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News Item12/30/08 12:28 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The many anti-semitic 'myths' have been around for decades and are exposed, including the 'Rothschild' myth, at

News Item12/30/08 12:01 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The Abrahamic Covenant is introduced in Genesis 12:1-3, actually made in 15:18-21, reaffirmed in 17:1-21; renewed with Isaac {26:2-5} and Jacob {28:10-17}. It is an everlasting covenant {17:7-8, 1Chr. 16:17, Ps. 105:7-12, Is. 24:5}, this covenant contains 4 elements, 1. seed,{17:2-7, cf Gal. 3:8,16 where it referred to Christ},, {15:18-21, 17:8}, 3. a nation, {12:2, 17:4} 4. divine blessing and protection {12:3}. This covenant is unconditional in the sense of its ultimate fulfillment of a kingdom and salvation for Israel {Romans 11:1-27}, but conditional in terms of immediate fulfillment {Gen. 17:4}. Its national importance to Israel is magnified by its repeated references and point of appeal throughout the old testament. Its importance spiritually to all believers is expounded by Paul in Gal. 3,4.--John MacArthur commentary from NKJV study bible.
To say this covenant is with Abraham only is to call God a liar. This covenant doesn't put Jews on a pedestal, instead, it proves God's attribute of faithfulness. To see it any other way is to give the devil a foothold

Survey12/29/08 3:05 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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JohnUK~ this doesn't concern your previous question, but I have found an insightful teaching by Dr. John MacArthur that you may very well enjoy. It is entitled, "Is Israel's unbelief inconsistent with God's Plan?", and sheds biblical light on the Jews, God's plan, purpose and promises for them, etc.
The link is

Survey12/29/08 12:28 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC~ Your opinion of my postings is just that, your opinion. Your theology is foggy, and done so purposely by you, so you can incite arguments. Your constant accusations have worn thin. I have 'taken the bait' one too many times, to my shame.
With that said, may I remind you, who claim to be a 'Christian', this...
"To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, showing ALL meekness unto ALL men"~Titus 3:1

Survey12/29/08 2:45 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC; you can form any opinion you want concerning my posts. I don't hate the Jews, nor do I think they are going to take over the world. If that makes me an 'enemy' of yours, that's shameful. If someone can give me scripture proving I am wrong, then please do so. This is going nowhere and should have ended long before now; I would remind you that false accusations are a sin. You said I denied Christ, and ridiculed others. Yet, you have not one shred of evidence. This makes you a liar sir, nowhere in my posts have I denied Jesus Christ, and nowhere did I ridicule a religious system of beliefs;please remember, all liars will be cast into the lake of fire.
Don't forget, you cannot take your baggage through the narrow gate, lying and hatred of anyone, whether Jew or Gentile, is sin. May the Lord work in your heart, for unless the heart is changed, you are still dead in your sins.

Survey12/29/08 1:40 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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"Verily verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
"But as many as received Him,to them He gave power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on His name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God"
"NO man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him"
"For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast"
One who is truly born again produces good works as a result, not a cause of salvation {Eph. 4:1,13}
What 'anti-Christian system' are you talking about? Again, I ask for solid evidence, a previous post of mine, coupled with scripture; who have I ridiculed concerning religious beliefs?

Survey12/29/08 1:13 AM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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Either give proof of your accusations, or admit, you are a liar sir. This is the LAST time I will ask, after this, I would ask Moderator to get this forum back on topic.
By the grace of God, I have been saved, cleansed by the blood of Christ, born from above. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. By His power, I am a new creation in Christ; I say this NOT for your satisfaction, but because I am not ashamed of what my Lord has done for me.

Survey12/29/08 1:00 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC~ You have condemned me to hell, your post of 12/28 5:08 pm specifically states I am guaranteed eternal torment for denying Jesus Christ. I ask you, AGAIN, to give your proof. Bring forth evidence of where I said such a thing. Quit dancing around the issue at hand, you have made a very serious accusation, and you NEED to back it with evidence, and you need to do it now, or else, withdraw your 5:08 post. Keep your wild rantings and opinions to yourself, show proof of what YOU SAY I have done. Which one of my postings do I deny Christ? Either show proof or admit you are a liar.

Survey12/28/08 8:43 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Banned~ the quote from refinersfire...'Texe Marrs, when asked who God's chosen are, says, 'Why Christians, of course.' Refiners response, 'Really? When did Christians 'replace' the Jews as God's chosen? We challenge Marrs to provide us with chapter and verse. Perhaps someone should remind Marrs that he is a grafted in Gentile believer who does not support the root {Israel} the root supports him {Romans 11:18} May it be understood clearly and never forgotten, Gentile believers have been grafted in to Israel's tree, and they are nourished by the ancient Jewish root.'

NOWHERE in that statement did Refiners fire say specifically the ancient Jewish root is the Jews; discernment will tell you it refers to Jesus. This is how propaganda thrives, by letting your opinion and hatred of others {in this case, the Jews} blind you. May God have mercy on you Banned/ACC, I pray it be so.

Survey12/28/08 8:23 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC~ you have condemned me to hell, by what authority, other than your opinion? Which of my views is unscriptural and which of my views have I sinned against God? Will you give scripture to support your accusations? I have asked repeatedly since your 12/28 5:08 pm post where you say I guarantee eternal torment for denying Jesus Christ, I ask you, where did I EVER deny Christ? You sir, are in grave danger with this most serious accusation. Either you need to verify your accusation, or withdraw your post.

banned~where in refinersfire comment to they SPECIFICALLY say the 'ancient Jewish root' refers to Jews? It should be quite evident the reference is to Christ. Please provide proof otherwise.

