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News Item10/21/19 5:48 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I just heard that a convenience store clerk was shot dead in South Florida, not over a robbery or theft in the store, but after a fight in the store over whether a youth was old enough to buy a 99 cent cigar.
That reminds me that those clerks have one of the most dangerous jobs in the US, but have no pension plan at 25 yrs, no special pay, nothing. Same thing with roofers and construction workers. I don't see how that is fair when police and fireman, who also do dangerous jobs, but get nice pensions at 25 yrs or less of service. Even more dangerous are jobs in fishing, like the ones you see in 'dirty jobs' on cable TV shows.
So I think this 'studyfinds' website is a crock; one study says coffee is bad for you, the next one says it is OK, and the next says it is good for you.

News Item10/21/19 5:39 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think the Dems are not going to be naming anything according to their real names, so that's why it would be good for an anti-communist group like the John Birch Society and their publication, The New American, need to show us how they are hiding their natures under other names.
I think that is the history of modern liberalism, how it is connected to the communists of the world.

News Item10/21/19 4:21 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Those who say, "oh, there's no difference between the parties we have in the US" should read this story.
What we have here is a coup without the army involved. Hillary is waiting in the wings for something to happen to Elizabeth Warren so she can step in and save the day for her party. She thinks she deserves it more than any of the other mental midgets on display at any of those debates.

News Item10/19/19 4:56 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Hillary has a lot of experience dealing with Russians since her campaign in 2016 used them.

News Item10/19/19 4:52 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It's good to see "The New American" published by the John Birch Society, is covering this story.They should have their hands full fighting the onslaught of socialism in vogue today. One area is to identify who are the socialists today and what names they are using to hide under.

News Item10/19/19 4:50 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Bottom line: did all the jurors vote against Planned Parenthood, due to this video evidence? That is not addressed in the news item, but what do you expect from WND--World Nut Daily?
I can imagine some jurors--yes, even the ones with tears in their eyes, saying, I'm sorry, but my whole family has supported Planned Parenthood all our lives, so I cannot vote against them now.
In other words, don't bother me with the facts, my mind is already made up!
Then another juror will say, "Oh yes, my grandmother supported PP, my mother supported PP, my aunts supported PP, so don't make me vote against them!"

News Item10/19/19 3:02 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Remember when you read these secular media sources, when they mention 'Christian' they are including Catholics, which make up the largest part of Christians. They probably include Mormons and JWs as well, though their numbers are quite low in comparison to Catholics.
And, speaking of Catholics, I wonder if their survey was also done in Spanish, which would pick up a lot of the recent immigrants flooding across our uncontrolled, unwalled border.

News Item10/17/19 2:21 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Somehow I am reminded of Jesus complaining of the religious leaders of his day, the scribes and Pharisees, who followed the letter of the Law but did not observe the spirit of it.
And Paul's letter to Timothy, where he complains of people thinking godliness is a means to material gain.

News Item10/17/19 1:54 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I love to read the words people used when quitting their jobs. I want to use them to write a similar notice for the Miami Dolphins coach Brian Flores, who has reached his level of incompetence, as proven in Sunday's loss to the lowly Washington Redskins, when an easy extra point would have sent the game into overtime.
The famous business book, "The Peter Principle" came up with the concept of people being promoted beyond their level of competence. So you have a President Maduro in Venezuela who used to be a bus driver, then union leader of bus drivers. Did that qualify him to become president?

News Item10/17/19 1:38 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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OK, so he's got the baptism part done, how about the next step--circumcision?

News Item10/17/19 1:19 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Of course, they were using the King James Version of the Bible, right?

News Item10/17/19 1:17 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This is why it is important that President Trump win reelection in 2020 so he can continue to appoint judges who will not be trying to change the character of the US, as Obama promised he would do.
And it is important to remove all the Democrats in office so that their campaign to turn this country into Venezuela or Cuba will be stopped.
Some people might say, 'oh, there is no difference between Democrat and Republican'
Really? Do you think any Democrat will vote against restricting abortion or the sodomite agenda? You may see them in your local govt offices behaving like regular guys, but when they get to Congress, they vote right in line with the rest of the party.

News Item10/17/19 1:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It would be good to keep in mind a graph showing the membership decline in all Methodist Churches, and alongside that line sloping down, similar declines for Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, etc (all the 'mainline' denominations.)
Then it would be good to show how much real estate is involved with these churches, and how that value is important in understanding any discussion of a split in the church. You also have to see the Table of Organization for this church that would show who reports to who, who pays what amount to who, etc. You also have colleges involved in this complicated web. Any discussion of a split in this huge and complicated, real-estate-rich entity has got to include all these factors.
Because, in the end, the theology is one thing, but what really matters is the money, so just 'follow the money'

News Item10/17/19 12:55 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Do I need to see the eye doctor or is this story really from November 2014? That would make it almost 5 years old. Is that news?
Instead, why not check out the news stories from this year about the Kurdish gang in Nashville, Tennessee. One of the 'men in blue' turned out to be a gang member, too!

News Item10/16/19 8:44 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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AI is already posting comments here at SA.

News Item10/14/19 10:56 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess these wolves will take care of the problem with feral cats that are eating all the birds and other small wildlife.
Anyone who keeps a cat at home but lets it outside has to realize they are doing the same hunting, no matter how well they are fed.

News Item10/13/19 5:36 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I have heard that the US Congress opens every day's session with a prayer. I would like the mainstream media to publicize that. Wouldn't that be something?
I have also heard that in some cities, they allow any religion to come in and do the 'invocation' so that in Alaska, I heard one town had a guy pray to the great spaghetti god in the sky.

News Item10/13/19 5:33 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Interesting headline. I wonder how many Mormons are out there. I don't think they make up a major percentage of Americans, and we need to remember that in the eyes of most people doing the counting, like the Census Bureau, Gallup, etc, the Catholic Church has the largest number of Christians in the USA, if not the entire world.
Can you remember if you have ever seen a survey that leaves Catholics out of the counting? I haven't seen any.

News Item10/13/19 5:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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"Beto" is getting into deep waters here. Not that he stands a chance of winning the Democrat Party's nomination. He is white, male and not Hispanic. Can't they find someone who is truly Hispanic, like a Marco Rubio? Don't they have any blacks of American-born parents, not this phony DA from LA whose parent is from Jamaica (and owned and sold slaves)

News Item10/11/19 4:30 PM
Douglas Fir | Greater Simolea  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Mezuzah is the Scripture that many Jews will have fixed to their doors-some put it on all their doors, some only to entry doors to homes.
It does look like a talisman--some object that contains power, to protect, to enhance, to give you good fortune ('rabbit's foot, anyone? baseball players have many superstitions along these lines).
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