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News Item11/20/18 6:27 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It's still pretty hard to get sports outside of Cable. Here in China, online tv, cable, movies, for free (with 1 minute ads) have been available for many years.

I would not worry about Hollywood, they still make large profits, probaly the worlds most organized Mafia,

infact in Canada to buy blank CD's you need to pay double, because there is a MPAA tax (levy) per disk, since they assume everyone who buys blanks is a pirate.

Not to mention how they sold out to the communists, with 41 movies sponsored by China in the past few years.

News Item11/18/18 8:22 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Where to get home school resources and advice?

News Item11/17/18 6:31 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

I read that during the great depression, church giving increased. Like the context of Hebrews says, money can become a real trap if it rules our hearts. And the more wealthy we seem to get, the worse we are, the harder it becomes to part with our hard earned money.

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us"

News Item11/17/18 1:04 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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You know how some people say, only 15% of church congregation actually serves in the church, maybe this is why they do funding, because majority don't feel cheerful to give. But I may be wrong.

News Item11/16/18 4:15 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Lyme disease is no joke, I knew someone who got it, and it crippled her.

News Item11/16/18 4:12 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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The church is for believers, the question is why was he allowed to sit down in the first place? The ushers let him in, why?

Sermon11/15/18 9:04 PM
Youth in Asia | China  Contact via emailFind all comments by Youth in Asia
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5 Myths about Preaching
Sean E. Harris
“ We need higher preaching standards ”
I have these standards when evaluating preaching: 1. If a mormon, catholic, or any other religious unbeliever comes, will they amen that message? Because they should not, because of the many differences they have with God. This sadly happens a lot. 2. The Roman catholics also have preaching, and depending on the priest, they do a good job of verse by verse, simply because they have a "preach through the bible in 1 year" type of plan that they must preach expository messages. Now the question, is how should our sermons be different from them? In my opinion, there is a clear difference from their sermons, and the many sermons found on this site, I think it's the detail and context, and also the pastor answers some questions that the congregation might have. Most Catholics have no apologetic experience.

News Item11/9/18 6:44 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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And when his disciples James and John saw it, they said, "Lord, do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" But he turned and rebuked them. (Luke 9:54, 55 ESV)

News Item11/9/18 3:34 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I sometimes read old (19 century) sermons and missionary reports, and the needs are surprisingly the same as today. My favorite author is Isobel Kuhn, Hudson Taylor and George Muller, both their biographies helped me understand that humans being pigs, barbarians, corrupt is nothing new, each one struggled with apathy in their churches, just like many of us who struggle today..

"that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, "(Philippians 2:15 ESV)

News Item11/9/18 8:11 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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So what do the recent voting results mean for America? I have yet to hear an opinion.

Also people are striking in Washington, because trump illegaly fired some investigator and replaced with his own. It looks serious.

News Item11/8/18 6:20 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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These are wondeful introduction to the Bible. I gave one similiar like this to someone, and he put it in his canteen, the staff would clean the tables, but for weeks would not throw it away, giving many an opportunity to look at it.

News Item11/7/18 1:03 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I wonder if they know the Biblical mystery on drinking wine? It's such an important doctrine that we have 3 pages of forum posts this week on it. How many pages of posts this news article will get?

News Item11/5/18 9:04 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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The only thing that is clear: We are just as messed up as a body as the Corinthian church. Every denimination has their own interpretation, and thinks they are right. Can we or can't we drink wine, do babies go to heaven or hell, is re-marriage illegal, do we believe the KJV or the ESV. All of us have so many opinions, and think we are so spiritual, yet our prayer life is weak, we don't host foreign students, we especially easy to condemn christians who are anti trump, yet praise persecuted heretical pentacostals of africa and china. We hate the pope, but feel no guilt that majority of our pastors are unaproachable, and cold.

News Item11/4/18 6:13 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I almost hate reading news like this, because of the lack of detail. But anyways to paint a rosy picture in my deceitful heart, I'm just gonna pretend their evangelists preached to them the message of eternal life by faith in Christ Jesus, and not through baptism, tongues, good works, praying to the saints, or a promise of a good life on earth. Pentacostalism

News Item10/31/18 11:22 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It's really hard to trust news articles anymore.

News Item10/31/18 6:40 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I really have nothing new to say, except once again it feels like these articles were written by a robot or something. All that matters is the headline, no info on the church, no info on what they believe, the people who got arrested were quickly released, but why? Was there a misunderstanding? If so, how is that persecution? These articles to me are headline baits, that's all. You learn nothing from them, except your emotions get triggered.

News Item10/27/18 9:50 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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During hard times like this I would encourage people to use your church for encouragement, and becareful not vent or pour out your heart on some message board, to prevent future regrets of writing something stupid. We need God's help to help us.

News Item10/27/18 8:56 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I think it means "fighting" which in Chinese is "jiayou" or "gambatte" in Japanese, means good luck, try hard, don't give up, go for it, let's do this! Etc.

News Item10/27/18 1:11 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Nuke them? Some of them could be Christians! It's scary what can come out of wicked heart.
You don't want them to come to you? Then you go to them. Mexico is not a closed country, go make a difference in their life, encourage them, give up all of your worldly possesions to be a light in a dark place. Do you have anything better to do? You are blessed to be an american, not born in a cocaine filled society, with daily kidnappings, crime lords, and injustice. If you are a Christian, it's your duty to love these people.

By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:16‭-‬18 ESV

News Item10/27/18 12:51 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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God bless him!
(ง •̀_•́)ง
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