudic Jews hate Jesus, reject the Torah in favor of the Babaylonian Talmud and Kabala - pure Luciferian occultic secret society evil.

News Item12/7/08 9:35 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
As for the Jews, they are no different than everybody else; they are lost in sin and live a life apart from Christ. To say they 'hate' God is not for you, me, or anyone else to claim.
I had replied to all your other statements, but my posting would not 'take' because Sermon Audio has software that doesn't permit people to repeat statements in the Jewish Babylonian Talmud or the Jewish Babylonian Kabala which prove how much the Talmudic and Kabalic Jewish religions DO hate Jesus. The word for Mary begins with a W and means somebody who fornicates a lot. The word for Jesus is s c o u n d r e l and they say Jesus is burning in Hell.

Hatred and utter contempt to this Jesus. But you say they are just like anybody else and no problem. But the Muslims are Satanic, dangerous, and evil even though their doctrines are closer to Christianity than either the Catholics or the Mormons, and definitely the Jews.

As to my sources on the Catholics founding of the Muslim faith, I gave you two sources, repeated them several times. Why do you demand I "produce some sources." Those are sources I know off the top of my head without even doing a surf.

News Item12/7/08 9:05 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Whew! Do you have a theological problem.
A partial "belief" in Christ, a partial "belief" in the Messiah...
Listen, Buddy-- I did not say Muslims were born again Christians. I said they were close to Christianity in their doctrines. If you were as ready to condemn everybody else the same way you condemn the Muslims because they don't hold 100 percent to every doctrine you hold -- you'd have to wipe out 98 percent of the Christians, all the Jews, and everybody else on earth.

I'm just sharing some factual information here. If you disagree with these facts, bring your own. If you can't discuss this without having a heart attack, maybe just leave it alone?


1. Do you disagree Muslims believe Jesus rose bodily into Heaven and that they believe Jesus is going to bodily come back at the Second Coming to conquer the antichrist and rule for 1,000 years? In this regard they refer to him as the Messiah.

2. Do you disagree that they believe Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary?

If you disagree with these things, then let's hear why you disagree, with some facts, not opinion, and lay off the horrific name-calling and hysteria.

News Item12/7/08 8:44 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Michael H--Calm down and stop the hysterical name calling just because you don't agree with what I say.

Muslims DO believe Jesus is the Messiah, call him the Messiah in that:

1. They believe he was taken bodily to Heaven and is coming back to conquer the antichrist and rule in the millenium.

2. They believe Mary was a virgin and conceived him by the Holy Ghost.

They do not see him as the suffering Messiah who died for our sins, and they call him a prophet, say he is not God. But yet they ALSO say he was conceived by a virgin of the Holy Spirit and was taken bodily to Heaven. That is what Christians believe. Perhaps they will have to believe Mary was a goddess the same way the Catholics do before they can accept Jesus as God.

Even most 'Christians' don't accept Jesus as the self-existant eternal Creator God or understand salvation either. All the phony bibles have rewritten the parts that make Jesus God the Creator. Only the KJB says Jesus is the Creator.

And I don't appreciate your accusation that I am BEARING FALSE WITNESS. Make sure you know what you're talking about before you slander people. I'm tired of the way I am treated on this site. FALSE WITNESS INDEED!

News Item12/7/08 6:09 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Lyn --Another interesting thing about the Muslims I learned from Professor Veith's lectures.

Prof. Veith is a former Catholic, formerly taught evolution in a large university in Canada. He has photographed cathedrals and mosques all over the world. One slide shows a famous mosque, not sure where, with a shrine in it to John the Baptist, contained supposedly his head, and the Catholics have the arm.

Muslims do as the Catholics and Anglicans, have burial vaults in their cathedrals; and every cathedral or mosque has bones of prestigious saints beneath their altars.

The Catholics did start the Muslim faith, recruited Mohammed using a nun and sorcery methods to get him under their tutalage.

What bothers me most about the Muslims is that they are the "secret army" of the Catholic church.

They also use prayer beads, and the Muslim women even dress like nuns.

These days are frightening. I do think Obomba is the antichrist, learned he is probably a descendent of the Herodian dynasty (ie King Herod who tried to kill Baby Jesus), part Bedouin.

God would save us if we repent, as in II Chronicles 7:14 -- If my people, called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and heal their land.

We need to hurry up and do it.

