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News Item4/19/14 5:06 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
By the way, I hope by now everyone has by now agreed that "Easter,:" is a pagan, Catholic term? Have a good Resurrection Sunday!

happy Passover, I think Resurrection Week and Passover coincide this year. The reason they don't every year is because of Romish/Orthodox Church.

For what it's worth Jim, I believe in a Wednesday crucifixion. I believe in literal 3 days/nights. But it's hard to fight tradition. This is Romes doing. Of Rome it is said in the bible that it shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws. 'Easter' is pagan as is Friday crucifixion

Jesus was crucified as the Passover lamb

'AFTER 3 days / nights'! If this is not literal, is Jonah also only a metaphorical preachers story? You have no leg to stand on when some Romie questions the Genesis account. For Rome accommodates millions of years of evolution.

When I addressed the divorce issue, I ran up against why the KJV, Luther and some perceived established church traditions couldn't all be wrong. Much like paedos.

No, even our beloved KJV blew it with 'Easter'.

News Item4/19/14 1:00 AM
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Strat wrote:
What I am saying is that God is God,he has told us he knows all things and has commanded us to do certain things,if you are asking me how to figure God out and reconcile it with what he commands us to do you will have to find a better man than me to do it.
There are mysteries indeed, for we have an infinite God.

But what you've bought into is man made. Free will, by definition, must allow man the sole and sovereign right to a decision.

There is no mysterious reconciling here.

News Item4/18/14 9:41 PM
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Strat wrote:
God and knows all things from beginning to end,apart from the free will of man
Is this what you're saying?
This is the theology of free will.

News Item4/15/14 6:47 AM
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Dorcas wrote:
No brainer!
I kept thinking 'no brained' as I read the article. Then I read your post

News Item4/12/14 8:25 PM
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Charles Taze Russell thought that the idea of hell made God look bad. So CT came up with his own theology & started a new cult - the JW's- with their re-write of the bible.

It is a dangerous thing to lean on mans own understanding to explain that which belongs in the hands of God alone.

From eternity past, God has always existed. In eternity past, before the foundations of the world, God made the plan and ordained the Creation, the Fall, the Incarnation and Resurrection, and the Salvation of His people - FOR HIS GLORY.
We don't understand that fully. What we do understand fully is that God is absolutely just and loving, and that no wrong can be found in Him.

But the Arminian man is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He knows the secrets of the universe and without his rationale understanding and will, nobody goes to heaven or hell.
Fischer says that what God ordained in eternity past gives him a bad image. So he writes a book to give the image a makeover, and restores the glory where it belongs - to the man. But Fischer's real claim to fame is that he dissed the 'C' word. Armin's are rushing to him because - he hates Calvinism.

Armin's don't want to admit being called Armin's. But they are all too eager to call the DOG Calvinism.

News Item4/3/14 6:48 AM
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If a christian can be a Christian without knowing Christ, then it's possible that this kid was being artsy without knowing the significance of what he was doing.

But the again, .....

News Item3/6/14 1:27 AM
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Strat wrote:
You are presenting an unbalanced and therefore unchristian view of the matter and as is typical of a feminist/Christian/feminist you don't like being called on it....I can go find all kinds of things on the internet about lying conniving two timing females and I'm sure you would call me on that.....don't care if you engage or not it is the sorry state of the church today.
The real issue is submission.
God calls men to spiritual headship. To be conformed to the image of Christ, to be more Christlike.
It's the man that WILL NOT submit! Therein lies the problem.

News Item3/2/14 4:31 AM
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News Item2/27/14 5:57 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
I go to a Baptist church and believe in the post-trib, pre-millenial ressurection.
So says the most dangerous deceptive degenerate on this site.
You can't find a spiritual pulse on this guy. But boy can this degenerate weave a lie with such cleverness and conviction that even God couldn't hold a candle to him.

News Item2/23/14 3:50 AM
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Lurker wrote:
I'll be praying for you during your time of need, dear sister.
Heebrews 6:10

News Item2/21/14 6:58 PM
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How much water do you need wrote:
That's the whole problem CV.
Good exegesis and sound doctrine is missing from so many non-Calvinist Non-Presbyterian churches. Its sad! No wonder Liberalism is growing!
In the Older Testament, just compare, cumulatively: Gen 28:18; 35:14; Ex 4:9; 9:8-10,33; 12:7,21-23,37; 14:21-29; 15:8-10; 24:6-20; 29:7-21; 30:9f; Lev 1:5-11; 2:1-6; 3:2-13; 4:6-34; 5:9; 6:27; 7:2-14; 8:11-24; 9:9-18; 14:3-51; 16:14-19; 17:6-13; 21:10; .......
NT There, consult: Mt 3:1-17; Mk 7:1-8; Lk 1:15-17; 3:4-22; 11:38; 24:49; John 1:21-25,31-33; 3:22-26; 13:5-10; Acts 1:4f; 2:1-3,16-18,33,38f; 10:37-39,44-48; 11:15-17f; 19:5f; I Cor 1:16; 3:6-8; 6:11; 7:14 .......
For more :-
"Sprinkling is Scriptural"
Quoting scripture isn't the problem.
The problem is tbat it has more to do with the price of bread in Tibet then it has to do with baby sprinkling

News Item2/21/14 2:07 PM
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Be Wrath wrote:
against Presby scripture twisters, and their hogwash theology. Can anyone find any mention of the covenant with Abraham in Romans 4?
I have NEVER seen ANY reference to baby sprinkling in ANY scripture they have EVER quoted.

