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News Item10/28/19 2:40 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Very true about them counting Catholics, Mormons, etc as Christians. I think the Catholic Church is counted as the largest church in the US, and I think worldwide, is has all other denominations beat easily.
Of course, now that we are in 'Holiday Season" with Halloween coming up this week, the Mexicans are fixing to celebrate their own "Day of the Dead" which is related to their pagan religions more than to any Catholic Holiday (well, I know Nov 1 is All Saints Day and Nov 2 is Grateful Dead Day, but they are only vaguely related to the Mexican celebration).

News Item10/28/19 11:25 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wonder if the news media could interview people from Florida, Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, who moved to CA to avoid hurricanes.

News Item10/28/19 11:24 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I would like to see Bernie smoke marijuana in a state where it is legal, just to show his real endorsement of it. Who knows--it might help his heart condition!
And, speaking of Democrat Party Presidential Candidates and their smoking marijuana, it does seem that Biden has smoked it for a long time. It's the only explanation for his ramblings.

News Item10/28/19 11:21 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think they are ahead of the rest of the population, which has less than $500 set aside for emergencies, or even sudden needs like a car or house repair.
Many like to save first for their children's college education (which they may want to reconsider, given the very liberal and even Anti-Christian stance of most college professors) and forget about saving for retirement. There are 'Parent Plus" student loans that are the worst thing around, just a way to make the parents liable for the debt, like cosigning a loan.
Anyone dealing with these issues should consider listening to the podcasts from Dave Ramsey, especially Chris Hogan's one on retirement.

News Item10/27/19 1:44 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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A strange study, since it seems to omit the fact that YouTube censors content, esp. conservative content. So right at the start, the study is flawed.
If it were talking about the Internet in general, then it would have some validity to start with.
In terms of polarization, it seems that people have forgotten how polarized the country became with Obama. Everything was about black vs white. Yet statistics show most blacks were being killed by other blacks, and even now, a mayor said that the blacks being killed were not innocent victims (news item posted here at SA).
Also, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows that most inter-racial crime is done by blacks on whites. Even in Seattle, where blacks make up less than ten percent of the population, most of the murders are being done by blacks.

News Item10/27/19 1:39 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I did hear an unusual note about CA lately: more money has been raised in CA for President Trump's reelection campaign than in any other state. I know the vote in the state is usually 90 percent Dems (including many illegal votes from illegal immigrants, people voting twice, etc).

News Item10/26/19 5:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It is hard to tell whether the media is fueling these attempts or the Democrat Party. In either case, they want to overturn the vote of the people, which we call a 'coup' in other countries. Just think of the minority party in Canada trying to overturn the election of their president.
I hope this is teaching Mr. Average Joe Voter that he cannot continue tuning in to the main networks nightly news, or opening his local newspaper, to find any objective news about our country.

News Item10/26/19 5:22 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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And I thought Obama chose more judges than anyone else.

News Item10/26/19 5:00 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I meant to write 'men who want to be women'
I also see there is another story about a 'female' athlete (who used to be a man) winning some NCAA medal. That is the tip of an iceberg, and everyone involved in women's athletics is very upset with this.

News Item10/26/19 9:02 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This reminds me that any talk of 'men who want to become men' is the same as saying, "The End of Women's Athletics" as we know it. Men's bodies are much better at things like hitting a baseball, running with a football, knocking other people down, playing basketball, etc. So when you take those bodies and suddenly call them "WOmen" and let them participate in women-only sectors of your sports programs, you will see women lose. Olympics are coming up next year; I wonder how they will deal with this. I remember some Russian medalists years ago who won as women were later disqualified for being men.

News Item10/26/19 8:58 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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NCVS-National Crime Victimization Study--shows most inter-racial crime is committed by blacks on whites. Also check out the Crime Prevention Research website for facts you won't find in your local newspaper or TV, though with TV's addiction to photo evidence, it is hard to deny the pictures of 2 black guys in dreadlocks who are the main suspects in the killing of a white, middle-aged firefighter in the Ft Lauderdale area.
And the supermarket's surveillance camera showing a black woman robbing 3 of their stores. Just ask yourself...when was the last time I saw a 72-yr old white granny doing any killing or robbing stores?

News Item10/25/19 3:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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More accurate headline: "Approx 300 scientists endorse..."
There are probably more scientists at any convention of their specialty (math, physics, computers, etc) than this group.
But Reuters is showing its true colors by running a headline like this.
If people who want to fight climate change really want to make a difference, they would put a big tax on all products from China, which emits more pollution than the USA and Europe combined. People who are upset about plastic straws need to look at Bengladesh that puts out more pollution in the oceans than the entire US.
But you won't find this out from your local newspaper, whose editors wish they could work for Reuters and will run stories like this one as if they were the Gospel Truth.

