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Survey9/14/07 7:59 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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So you are at your old devious tricks again!!!

You only STEAL the alias of those you can't defeat in debate.
Thus you demonstrate your weakness oh you of little faith!!!

You STEAL the alias to falsify and misrepresent, thus DECEIVING - Yours is NOT the God of order - BUT the god of lies and confusion.

The TRUE Yamil is made well manifest by YOUR fruit on the site.

Clearly this is NOT the fruit of a true Christian. Does the Holy Spirit ever seek to deceive by His instrument???

If you are truly Christian enough, - then unlock Cheryl's alias and tackle people honestly.

Prov 26:18 "As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death,
19 So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?"

News Item9/14/07 3:32 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Well Done! Stephen and Co.
It's Good to be back.
We missed you.

Survey9/13/07 9:23 AM
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Michael Hranek

Mocking is no substitute for knowledge.

If you don't understand Calvinism/Reformed teaching why not ask instead of the smear campaign.

For centuries the church has been vying over salvation by works; - (your old popish dogma). You can observe this debate in the 5th century.

1] Total Depravity? versus - man may defeat sin (by his own natural ability, without grace) to make the correct spiritual choice?

2] Sovereign God? versus - God not completely sovereign in His choices and decisions? (He requires man's permission to save him).

God *IS* Love.
Who do you want to make the decision on election?
Or the mortal Dead in Sin at enmity with God?

Acts 13:48 "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: **AND AS MANY AS WERE ORDAINED** to eternal life believed."

Thus not all were ordained by God.

News Item9/13/07 5:59 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Molly wrote:
Satan appears to be winning...what?
Appears to be the end...of what?
If time advances so that the Lord Jesus's coming is near, this means God is losing? Huh?
Are you suggesting Satan does NOT achieve anything in mankind?
Is he someone we need be not in the least worried about?

Luke 22:3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
Is this verse not true Molly?

Luke 22:31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
Was Jesus lying here Molly?

Acts 5:3 "But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
Did Peter lie here too Molly?

Jesus words to Saul/Paul
Acts 26:18 "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the *POWER OF SATAN* unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

As to "the end - of what"
What do you say Eschatology is all about? - Nothing? - Irrelevant?

Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the *END* is not yet.

Survey9/12/07 3:28 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Michael Hranek
"BTW I am getting more and more disappointed with this Calvinistic 'perseverance of the saints' as it makes it out like a Calvinist has to keep himself saved by persevering rather that holding to the truth of Scripture Jesus saves us and Jesus keeps those whom He has saved and no one can pluck them out of His hand."

It is so sad that those who do NOT study and learn the doctrine of the Calvinist, still believe that they can judge us and condemn us.

Michael from your post the one thing I do see is that you know nothing about the doctrine of perseverance.

As a Christian shouldn't you check on things before you make an erroneous judgment of anybody.

Matt 7:2 "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

News Item9/12/07 3:11 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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ba and Pete;
I'd better make this my last one on the subject. Apparently I have become a liberal and presumably much less of a Christian than the honest folk of Ulster.

However May I just add that up until a few months ago, Dr. Paisley was the best thing since sliced bread, as we observed on this very board.

Now he is one of Satans very own, in the midst of the sinless people in Ulster, who have now promoted themselves to judge and jury on him.

You will have heard of the phrase "Fair weather Friends,"
I didn't know that you could have fair weather supporters too, especially in the church.

Whatever good Ian Paisley has done in the past, you, holding yourself so highly above him in judgment, have sadly provided a whole different perspective, on how you guys choose to see him now. Emphasis on "NOW."

There is a saying "Those who love you the most, can hurt you the most."

ba, I am a Reformed Christian and Presbyterian, and Psalms only to boot. Therefore not the character you painted in your assessment of me.
I also am very aware of the painful sufferings and trials of this life more so since I became a Christian.

On Dr. Paisley I would add.
"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Prov 17:17

God be with you both.

News Item9/12/07 10:11 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Ok you keep preaching to the converted and "The" Church will go amongst sinners to work.

Matthew 9:11 "And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?
12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

News Item9/12/07 7:14 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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b.a. wrote:
what you are suggesting is to devise your manifesto according to what is popular and expedient, so as to get elected in the first place.

Just live in the real world.

Sin is all around us.

How much today do you see the Sabbath broken by this evil society.
This is the 4th Commandment.

What do YOU do about it?

What does your congregation do about it.

Yet this is sin - just like homosexuality is sin.

The Christian has to start somewhere and anywhere is surrounded by sin.

You remarked "so be it" at my point about not getting into politics and government, if you try on the full Christian ticket. What in effect you are saying is that Christianity should not be involved with politics - or indeed the world around us - because of sin.

In your community are two types of people those who belong to Christ, the others to Satan. You deal with both in everyday life. Stormont is the same as the community and the Christians must yes witness - but NO try to force others to accept Scripture.

That comes from the Popish/Arminian humanistic belief that that God does not do the electing.

Live in this world, ba, as God has allowed it to become "Tares amongst the Wheat." See Matt 13:30.

Survey9/12/07 6:44 AM
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Yamil Luciano wrote:
A man and a little girl accepted the Lord and Savior a couple of weeks ago. I had the nerve to tell them that Jesus loves them.
I saw the little girl this Sunday. She gave me a hug. I asked her, where she is going when she dies. She told me, heaven.
If a Calvinist were in my shoes, I am afraid that the girl would never know that Jesus loves her.
Yamil the same information which you gave out to these people is regularly provided by the Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Winesses and other cults.

