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News Item1/3/19 3:11 PM
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John UK, I have appreciated your comments and zeal for the truth. I Happened to listen to Mencarow's sermon on the topic and found it to be very sound and a lot of food for thought. It's very easy to just accept the way things are done in regards to worship without really examining whether or not they line up Scripturally. We often defend things based on subjectivity. I found Greg Price's sermons on the subject to be very good as well. At any rate, your input based on the Bible has not been futile.
Why we choose to follow annual dates with events of the Bible randomly and carelessly assigned to them is a poser.
No rhyme or reason for the seasons.
Lurker- It's a shame that the only times which loved ones seem to visit are often just during "holidays". I hope that you enjoy your visit but I certainly wouldn't support "holidays" even to that end.
Sadly, many people in nursing homes and other places of confinement find themselves without visitors save for those days if they come at all. In their case, it would be better if the "loved" ones just refrained from coming at all as even the patients are keenly aware that they do it merely out of a sense of obligation.

News Item1/3/19 11:12 AM
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Who can be certain, indeed?... Thank God for His Word so that we may know that which is true. It is good to stick with Scripture and not run the risk of adding to or subtracting from. Unwarranted and unauthorized dates should be avoided.
Why would we celebrate something that changes from year to year (like the pagan easter) and attach Christ to it?
RCs have to have these days of obligation to get their crowds and to put the people under bondage of committing a mortal sin by not attending. Pagans pretty much follow after the witches in their celebrations in ignorance or not.
Why do we follow after the lost? Why do we follow after the way of the heathen and,worse than they,do it in God's name?
We would be better off to be hot or cold than to do such.

News Item1/3/19 11:02 AM
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To say that Jesus was born on 12/25 or to go along with that is disingenuous and is not becoming to a Christian.
Even if one wants to stretch "christmas" as meaning Christ sent...which is quite a stretch for pagans or RCs, one is still perpetuating the lie of 12/25. Observing his incarnation without parroting "christmas" would be less deceitful but still wouldn't exempt Christians from making up their own rules as to how to worship God.
And eating lunch is not something one uses in the worship of the Lord. One may worship while they eat but there is no relevant connection to lunch in that regard and there is no "christlunch".
Days may be esteemed for worship but the actual day,itself,is not celebrated. Obviously, or what should be obvious, is that esteeming one day over another would not include "holy days" which are not in Scripture.
A reformation preacher preaching a "christmas" message is irrelevant unless one finds one in Scripture doing such in the will of God not going outside the parameters of that which God commanded.
...which can't be found.

News Item1/2/19 3:53 PM
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Lunch is not a man-made holy day.
You are trying to compare apples with oranges. There are PRINCIPLES laid out in the Bible,however,Dr.,of how we are to worship and there is NO LIBERTY in partial truth in so doing.
and "The Bible doesn’t contain one verse, one sentence, one word, one letter, one jot or one tittle ABOUT "christmas" ...NO REGULAR OBSERVANCE...Saying or going along with 12/25 as the date for Jesus' birth is a LIE.
The father of lies is Satan. God's children are not to lie or follow after the way of the heathen.
Would you like your wife to celebrate your birthday on her ex boyfriend's or husband's?

News Item1/2/19 2:45 PM
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I don't attach an event in the Bible or the Lord's name when I eat.

News Item1/2/19 2:16 PM
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Deuteronomy 12:32

32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

A regular,annual observance of His Incarnation is not in the Bible.

He told us how to remember Him...proclaim His death until He returns.

and...still cannot say that "christmas" is 12/25 without lying.
One can and should speak of His virgin birth when sharing the Gospel.

News Item1/2/19 11:40 AM
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Thank you, Unprofitable, but I don't see racism as the only issue to which Jim was commenting.
My thought was that the majority of what people support or represent in this country is not a good criteria for that which is moral or upright.

News Item1/2/19 11:32 AM
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RE: religion/religious
Going to Scripture helps:

James 1:26-27

26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

News Item1/2/19 11:12 AM
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Dr. Tim, do you really believe that the "63 million" are Christians or even "moral" themselves?
Just because one is a leader doesn't mean that God isn't using them as Judgment against a people or nation. Trump embodies what our country loves.

