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News Item3/13/10 9:33 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I grew up in Indiana, where they did not practice the time change. All I can tell that the time change has done, is to confuse, and aggravate people, as well as make them late (or early, as the case may be)for church, and work.

News Item3/9/10 2:51 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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AMEN Bro. Neil. Very good.

News Item3/9/10 9:20 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Consensus of opinion in not the way to discover truth. God's word is the objective, inerrent, authoritative standard. However; it is interesting to see where poeple are on these matters.

News Item3/9/10 9:16 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Cell phones, texting, iphones, chocholate rasbury bluebury pearl android..... Poeple can't go 30 seconds without being on one. Poeple no longer talk to others in public. They are to busy being connected to someone miles away, to acknowlege the existence of someone right in front of them.
Parents need to parent in this area, Pastors need to preach in this area, and teachers need to be dillegent in monitoring this area. We lost 40% of our congregation, because I insisted that the teens not stay on those things during the service. Ironicly, it was the parents that got mad, left and stirred up others to leave. Teachers in our area can't keep kids of off of them without the parents throwing a fit, and accusing the teachers of violating their childrens rights. This is not an old preacher ranting about technology he doesn't understand. This is a real concern of something that is weakening the very fabric of society. Ironicly, there are more non christians addressing this problem than christians. Maybee many professed christians are too in love with the world.

News Item3/7/10 9:06 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Yeah; and I think Ozzie Osborn is a Christian Satanist too, isn't he?

News Item3/6/10 10:59 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The people that God would destroy, he first makes stupid.

News Item3/5/10 7:53 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Those who are promoting this should start reading Prayboy, and Repenthouse.

News Item3/4/10 9:13 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Befor I was saved I had been put in jail for doing wrong. It would be a privelige to go to jail for doing right.

News Item2/26/10 11:48 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This article is about Phillip Ryken's oppointment to Weaton. I think it is a great decision.
Rogers point is well said concerning people who monopolize these forums. I belive the point he was making, is that the same people get so far off trac from the artice, and start, and maintain so many length arguments, that people weary of them. There may be a proper forum for these discussions. But when people read one of the articles posted, they would like to see comments pertainant the actual article.
Instead, what they find, is the same people arguing a secondary, tertiary, or even an irrelevent points. It's obvious by the people who were arguing with Roger's point.
Isn't it obvious, that this is the reason the moderators have to close topics. They have stated this on many forums. Please my friends, think about this. If it continues, they may have to stop allowing any posts at all. I am blessed by many well thought out posts. I hope it does not have to stop because of simple stubborness form those who will not take councel. And if you feel like you must argue with me about this, I won't respond to it.

News Item2/24/10 5:20 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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As someone who is ordained by a Southern Baptist Church, I can well say that some of the besseting sins of some of my brethren, are Pride and Arrogance, as well as disunity. Most of that shows up in bragging about the number of people Baptized, with little said about actual salvations.
Some of this article bemoans the fact of declining baptisms (again, actual conversions are little mentioned). The article rightly says we have forgotten about a lost world. The old saying holds true "We have become Keepers of the Aquarium rather than Fishers of Men".
In solving the problem,I just hope the denomination does not take the approach that says "We have to come up with something new, because this is a different generation than any that has ever been" That approach that says we should look and act like the World in order to reach the World, never works. The world sees it and thinks we are phonies when we do that. The World needs to see something different. God's method of outreach was perfect from the start. If you leave perfection, the only way to go is down.
The Circus Driven, and Emergent movements, are the new Downgrade of the Gospel. Tearfull, interccession, prayerful Bible Study, and Faithful personal evangalism have not ceased to work. We have ceased using those tools.

News Item2/20/10 8:11 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This is exactly why Rescue Mission, such as those affiliated with the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions (AGRM) refuse government money and United Way money.

News Item2/20/10 7:46 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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There is a difference between Heterosexual fornication, and Homosexuality. Heterosexual sex before marriage is sin, but it is never called un natural. There is also a difference between someone struggling with homosexual tendancies, and someone who glorifies Homosexuality. The worst, is someone who commits Blasphemy by saying that Jesus was gay, in order to rationalize his own un natural lifestyle.

News Item2/16/10 10:52 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Of course this man is absolutly righ in what he is saying; no matter what anyone else says regarding the origin of the statement. He should not back down. Biblical trith is always counter cultural.

News Item2/14/10 12:19 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I guess if you hang out in your office you might end up studying the Bible and comming up with sermons that are from God. You might even pray and get the anointing of the Holy Spirit. All of that might really change the lives of the hearers. Much better to savor the things that be of man. That way more people will like you and you can win them to yourself. And if they see that you are just like them, they will want to change and be just like you, which is just like them, and......

News Item2/14/10 12:12 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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We should pray for the spiritual protection of the Christians handing out tracts there. Not only during the event, but after.If you think there was demonic activity at Led Zeplin, and Steppenwolf concerts in the 70s, this stuff is even worse.

News Item2/13/10 11:56 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Amen; Bro. Frank.

News Item2/13/10 11:47 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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What a crafty deciever this man is. And what lack of discernment the crowd has. Bently kept saying "They all must of came in a group" refering to the people rebuking him, but it could be that they were spontaneous outbursts. Even the most ardent ceasationist might be led to believe that God had these people interupt the service.

News Item2/12/10 12:09 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The Earth sure has aged fast. In 1961 it was only 50 million yrs. old, now it's over 165 million yrs. old. How did they find out how old the spider was? Simple; the rock they found it in was 165 millionm yrs. old. How did they find out how old the rock was? Simple; the spider they found in it was 165 million yrs. old. Ther'e playing the old Billy Preston song; "We'll go round in circles".

News Item2/12/10 10:05 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The LA Times said that the Mayor appologized, and that the appology was accepted. However; in reading the article, the only words from the Mayor were that he realized his comments may have made people feel left out. If the Mayor acctualy apologized, he is a coward. But it could be that the LA times put words in his mouth.

News Item2/11/10 8:44 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Error 1. Woman Theiologian.
Error 2.Fresh new insight.
Error 3. God not creator, yet created man.
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