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News Item5/31/17 9:08 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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besides all these excellent posts, mankind carries with them mortality because of sin.

we are all in Adam and we all carry mortality, because of sin.

before the fall there was no death...

the curse of death is on all mankind, but thanks be to Christ that we have hope of a Resurrection to new life.

before the fall they would have never tasted death...

the curses are right there at the beginning of Genesis. why are all future adam's and eve's cursed??? ... because their children will inherit their nature.

all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

News Item5/31/17 9:01 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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praise God for these undercover journalists actually doing the job of journalists!

they have shown the church what the church did not want to see!

babies are a commodity, chopped and sent to "research"... this is the cycle of the medical industry who's foundations are Darwin and who's fuel is filthy mammon and who's religion is Molech...

...our people made an idol of this industry because they were brainwashed by the tv...

propagandized generations need a wake up call to what is really going on...

....and yes, they really do have cell lines from aborted babies organs that are really used to grow germs which in turn become vaccines after adding a slew of chemicals...

...and yes, the damage is documented and the studies comparing groups is done.

the stumbling block now is the church..

they've been given what they need to repent.

they've been given what they need to understand and repent.

if they repent, I will heal their land?

why does God say this???

these idols of ours are filthy.

vioxx led to 60,000 deaths?

News Item5/31/17 8:53 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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there were children who did not rescind their testimony of Christ and were taken.

what a lesson for our youth.

as those who went through the communist invasion of Romania often said that you americans like to sell the gospel ... here we give them a sober reality, maybe you do not want to follow Christ, this will cost you...

to follow Christ today means to count the cost...

they have been mostly eliminated throughout the US, before the US invasion there were over a million in Iraq....

News Item5/31/17 8:48 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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turf war between urban gangs and Mexican drug cartels.

city with no gun rights for the people...

jobs gone, welfare moms, no daddies...

all problems that the president is trying to correct and the left is hampering.

the only way out of this is to finally investigate the Clinton foundation and get justice for those calling from the ground.... Seth Rich... if in fact he was a major leaker, a Bernie supporter from within .... we have allowed the ones who commited the crimes create the narrative?? no wonder they are screeching so loudly...

Chicago and Detroit, the destruction of infrastructure and the bringing in of foreigners that dismantle, is useful for the depopulation goals of agenda 21.

how was it that susan rice was unmasking citizens?

how was it Hillary using personal computer for secret information....?? how can they then blame Russia?? double insult to the nation...

what of Loretta lynch meeting with bill on tarmac personally while Hillary under investigation?

what of all the stories of the entire admin going on a surveillance heyday in jan to get as much dirt on as many people they can find?

what of Benghazi and stand down orders?

what of pay to play where they were paid off money by foreign leaders to get what they wanted from the Ameri

News Item5/31/17 8:36 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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good news!

News Item5/30/17 1:52 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Jim, what he said is that Roe v Wade is the current law of the land.

that's all.

since Roe v Wade also sets precedent for the justices to change "law" at a whim, it hardly holds him to their destructive and violent views on personhood...

....since they can "change" law as a justice, why can't he "change" law for the good?

News Item5/30/17 9:26 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Christopher000 wrote:
Thanks for the friendly response,
in regards to this topic, reading the bible for oneself over a long period of time is best!!

I thought you might be interested in this sermon by Spurgeon...

Title: Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility

and a quote from the sermon:

"The system of truth is not one straight line, but two. No man will ever get a right view of the gospel until he knows how to look at the two lines at once. I am taught in one book to believe that what I sow I shall reap: I am taught in another place, that "it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.""

News Item5/30/17 9:19 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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they seem concerned that obamas purge is being reversed.

Christian men mean good character...

how can they then use the troops for their nefarious purposes?

see what happened to M Flyn....

a man who deserves respect and who spoke of the ISIS connections directly to our leaders.... a truth teller in the year of disclosure so that God's people could have understanding....

then what happened to Seth Rich? many indications that before he was found murdered he was the DNC leaker... they were really that corrupt?

which would mean that the "intervening in US elections by hacking the DNC by Russians" was really a corrupt DNC being revealed for what they are... of all the corruption to have come out, they have never claimed the emails to me wrong. WikiLeaks has never been proven wrong.

in other words, keep the American eyes off the corruption revealed in those emails by prosecuting the truth tellers.

they need globalist minions that believe their Orwellian narratives....

besides which, in the end, they really are plain antichrist...

cultural Marxism aims to remove all influences of Christ in society, leads to persecution....and martyrdom.