News Item1/2/19 11:07 AM
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I never said that we should never remember anything. I doubt that any Christian is ungrateful or fails to recall the Lord's marvelous works on a daily basis. What is an issue and violation of Scripture is how we do so.
B. Mc and John UK and others have explained the Scriptural problems in doing so quite clearly that anyone who still cannot see is either not reading their comments closely enough or are not so inclined to hear.

the reason for the season, Christopher, is not Christ. Now that this prolonged "season" is we remain less grateful because we are not wasting time going to celebrations and exchanging gifts?
Still...there is no justification for perpetuating or going along with a pagan date or even a neutral date and ascribing it to GOD's incarnation. That is called lying or being accessory to that which is false. This is adding to Scripture and the only ones who "benefit" from partaking of these RC and pagan "holy days" are the people themselves who want to do what they will. God is not honored by worldly means even "in His name"...especially, "in His name".
Dr.Tim, no one twists your arm to engage in discussion if you prefer the topic to be unaddressed. Idle words are vain.

News Item12/31/18 2:12 PM
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JAG- Why would Christians celebrate days when we can...

Philippians 4:4-8

4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

If you are a Christian and you have to celebrate days,you may want to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.

News Item12/29/18 1:00 PM
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Tim-"haughty" is what you project on my comment. Saying that something is irrelevant or not germaine to a specific topic does not carry with it a pompous attitude...just making a true statement. Truth is objective.
Buckeyes-we don't care what Luther celebrated. We care more whether or not what the Scriptures say. What trumps Luther celebrating anything is that no Christians regularly observed "christmas" in the Bible. The date of His birth is omitted probably because He didn't want us to get caught up in it because apart from the rest of His completed works, we are left with a helpless baby in a manger.
Why would Christians who have His Spirit and His word with the hope of His 2nd coming want to partake of Roman Catholic obligation days?...hmmm...maybe idolatry and because of a do what thou wilt mindset for many...take away the gifts,the parties,the time off,the gaudy decorations...probably would lose most of its appeal.
Oh...and the best news ever: Christ is born is erroneous. The best news ever is that He paid the price for our salvation, is risen and is seated on the right hand of God interceding for His.

News Item12/29/18 11:35 AM
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Government shut down = extended convenient

News Item12/29/18 11:27 AM
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Buckeyes, you are really stretching to make "christmas" an acceptable HOLY day.
Purim was a civil celebration and did not connect the name of God with that which was VILE.
Trees were not decorated.They were used in the building of the house of Lord in carvings and the like. Using an olive tree to make a door is not any where comparable to the way of the heathen which we see in Jeremiah.
The rest of the items that you mention are irrelevant.Nobody says that generally feasting,giving gifts,etc,even during a civil celebration like Thanksgiving,violates Scripture.
All of the feasts and sabbaths in Scripture did not incorporate partial truth in the worship of God whom we are to worship specifically, in spirit and in TRUTH. Man does not have the right to claim something which they do not know.
God told us how to remember Him. It makes no sense at all to go back to the manger when the cross had not yet come. Of course, you all will be dragging Him through that on "Good Friday" again which,worse than "christmas", will be contingent on the first sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox...not even on the same date from year to year. The vatican loves their mutually shared folidays.

News Item12/28/18 10:05 AM
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Maybe because most of the people are too laid back now. Pot smokers aren't the most industrious.

News Item12/28/18 10:03 AM
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Didn't the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, of the church of England apologize to the faux pa for the reformation last year?

News Item12/28/18 9:59 AM
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"christmas"= "dooday"("date of obligation")
Maybe they could change the name of it to obligation day or gift day

News Item12/26/18 1:23 PM
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Buckeye- The RCs took the saturnaia and yule festival date...this is why you celebrate it on the 25th
You will not find a pattern or regular observation of Christ's Incarnation in Scripture...that does trump whatever traditions of men that follow thereafter
...this is called following after the way of the heathen

News Item12/26/18 12:19 PM
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Buckeyes- if Rome had commanded that the "birth of Christ" be celebrated on 12/26, you would have been celebrating it on the 4th day of the week this year rather than the third day.

News Item12/26/18 10:40 AM
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June A- if you came out of Roman Catholicism and are a Christian, now that is good news indeed!
Thank you for your input into this issue. Maybe Christians will take note of your testimony and re-examine their love for "christmas" in light it. I often wondered why Christians would choose to look like RCs during their beloved holy days knowing full well of the lies of the RC church.
...always good to hear of those who come out from those who work iniquity
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