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News Item6/18/08 12:51 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Woe unto to those who call evil good & call good evil. They are in Congress.

News Item6/18/08 12:37 PM
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In Mt 16:18, Jesus says, Peter (petros-you little stone/pebble) on the rock (petra- the immense ledge, mountain) "I" (The Lord your God, Son of God, God of very GOD) will build my church- not organization but people.
The faith of Peter was good. So will our faith be IN CHRIST!
Later Jesus gives authority of bind/loosing not only to Peter but all the apostles - Mt.18:18, jn 20:23.
Even Peter wants to see the Body off Christ, the church, built . 1 Pet 2:9

News Item6/10/08 10:35 AM
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how can one define that which is indefinable? The left, most of whom are relativist post-mods, say there is no absolute truth, law. So they themselves cannot define themselves. They are self-emprisioned by that falseness which they have chosen to serve.

News Item6/10/08 10:27 AM
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Let us pray for this move of the Hand of God that people will see the evil of abortion.

News Item6/10/08 10:25 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Unfortunately,t he lesser of two evils, is stil EVIL! Christ said there would always be a narrow way. Let's, as folowers of Christ, take it & stop belly-aching! We love our country -US, but this is not our home. Our citizenship is already in heaven. Witness & obey while there is still light.

News Item6/6/08 10:15 AM
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...
We need a group of people who socially proclaim the self-evident truths. Of course, this will include that there is a God & evidence is seen in Christ Jesus. But also, other self-evident truths include that homosexuality does not work except for the individual in a pragmatic way. If we were all homosexuals, (not counting in vitro fertilization), there would be no or very little procreation. And the population would quickly die of self-imposed diseases. This is self-evident.
As well as evolution, sexism, (there is no racism because there is no such thing as race except for what the Darwinists have constructed), many other false principles are self-evident. We just are not standing up as nations & voicing this. We are allowing the radicals to flood the airways. What is self-evident? The gospel. share it!

News Item6/6/08 10:00 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I ask , why is there so much anti-Catholic malice on this site? Surely they have a wrong theology, but secularism, Word of Faith & other groups are much worse in their theology- or lack thereof Christian principles. We are to speak the Truth about Sola Fide, SOLA SCRIPTURA, etc. in Love. But so many times, beleievers come off as spiritual thugs who do not reflect the peace of Christ.
Whatever this priest is going through, the evangelicals can expect the same & when you are on the street & the "Good Catholic" helps you, wheres your theology taking you then. We have enough problems with hate crime laws without really commiting hate crimes in our minds. Christ warned us if we have commited violence in our spirit, it is as if we commited it physically. Shalom in Christo.

News Item6/4/08 10:44 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Remeber that during the Reformation & soon afterwards, many Christian groups accused, abused & killed each other. It is sad when we do such things in Jesus name, let alone in the name of another so called deity.
We Christians still attack each other today in the name of orthodoxy.
We battle not against flesh & blood but principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

News Item5/31/08 8:37 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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it suds lik th prof is misng th pt. if or chidn dnt red ad spl corctly, thy cnt rely comuncte i th rel wld! du(h)!

News Item5/31/08 8:33 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Wemust ask these Muslims & all others, are all muslims a terrorist threat? If they are not, is it not possible that ALL Christians are not a terrorist threat? Are all muslims the same? All Christian groups are not. Yes,there may be some aberrent groups in each World view but that does not necessarily mean you paint all the members of the groups with a broad brush.
And what do these Muslims mean by terrorists?? Are the JWs, Gospel groups, etc blowing themselves up & threatening other spiritual groups & people?
Get real!

News Item5/20/08 8:15 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I notice that there is only one other comment on this growing problem. OF course, we are to be ready to suffer IN Christ at all times. "Think it not strange that trials come your way... 1 Peter 4:12ff

News Item5/20/08 8:08 AM
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Doning a headscarf to visit may be no more than being respectful of another person's beliefs if youu want to visit a mosque. Trusting all that Islam says is a totally different point. I would be reverent in a Hindu temple if I wanted to see it but this does not mean I believe their Worldview.

News Item5/20/08 8:00 AM
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Many events may be 'possible' but are they probable???

News Item5/14/08 10:40 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Is that not the concep of diversity, that ALL thoughts ,concepts at least be heard, before being denied???Think of it this way. Here is a view:
'All views are equal" How many of you beleive this?
Here's another view:
'Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world, the Son of God.'
Now, is your view still accepting of the 1st concept that all views are equal?
If you cannot accept the 2nd view, you do not realy beleive that all views are equal..just your view!
think about it

News Item2/25/08 9:46 AM
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Nada. Just info that is newer than the last Kosovo article earlier this week.

News Item2/23/08 9:04 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Several days ago, thee were news reports of the LAID BACK type of Islamic govt in KOSOVO area. Below is a URL of a vidoe showing the destruction to ORTHODOX churchs in the area.
HMmmMMM , once again the Religion of PEACE has struck again

News Item2/23/08 7:16 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Teh WORSHIP CIRCUS will go on because right behind the WoF -Word of Faith & other charismatic type churches which twist scripture is more offsrping from Gnostic churches, who say that we are all divine & we have not yet had the secret teaching that will show we can comman the material wrodl around us. Also emerging is the emergent church, a church that is rapidly reaching out to young people but have another liberal translation of the Scriptures. Brian McLaren & others take the gospel & share it in a postmodern milieu.
NO, Satan will not let the Gospel Circus stop because the whole purpose is to "BE spiritual" & take one's eyes off of CHRIST & look upon one's self.

News Item2/23/08 7:06 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Several apologists have suggested that due to the way JW's record their additions, there may not be this "growth" that many speak of. What I have read & beleive about the JW's is that it is a dying church. The LDS also has plateaued due to the internet & many members, who questioned leaders but never got answers, are finding answers on the internet about the lack of archeological or DNA evidence to show the LDS church came to the Americas from Palestine.
And, yes, we do need more apologetics to be able to show JW & LDS members the truth about THE TRUTH-Jesus, & not their unbiblical concepts of the Trinity. These are well meaning people who have been blinded by the god of this world-Satan.

News Item1/14/08 11:55 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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AHHHHHHHHHHH, the peaceful religion raises its head again. But this is because we are not going into the world. Go we must!!
Preach we will!! & Some will be saved

News Item1/14/08 11:51 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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We could be like Paul &
1 Corinthians 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
Better to try & fail than never try at all. I have seen people com to God through my preaching about cross country marathon & running in the church. I have seen people come to Christ with a gun in their hand (pointed at me occasionally) I have seen people come to Christ by going to prison on a weekly basis, being there WITH & for them. So why not try a shot glass. The main thing is what will the message be when they GET TO CHURCH???
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