News Item5/29/17 10:42 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
the Bible clearly points out churches that aren't clannish.
still working for the greater good, I see? wouldn't want anyone to escape, neighbors to help one another, or (horror) worship Christ together.... can they do that without approval from their local snitch... "if you see something, say something" ... the church in Smyrna had the same problem, insiders who would turn them in for their faith, is there a certification for meeting together without government approval?

News Item5/29/17 10:32 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Adriel wrote:
God is infinitely greater and His dominion far more absolute and extensive than most theologians admit, and man has sunk much lower and is far more depraved than they will allow." A.W.Pink

News Item5/29/17 2:22 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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if one uses psychological tactics that do not work on anyone....

and they know it...

it comes down to the need to...


reminds me of the temptation of Christ and the words of the other one...

they insert themselves with a perversion of the truth and insist at a place at the table.

or the trials of Job meant to show that Job really didn't love God.

always the accuser, twisting what is good, to make the good look bad and the bad look good.

no one is fooled.

News Item5/27/17 8:08 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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....gotta redefine the villians... to keep off the real stories...

never forget Seth Rich....and now this federal prosecutor...and there's others.

and I never forgot the "wall of shame" hung in the halls of congress during the Clinton admin.

News Item5/27/17 7:03 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Christopher000 wrote:
I firmly believe that it was the prayers of some here
good to see the Lord answering our prayers!

the woman at the well was not of Judah but was a Samaritan.

essentially... Gentile.

and she believed and was added to the Kingdom of God and she went back to her town of Gentiles and they believed.

There were Gentile believers before Jesus death.

Its absurd to argue that those who follow Christ as their shepherd are not His sheep is way off and has many concerning implications....

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God...

"the same was in the beginning with God.

"All things were made by him, and wihout him was no thing made that was made." John 1:1-3

Jesus preceeded Israel.

and those who build on another cornerstone cannot expect the foundations to hold up the building.

News Item5/27/17 6:58 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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"culture war"

utterly sick .... babies being dismembered and their murderers laughing as we talk about the proper context in which to understand it.

God help me if I ever understand that kind of evil.

News Item5/25/17 10:54 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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B. McCausland wrote:
The conception of Christ was a miracle wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost, not corresponding to any human conception.

Jesus was without sin.

But His mother Mary was a sinner like the rest of us, called out by God for such a time.

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin"
Hebrews 4:15

Jesus was offered temptations in Matthew 4 but did not sin.

He had both human nature and divine nature.

Jesus given a body:

"Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:" Hebrews 10:5

He was without blemish.

It is possible that Jesus did not carry Mary's DNA...


News Item5/25/17 10:33 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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MS wrote:
@John UK-
A helpful e-doc written by Pastor Mark Fitzpatrick of Dublin, Ireland can be found at his SA church web page.
"Ten Reasons for Exclusive Psalmody".
Back to rejoicing in the Lord.
I would really enjoy a fellowship like that.

News Item5/25/17 10:30 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Didn't realize Jim from Lincoln was writing game software.
you got a chuckle out of me on that one, if you could see my smile. sorry about what the aca did to you all.

News Item5/25/17 2:19 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Adriel wrote:
I notice you guys across the pond have also despatched your....
we aim to please.

News Item5/25/17 9:41 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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how horrible that children would be put in homes like that.....

it would be better for Christians to manage orphanages than to be put in unstable homes.

but good for Alabama for protecting a few of them... good start.

do sodomites like to adopt the children of heterosexuals because they have chosen against their own nature and biology? if they've chosen against their biology I do not see legitimacy there.

News Item5/25/17 9:37 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Gay Allen wrote:
The great culling has begun,
CBO: Republican health care bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by as much as 850%
The American Health Care Act would make a low-income 64-year-old in the individual market pay more than half his income for health insurance.
it began a long time ago.

but it wasn't "special interest groups" but the working class, that pays for the elderly and the dependents.

the corporate monster has to be cut, but the dependents and elderly will not let us, its the monster eating us alive, but the dependents won't let us cut it.

as loud as we shout... pharma prices are extremely high in US compared to the world, I've been in places where a little cash pays for good health care.

but the elderly and dependents want the insurance programs paid for by the culled working class... we must roll through the miry clay together.

funny thing, we were all told it was about me me me, but when a civilization decomposes, we all go through it together.

I saw with my own eyes the destruction ACA had on the working class... ruined lives....and I remember a time in US when one could get good health care with cash wit

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