News Item12/7/08 5:42 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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From Last Trumpet Newsletter:

There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the U.S. and is therefore ineligible to be POTUS. His birth certificate has obviously been altered as was proven by a team of forensics experts. Even the certificate number in the upper right corner is completely blacked out. When Attorney Philip Berg of PA filed a Federal lawsuit challenging Obama's birth records, he had hopes of getting to the truth of the matter. Shortly before the election, the court threw the case out! (11) This court was presented documentary proof that BO was born in Mombassa, Kenya, not in Hawaii. Even Obama's own paternal grandmother admitted this fact in the presence of numerous witnesses. One of the witnesses was Bishop Ron McRae, presiding Elder of the African Presbytery of the Anabaptist Churches, who filed a notarized affidavit with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.(12)Obama's maternal grandmother, who had also been interviewed, became suddenly very ill and died on November 3rd, the day before the election. (13)

News Item12/6/08 11:12 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
Banned~ here is an informative website...
I am not saying Muslims are orthodox Christians whose beliefs exactly match up with ours. I am saying Muslims are much closer to Christianity in their beliefs about God than I had realized.

And Muslims are are not swarthy two-headed fire-breathing monsters with a curved knife between their teeth who believe Christians need to die.

I was shocked to find out Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah born of a virgin, believe that he is coming back again, that he rose bodily to Heaven.

I do wonder why we send weapons, money and planes to Israel to rain death on the Muslims when the Jews hate Jesus and the Muslims love him.

To me this is treason against God, and there is something very evil about doing this.

You say the information from Chick about the history of the Muslim religion is all wrong? What makes you so sure? Chick is considered one of the foremost authorities on Catholic history. Prof. Walter Veith teaches the same as Chick re the Catholic creation of the Muslim religion, which is why the two religions are so similar and Muslim mosques are often located right next to an RC cathedral. Both religions have relics of saints under their alters, both use prayer beads, etcetera.

News Item12/6/08 6:38 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
They claim 'Jesus' is a Muslim prophet, a mere man chosen by their 'god', Allah.
Not so. They say he is the Messiah and that he is coming again to rule in the Millenium, and that he was conceived by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary. They say he was taken bodily to Heaven, some say he may have been crucified but never died. The passage about the crucifixion is uncertain.

lyn wrote:
You say the Koran is a bogus book, that is true. BUT it is the bible of the Muslim faith, so to them, it is holy.
If it's a bogus book, that means it's full of contradictions and doesn't fit together. So taking a few words out of it in which to condemn the Muslims is wrong. Why do you only focus on a few words and ignore whole long teachings which teach otherwise? Is this fair to the Muslims?

lyn wrote:
This particular [false religion] is extremely dangerous. A deeper study of their beliefs will reveal that to you.
How so? What makes Muslims more dangerous or less Christian than Catholics, Mormons or Jews? All of these have holy books and/or papal pronouncements they place ahead of the Bible. Muslims believe the Bible, but say parts are corrupted.

News Item12/6/08 5:09 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
Banned ~ for you to claim the Muslims are 'close' to Christianity is very disturbing!
I don't dispute the verses you cite, don't claim to be an expert on Islam, and I've never read the Koran.

Islam was invented out of thin air by the Catholic church, according to information from Chick and others, in order to raise an army to capture Jerusalem for Rome.

Muslims adore Mary almost as a goddess, believe she conceived Jesus as a virgin.

Since I have actually LISTENED to Muslims speak about Jesus and Mary I've come to realize they love Jesus and adore Mary even more. This is fact.

Look at the big picture, not just six words from the Koran. The Koran is a bogus book anyway, probably full of contradictions.

Bottom line, Muslims revere Mary, love Jesus, believe he is the Messiah and coming back, though they say he is not God. Knowing this, I think we could easily win a Muslim to Jesus, knowing how close they are.

Try this link and there are many others by people who are expert on the Koran, which I'm not.

My important point:There's more to the Koran Muslim beliefs than we've been told. We owe it to ourselves and to Muslims to learn it.

News Item12/5/08 11:42 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Tony Lopez-Cisneros wrote:
And why did you support Obomba when you knew he favored partial birth abortion and extreme homosexual rights?

And why have you identified yourself with the Democratic party, or any party at all, as your identity, when political parties are worldly and both parties in this case especially are evil.

And why do you rail and foam at everybody on here as though you were in a high place to judge others when you are probably in worse shape than anybody else here?

And why do you defy the rules of this board on posting? Consider the Golden Rule. If you had a forum of your own, would you appreciate people who defiantly refused to submit to the posting rules?

Exactly what is your problem anyway.

News Item12/5/08 11:11 PM
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News Item12/5/08 8:05 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn, I understand the heart of the Muslim faith.

Mormons call their god "Heavenly Father," so Christians feel brotherly love w/ Mormons, but the Mormon god evolved, had a father who had a father ad infinitum. They worship another Jesus, and another Father, as the Bible says.

God in the Bible is holy, omnicient, omnipresent, omnipotent, Creator of all. Mormons don't believe in a god like this, but the Muslims do. Therefore Muslims are more Christian than Mormons.