Question according to your statement above the man and girl "accepted" Christ. - Can you confirm that Christ accepted them?
Do you just assume that sinners in their natural estate at enmity with God, dead in sin, are automatically received by Christ BECAUSE of their say so?

As for Calvinism.
Clearly you know nothing about it.

You and your Popish Free Will friends teach that man is in control of Christ and Salvation.
I could tell you that this is not so nor Biblical. But you will not receive the Bible Doctrine, therefore you won't receive this either.

I pray that You, the man and the little girl will be elected BY God, even if you are in the vain heresy of presuming HE will do as you command. May the Truth set you free.

News Item9/11/07 3:43 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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JD wrote:
Well, maybe it is time for all good Free Presbyterians to convert and become Independent Fundamentalists Baptists and they then would not be affected as a whole group when one man lost his touch. Has anyone thought of this novel idea?
Aaaww c'mon JD
You can't have these good Biblical, Christian, Reformed Churches to convert to the heresy of Free Will Arminianism, to solve their problems.

Don't be so mean JD.

News Item9/11/07 3:27 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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If you stood for parliament, Stormont in your case, on a Christian ticket vowing to reclaim Christian values, and changing the law to ban homosexuals parading, and legislating against homosexual (so called) marriage, even to reinstate the previous traditional moral values of days gone by.

Would you get into Parliament??

I appreciate you are representing Christian and Biblical law and precept.

But question; - Should Christians try to get into public office and try, by grace, to make a witness statement, at that level?

If you consider they should, then the ticket I described above would null and void your attempt *today* before it even begun.

So what do we do?
Try and hopefully make some difference by witness to individuals, at all levels of society, or turn our back on this task by intransigence.

I'm sure you heard the minister say about Romans 13, that Paul here was referring to a Roman army of occupation in government of Israel, at time of writing.

This is not compromise.

This is reaching out to those who may, by grace, hear the message.

We have to live in the world which the Lord placed us and tackle all iniquity, as the Lord gives us grace to do so.
But it doesn't happen overnight.

The Lord has patience. We must too.
In HIS good time.

Survey9/11/07 3:01 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Obvious Truth wrote:
Seaton, quit the stupid juvenile name-calling and jeering. ..........If you don't have anything intelligent to say, why not just don't say anything.
Why OT, Your talking to me again. I thought you'd played your absolutely "last post" to me and I was all sad.

It's wonderful to reignite such light hearted banter with you again. Heres to many more posts with such friendly chat as the above.

Survey9/11/07 9:02 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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"I will write that one down in the "101 Most Ridiculous Things Said By Calvinists."

Poor Yamil.

Besides delusions of medical grandeur - he has Pelagius Disease.

I can only prescribe election to save you. Otherwise it is terminal.

Survey9/10/07 4:25 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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You are such a comedian.

You know sometimes it actually looks as if you believe all that junk.

News Item9/10/07 4:15 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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"presiding over an office which has opposed his own church in seeking to have the Sexual Orientation Regulations overturned."

Yes ba, we do still live with sin in the world and in those who live around us. As to the church "banning" sin - nuh don't think that's going to work.
This whole nation is UK of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Dr. Paisley could run away from Stormont greetin, that those nasty sinners won't rule for Scripture.
Do you expect them too?

The Christians could all emigrate to one "pure" island where the rarified air of their perfect sinless existence could sustain their dreams. But as someone once said if you find the "perfect" church on earth and join it, - It won't be perfect anymore. Thats reality.

This country doesn't accept the True Church anymore. BUT that's not all is it? They don't accept Scripture authority, God, Jesus or the Spirit.

Thus do we find the trial and trib of our Faith. And are you surprised ba?

Things are getting worse in various ways, - The End is Nigh.

Or at least it is nigher than it was yesterday. The reality check is that we must serve even here on these islands whilst Satan is in charge.

Dr. Paisley did as much as he could.
"Or" as much as The Lord allowed.
So will you and all his critics.

Sermon9/10/07 3:31 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Christ, The Worker -The Secrets Of His...
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Sound Doctrine! ”
A grand message delivered by a good minister of God. He preached, "God is in control" It may not seem like it many times in your life, as I have found, but all works for the good purpose of God and the cause of His Son Jesus.

News Item9/10/07 2:49 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Now I wonder why a Rasharkin man would be supporting of the good Doctor.

Well said Stephen.

Dr. Paisley has been a good servant to the True Church and has done excellent service to his community in Ulster.

I only wish we had his ilk on mainland Britain, especially in the Liberal House of Westminster.

News Item9/10/07 2:28 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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"Under the proposal, a gay individual could sue the church if he heard a sermon that condemned homosexuality"

In other words IF you preach Scripture truth - then you end up in court.

Considering the C of E turned this nation into Sodom and Gomorrah by their religion of Liberalism, They are to blame for the spiritual and moral demise of this corrupt nation, in the first place.

Satan appears to be winning.

Is it getting close to the end?

News Item9/9/07 4:15 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Oh No!!
I can't believe it.

And I thought the Social gospel and Liberalism was doing so well.

But I'm sure our new Prime Minister will solve all our moral problems with the help of Archbishop Williams.

News Item9/9/07 3:25 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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"Migsti Haile, 33, died this past Wednesday"

Martyr for Christ.

The True Witness.

Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

I wonder with great admiration Migsti.

In the Love of God.

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