Survey12/28/08 6:38 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Banned/AAC~ FYI, the 'ancient Jewish root' is a reference to Jesus Christ.

Survey12/28/08 6:28 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Banned/ACC {one in the same}~ Read your bible, because the Jews rejected the Gospel, it was taken to the Gentiles by the Apostle Paul {Acts}. You should be grateful to them banned/acc. How many more times do I have to post God's own word where HE HIMSELF proclaims the Jews as His chosen people? Deut. 7:6-8 and 14:2 are just two. God chose the Jews, NOT because they are special, but because He keeps His word, His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Refiner's fire exposes the anti semitism of Texe Marrs, who Banned/ACC professes to be a 'disciple' of. That was the gist of my reference to them. I disagree with their saying Marrs is 'grafted in'; 'you will know them by their fruits'.

Survey12/28/08 6:11 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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ACC~ ONE MORE TIME, show me from scripture where I have sinned against God and deserve eternal punishment, USING THE HOLY BIBLE!! Where in tat post did I sin? Give me a passage from scripture and break it down from there. You CANNOT condemn someone to hell based on your OPINION, show me from God's word please, or else you owe me an apology.

Survey12/28/08 5:59 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC, number one, who gives you authority to say whether or not someone is saved?
Number two, concerning myself, bring to light my errors, use the holy scriptures, and show me where I have fallen short and stand condemned by you. When you make such a serious accusation, you NEED to bring forth your 'evidence'. Quit sidestepping, you made the accusation against me and now you need to prove it.
As for the U.S. military/christian faith thing, I have no clue what the world you are talking about.

Survey12/28/08 5:35 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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AAC~ I find it amazing you are condemning me to hell!! Can you back that with scripture?
How am I defending the 'U.S. Military faith'? What is the 'U.S. Military faith'?
Be specific, which of my 'views' are condemning me, and, from scripture, show me my error.

Survey12/28/08 5:13 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Okay AAC, who's spinning who? What is your point about studying statism and what statism believes? How and why should that interest me?
As for Muslims, who is fearful? Being uniformed and defending them was the point I have been making from the start, long before you teamed up with banned. If you claim to be a Christian, can you defend the Muslim faith?

Survey12/28/08 4:56 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC~Power of the government over an individual{s} is really off-topic. This borders 'conspiracy'; I choose to believe what the Bible teaches about what will happen in the last days {which we have been in since Christ ascended into heaven}. Again, God said this world will definitely end, if you are born again, renewed in your heart and mind, having repented of sin and received Christ, why are you worried?
Keeping one's focus on Christ will nip all this conspiracy garbage in the bud; this world isn't my home, I am looking toward the eternal, not stressing over the temporal, and being fearful of 'takeovers'. Whatever happens, so be it. Come Lord Jesus!

Survey12/28/08 4:38 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC and Banned~ do you know how to separate the truth from lies? It's quite simple, study what the Muslims really believe, and compare that to the Holy Bible, authored by the One True God, the Ancient of Days, the Great I Am, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
That should settle this matter. NO ONE can defend the Muslim faith, even just a little, and be a 'born from above' believer in Christ, {not a prophet, but the Son of God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!}
"Be ye NOT unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?"
Regardless of how many 'conspire' of upcoming doom, the bible says 'this world in its present form is passing away' {1 Cor. 7:31} {Also read 2 Peter 3}
God has already said it, man is just trying to figure out how it will happen. If your HEART belongs to Christ, what difference does it really make?

Survey12/28/08 4:24 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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from Dec. 2001, 'Richard Reid, British citizen and self-proclaimed follower of Bin Laden found guilty of charges of terrorism stemming from hidden explosives in his shoes aboard a flight from Paris to Miami. He was taken into custody after the plane made an emergency landing at Boston's Logan Airport.'

May 2002~'Jose Padilla was arrested at O'Hare airport in Chicago, returning to the U.S. from Pakistan; charged with plans to use a 'dirty bomb' in an attack against America. In 2005, the government officially indicted Padilla for conspiring with Islamic terrorist groups.'

It isn't as though terrorists haven't tried, up til now they haven't been successful. That could change in the blink of an eye.
Granted, the media isn't the most reliable. But what do they have to gain by reporting thwarted terrorist attempts? Please, no 'inside' conspiracy theories.

Survey12/28/08 4:01 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Banned~ Lord God Himself says, "For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth" Deut. 14:2
Why has God chosen them?
"The Lord did not set His love upon you nor choose you because ye were more in number than any people, for ye were the fewest of all people. But because the Lord loved you, and because He would KEEP THE OATH which He had sworn unto your fathers." Deut. 7:7-8
God chose them because He is a God of Covenant promises, a God that KEEPS His word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Study the Jewish history Banned, they have always been under fire, put to the test, hated and gone to hell and back because of who they are.
Your buddy, Texe, teaches what you say, Christians are chosen. Not entirely true Banned, Christians are an ingrafted wild olive shoot {do not forget that}, the Jew, the natural branch, has been broken off in unbelief and rejection, but only until the full # of Gentiles have come in.
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