News Item10/25/19 12:32 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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A headline like this strikes fear in the heart of many, but delight for Democrats who think that the churches full of right-wingers are the main problem today. Not that it matters, since they 'own' the minds of the children when they go to school, any public library, and then college.
Of course, you may ask, why wasn't Martin Luther King Jr arrested for statutory rape when the PBI report shows he was involved in this, and even invited one of his minister friends to join his private party. It's really disgusting that people hold him up when the FBI report shows quite the opposite.
I guess it's like how many Indians esteem Mahatma Gandhi, who was a racist who thought black people were terrible.
And how many liberals in the US think JFK was a god, and his wife a goddess, when he was no better than MLK with respect to his adulterous behavior.

News Item10/23/19 9:24 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This makes sense on the surface, but we have to look in our Bibles to see what it says. The first verse that comes to mind is the one that says you should work hard, because you are working for Christ. Other verses mention how slaves and slave-owners are to behave, which led many in the South to say the Bible does not oppose slavery. Today those verses are taken to apply to work situations.
Comic strip readers will think of Dilbert and his very cynical view of work. You might be able to identify a fellow worker like 'Wally;' you wonder why he has not yet been fired. And 'Dogbert' the Human Resources guy with his evil intent.
A friend told me that his parents told him to never mix business with friendship--don't do business with friends (or family) and don't make friends at work. It could help avoid some problems but also limits you too much. What do you think?

News Item10/23/19 9:15 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Speaking of Pontius Pilate, don't you think it would be biblical for someone to sell a brand of hand soap with his name on it?
Instead, we have a series of core exercises called 'Pilates' but based on a different guy who created them when he was in prison.

News Item10/23/19 9:12 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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New Jersey has some unusual laws, like the ones preventing gas stations from having self-service. I wonder if any SA posters have similar weird laws in their areas.
And, if we have any posters in Muslim countries, they can tell us about the noise from the early morning calls to prayer.

News Item10/23/19 8:53 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Today it is very common to see women lifted up, encouraged to do more, etc.
There are now more women going to college than men.
Thus, we can say 'the world' is in complete contrast to the Bible (as if, in the 1950s with the stay-at-home moms in TV series like "Father Knows Best" and "Leave it to Beaver" we could say the world was walking in line with the Bible).
Thus, we see how the verses in 1 Timothy 5 were about widows (just like James 1:27 that says real religion is taking care of widows, but here and in many other places, you will find some Christians much more interested in debating A vs. B or C vs. D. For them 'real religion' is debating others. The Bible, here, James 1:27, does not agree with them.) but if you study Paul here and in his other letters, you will see this is all part of a Christian society. A good sermon series would use these verses and be called "God's Vision for a Christian Society."
Principle 1: families should support their own widows so that the church can help those who have no families. Paul even says those who do not help their own families are worse than unbelievers!
Principle 2: the church should help widows in need, but only if they have done good works like 'washing the feet of the saints.' The aid is not automatic.
'Dr Tim, a brain do

News Item10/22/19 3:33 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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1 Timothy 5 is mostly ignored today, except for the verse about paying teaching elders.
Yet it contains lessons about family and church that are still applicable but ignored. Why is that? Check your own church's teaching schedule to see when it was last preached on.
By the way, "Dr. Tim," are you a dentist or ...?

News Item10/22/19 11:13 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It sounds like he has been reading the Bible, especially 1 Timothy 5 that gives us instructions on how a Christian Society should be ordered. Some see it as only applying to widows, but in relation to them there are many guidelines, like families should support families before the church ever helps them. And widows to be 'put on the list' (for church help) should meet certain requirements like doing good works, 'washing the feet of the saints' etc.
It is a shame these key verses are ignored today, or 'explained away' by saying, 'well, that was OK for Paul's time, but it won't work today.' Really? But these same people are fast to hold up the later verse in that same chapter that says teaching elders should receive payment from the church.

News Item10/21/19 5:52 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Japan's NHK network is now reporting that more Chinese in Hong Kong are looking for ways to move away, and Malaysia is one spot they are interested in. They have a short memory because I think in Malaysia there were riots about the Chinese (who make up one fourth of the country) 'taking over' businesses. The govt responded by passing laws limiting Chinese ownership, and the result was many businesses closed because the 'natives' did not want to work the long hours and endure the low pay.
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