The three monotheistic religions are Christian, Muslim and Judaism.

Mormons aren't monotheistic and neither are Catholics, believing their saints and Mary to have godlike powers.

Talmudic/Kabalistic Jews despise Jesus, reject the Torah, are farther away from Christianity than any religion at all.

Muslims are closest to the truth. They don't believe Jesus is God, but do believe he is conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Messiah coming back to defeat Antichrist. They love Jesus and idolize Mary almost as a goddess.

Attacking peaceful righteous Muslims w/ Shock and Awe, WWIII nuclear bombs to Iran, will result in God's final judgment on America, which curse began years ago.

So much for the lie that God will bless those who bless Israel.

News Item12/5/08 6:40 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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These atheists complain about a cardboard cresche at Christmas but care not a bit about the paintings all over the ceiling of the Rotunda of pagan gods, the statues of dragons and serpents, the statue of Diana erected on the top of the Capitol Building, or the Egtyptian obelisk aka the Washington Monument representing the phallis of Osiris.

They don't mind the billions of dollars spent to lay out hte streets and buildings in the shape of pentagrams and picking certain lay lines to build them on in order to pull down the powers of the Luciferian spirits.

Washington DC is loaded with statues and monuments directed to Satan and the Luciferian, Freemasonic gods and goddesses (Satan being bisexual even the female godesses still represent him) --

But don't put up a $20 cardboard cresche.

The elites are more religious than anybody but they want the populace to be atheist. Too bad these protestors don't take their complaints a bit future, lift their eyes to the Rotunda ceiling and look around a bit.

The movie the Matrix tells the truth about living in an illusion.

Check out this site:

News Item12/5/08 6:19 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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I listened to Farakhan on You Tube, noticed he quoted from the Koran, but the Bible far more.He taught his people truth about the Zionist Banksters, the massive corruption, waking them up. His people seemed clear-eyed, dignified and holy.

Lost sheep Christians appear as fluffer-nutters, urging people to "wear red on Friday," ready to start nuclear WWIII for Israel.

In fact Muslims love Jesus, believe him to be the Messiah coming back to defeat the antichrist and rule in the millenium.

The Koran teaches: Mary went to the desert to give birth to Jesus and asked God: What will I tell the men in my village why I bear a son without a husband? God told her, Let the child answer. When the men questioned her, Baby Jesus answered that his father was the Holy Spirit and Mary was innocent; the men were astounded and ran away.

Muslims believe in a holy Creator god of all, believe in the Bible, but have extra books. Mormons have extra books and DON'T believe their god is Creator of all. Catholics put papal pronouncements ahead of the Bible. And Talmudic Jews HATE Jesus.

Muslims are closer to Christianity than either Mormons or Catholics, and definitely more than Zionist Jews.

Survey11/27/08 8:53 AM
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King James Bible

News Item11/21/08 11:44 PM
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Moderator Alpha -- I think your censorship standards, besides being arbitrary, are ridiculously harsh.

News Item11/21/08 6:45 PM
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Survey11/21/08 2:21 PM
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Mike wrote:
The question is kind of silly. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant. Amendment 2 is the guarantee, regardless of what Obama or any other "official" wants, that you may indeed keep and bear arms. There is no law that says only government types and criminals are allowed this. There is no authority to deny the 2nd Amendment right. Any law that seeks to do so is unconstitutional, and therefore illegal.
I notice that New York does not even allow people to own a stun gun or a tazer gun, even in their own home for protection. I think slingshots are illegal in NY also and that's no joke. Baseball bats and knives are still legal.

News Item11/21/08 2:17 PM
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DJC49 wrote:
You are truly "OFF -- YOUR -- NUT!"
If our government was genuinely itching for World War III with the Ruskies...And the concentration camps? Huh??? Are you serious? That's just whacky!
On 8/8/8 the U.S., in concert with Israel and the Israeli puppet of Georgia, started WWIII when it snuck- attacked Ossetia and massacred thousands of innocent people, including burning people alive in a Russian Orthodox church and ambushing Russian soldiers and UN peacekeepers.

8/8/8 was chosen by the Luciferians to start WWIII for its numerological signifance(8 being the number of "fortuitous new beginnings)and because that date coincided w/ the opening of the Olympics whose symbol is the double-triple 8--all meant to conjure up more blessings from the Luciferian gods.

Since then the U.S. has ignored Russia's shocked pleas and threats to back off, continued to surround Russia with weapons and bases and to prepare to attack Iran. Obama's handler Zbignew Brezinski has long advocated war with China, Russia and Pakistan.

The Bible says to rebuke the works of darkness, have no part of them; and you revile people who try to warn w/o even a cursory Google search. Google "U.S. concentration camps."

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