News Item2/18/14 5:25 AM
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Bible Presbyterianism wrote:
Oh good! CV
If you need any further Bible teaching just ask a Presbitarian,
Thanks for the offer BP. I can never have enough bible study.
Oh & WE are the wretched WICKED SINNERS. But the bible refers to believers as saints! Because that's how God sees us.

I have no idea why you are making this distinction. Other then to say it messes up who we are, who God is, and who we are in Christ.

Since God is the ONLY one that can meet the requirements of a holy God. Then God Himself met the requirements for us on Calvary. And then gives it to us for free. So now you and I both are declared saints without having a statue of us bleed.

News Item2/17/14 1:23 PM
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Biblical Presbyterianism wrote:
The ONLY sinless person who lived on planet earth was a man called Jesus.
Ever heard of Him?
HE was the Son of God.
Oh for better teaching in the churches!!!!
We are not sinless. We are rotten from start to finish. We require the work of the cross to save us. Jesus didn't. Jesus was perfect.

For you, the cross accomplished nothing. We are not just before God. The righteousness that is imputed to us is imperfect and lacking because we are still sinners in the same sense as those who are under the curse and wrath of God.

The 'wicked' and 'sinners' are NOT DISTINCT. Otherwise the wicked have no need of a saviour or the cross and have full entitlement to heaven. How can you get such stupid reading from the bible.

News Item2/15/14 6:00 PM
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anon wrote:
If you have not grown up as a pastor's child, you don't really understand.
Anon, If I was left to say one last thing before I breathed my last breath, it would be to say that the hardest calling of all is to be a pastor. And that still is trumped only by a calling to be a pastors wife and children.

There is no limit to hells fury that will be unleashed to destroy this family who are in the front line. But I know that God's word also is His promise to stand by this family. Nothing done here will come back void.
God's honor is the surety of the HOPE promised in Romans 5:3,4 -
"but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope"

News Item2/15/14 4:56 PM
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Biblical Presbyterianism wrote:
Also the word sinner is a different GREEK word to that used and translated wicked.
I would have thought that 'sinner' and "wicked" are different words even in english. But from God's perspective, a wicket person IS a sinner.

Biblical Presbyterianism wrote:
Matt 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just"
= Now both the "wicked" and the "just" are sinners.
No they're NOT. If they are "just", then they are justified, not sinners any longer.
The bible is making the point of distinguishing between the just and the (wicked) sinners at judgement, not between "wicked sinners and just sinners"

We often use the expression that there will be "sinners" in heaven. It's just an expression we use to show where we came from & who God reached out to. But in fact, there will be NO sinners, sin, or sinfull nature in heaven. We will be perfect & completely rightious in heaven.

News Item2/15/14 4:14 PM
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SteveR wrote:
Doesnt your answer support what others have said here? Did not Davids sin impact his children? Did not Sarah agree to relations with a Bondwoman? Was it not Noah that was drunken? Was not Eli a hypocrite when handling his office?
The one that puts me to silence is Samuels children, supporting GRACE and election
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
Great points

The one that scares me is this one, "Did not Davids sin impact his children?"

I don't know how this works but it's there. God gave fathers the right to be the head of the house. That put's the responsibility squarely on his head.

With Moses, I believe that he didn't want to go to war with his nagging Egyption wife over circumcisn. God nearly kills him for his disobedience until she relents and SHE performs the deeds, ironically.

With Eli, he DID address the issue with his sons. But God didn't like it that on such grave sins as stealing from the temple and using their position to have sex with women, Eli only wagged his fingers at his sons and said tsk tsk. God took care of it Himself.

But ultimatelly, God is in charge, as you point out -
"The one that puts me to silence is Samuels children, supporting GRACE and election"

News Item2/15/14 4:00 AM
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They're excercising their free will. Shouldn't they?

News Item2/15/14 12:29 AM
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Psalm 119, a prayer that lifts my spirits. That and John 17.

News Item2/1/14 5:20 PM
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J4 you don't have a clue what Paul is saying there. But before I go verse hopping after you wuth your bad onterpretations ( your favorite pastime), lets deal with 'world'

Did Jesus die for all?
'world must mean world'.
You have no biblical understanding,no way to determine context. All you have is your homebrewed version of Armininism. World is then 'everyone', 'all creatiion' 'saved & unsaved.'
Lurker tried to point out that context should be considered & provided some verses to show how 'world' is used differently.
'No diference', 'same' was your response because you hate loosing. Then you deal with the verses where one is (physical) land & people, the other (spiritual) sin

J4, they ARE different

The 'world' in Ephesians maybe 'was the whole world (except a few pockets)?'
But babies didn't know about the good standing in Ephesus? The word 'world' IS qualified by context.

No matter, they all fall far short of your original definition - EVERYONE. But you're shifty, you'll change to suit. Your original POSITION was hot air.

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