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News Item9/3/15 9:40 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Mourner, off topic and totally the parents choice but it is untrue that they only recieve the vitamin k shot (which is unnecessary). Newborns recieve gel on their eyes to prevent blindness from stds....all mothers, regardless of being positive or negative for std, are treated the same with the gel on their babies eyes. Hep B shot is also given and sometimes antibiotics if the mother tested positive for the bacteria strep b regardless if baby shows signs of having strep b pnemuia. Of course opting out of these is an option but can cause problems.

News Item9/3/15 7:12 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Congratulations to you as well Dorcas!!! Praying for the Lord's gracious hand to be in the situation.

News Item9/3/15 9:01 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Congratulations.on the new grandbaby US!!!!!

News Item8/31/15 9:10 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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If it isn't for sell don't advertise it! Common sense. is to take precautions. I know a woman who wore real low cut shirts, worked at a beer barn, and then complained when guys would stare at her breast. Um the solution was simple. Put some clothes on! Yea certain things encourage certain people.

News Item8/6/15 11:24 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Christopher, he's doing ok. He has been busy lately. I told him you asked about him.

News Item8/5/15 7:14 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Thank you US and SC. I'll give them a watch and judge for myself.

News Item8/5/15 9:35 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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I'm intererested S C. What's the link?

News Item8/2/15 12:10 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Frank, interesting observation. I believe a lot of them do marry fot that reason. Sugar daddy. On a side note their "attravtivness" is false. They have money to run out and buy loads of makeup and chemicals and other stuff needed in order to have their false appearance. This comes from rich parents, selling themselves to get these things from their sugar daddy, etc. Reality is not that. Your average woman looks, well, normal. Take their money and products away and they are not on a "beauty pedastool" anymore. And again they, as mpvie stars and other edited people/pictures, etc set up an unhealthy, unrealistic standard. It's smoke and mirrors. Not all is at it appears to be.

News Item8/2/15 10:50 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Lady virtue

News Item8/2/15 10:49 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Lady Virtue :th

News Item8/2/15 8:23 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Prostitution is already legal. Look at movies, magazine.covers, book covers, cd covers, everyday dress. People sell their bodies for money and some for free. If they "legalized"" standing.on street corners it would be hard to thendifference between the paid "prostitute" and the woman who just happens to be there....the attire of a harlot. I did a study on modesty a couple of weeks back and interestingly, a prostitute from the 1800s,was more covered then your typical woman today....or I should girls. As young as newborns they're being dressed in the attire of a harlot. Hello invite to pedophiles!!!

News Item7/29/15 1:17 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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I agree with US. Not all medicine is bad. A wise woman once told me to climb a ladder-seek natural and after a reasonable amount of time if that hasn't worked then seek medical. In some cases, it's life or death and should not be questioned. As for vaccines, my house is divided. Until furthur research is done on some parties part we err to the side of safety and refuse them. You can't undo them but you can always go get them.

News Item7/21/15 5:20 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Mourner, thanks for sharing Pooles commentary on Genesis 6:11. Makes total sense.

News Item7/16/15 7:38 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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I admit I didn't read the full article. When I click on the link, on my phone, it takes me to a sermonaudio page not to the article. Maybe I am missing something but I fail to see how any of the comments posted are irrelevant to topic at hand.

News Item7/16/15 9:15 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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I should have added this earlier:the door swings both ways. A boy will think he needs to look and act like what he sees. A girl will think a boy needd to look and act like what she sees. Both will be left unsatisified with reality. And when they continue this nasty habit into their marriage do they expect the spouse to be ok?! It's betrayal and will lead to a divorce or a messed up marriage for.years to come (even among christian marriages). Lust is not a sin to be taken lightly. Joseph fled instead of sticking around to see what would happen. Again, the look is where it starts. Example being David. It's important for parents to teach their children to avert their eyes.

News Item7/16/15 8:46 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Kids at 10 do not need internet access or cellphones or anything like that. Once they're older and more trained then I think limited internet access on a computer is ok. Unless the child is driving age I see no reason for a cellphone and even then a tracfone works fine for emergencies. Parents should have filters and should be holding their children accountable..Ir shouldn't stop there. Parents need to hold each other accountable as well. Sin doesn't stop once you reach a certain age. Oh the troubles these children are setting themselves up for is heartbreaking. A girl will think she needs to look and act like what she sees. A boy will think a girl needs to look amd act like what he sees. Both will be left unsatisified as reality doesn't match up with pretend (this goes for magazines, movies, etc. Loads of makeup and chemicals and editing achieves an unrealistic look that the person themself doesn't even look like)

News Item7/7/15 10:17 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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They should resign due to their christian convictions if Titus 2:5 and 1 Timothy 5:14

News Item7/4/15 7:55 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Frank, I agree discussing feminism with the lost is useless in and of itself. There are more important matters like their salvation which is why I make sure to include Christ in my replies. They ,lost family, ask questions (and sometimes harrass us) as to why we do the things we do. Feminism has been brought up on numerous occassions.

News Item7/4/15 4:40 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Don't misunderstand me. I'm not justifying feminism. These are just things the lost have brought up in conversations and I can see where they are coming from. But I guess without Christ it's easy to live in fear. I like your example. I'll remember it next time one my lost family members and I discuss feminism.

News Item7/3/15 1:03 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Frank, I agree with your comment. However, I can understand why feminism is such a tempting thing for women. Who wants to be put in a position where they're forced to remain if the situation gets bad. An example would be Doug Phillips. Look at what he preached and the gross sin he committed. He taught, and he's right in this area, that women are to be keepers at home. He taught the be fruitful and multiply stuff. His wife is a stay at home mom with lots of kids. She has no way to support herself. Could she just up and leave? No. Given forgivness is a must but staying in such a scenario is not. So yea I see the temptation. Who wants to be forced to depend on such a man and remain in a marriage like that? Of course not all are that way. I'm sure she didn't think he was like that when they got married. And women are just as bad (it takes two to tango) but man are capable of supporting themselves.
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