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News Item2/17/19 3:49 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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good post Quiet Christian.

shoot me an email if you want:

News Item2/17/19 9:56 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It seems like any website can just add "christian" to it's name and it becomes trustworthy, and so it is with the Christian post.

The african gospel is no gospel, unless you believe Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, hold to the truth. Do you? Christian Post does. Sermonaudio is a blessing, but I predict the news part of this site will curse it. Certainly preachers like Paul Washer, Voddie Baucham would agree with me.

Too many people are deceived by these articles.

News Item2/11/19 10:30 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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As someone with experience with this both internets are evil, but you will never know it, due to propoganda from both sides subtly telling users
"you need us, you need us forever!",

"online shopping is convinient, don't go out, we come to you, by the way don't forget to buy that plastic junk you never asked for!"

"no need for legal tender, just use virtual money, yeah!",

"Free internet space to hold ALL of your images! don't mind the face recognition, it's there to help you!"

"dont use the library anymore, we can deliver news for you, we know what you like, trust us!"

News Item2/9/19 10:28 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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all Good points Quiet Christian 😊. Everyone today wants to find something in common with false religions, where there are none. This article might work for works based cults like catholism, the many pentacostals, Seven day adventism, all who rely on the Law of moses for their salvation. They can't start with grace of Jesus, and therefore must start with the idolatery of the Pharisee.

"They answered him, "We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, 'You will become free'?" Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.

I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you.
John 8:33‭-‬34‭, ‬37

News Item2/9/19 9:22 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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If this is what westerners think china is, they then will be in shock when they visit here.

Cultural Revolution DID NOT fail, what this means is to the average chinese person confucianism is about as relevant as the Bible is to a Millennial, i.e, not at all, save perhaps for a few quips here and there.

News Item1/26/19 7:54 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Every generation fails to learn from the past.

we should of learned from world war 2 that freedom came with a high price

Cold war should of taught us that worldviews can be evil, communism is evil and some things should not be tolerated!

Sept 11, privacy and security are precious things indeed, but were given up for perceived safety.

The next generation clearly on track to be 100% dependant on google, ipads, facebook,etc those will becone much more important than even parents, family!

News Item1/24/19 11:20 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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To the "does this make sense" guy below:
Sometime the communists figured out that most people never read the articles, just the headlines, what's more and this is related to you, they observed that people spend more time reading the comments from others, and were more likely to agree with them. Having learned this, they spent a lot of money into fake posters, getting paid to promote their corporations worldview.

News Item1/24/19 8:54 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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How did she become so powerful, 6 years ago even the liberals thought she was insane with her Endangered Species delta smelt act in california that brough drought to the land.

As an outsider, it really seems like foreign anti american forces are trying to introduce as many clowns as possible into the white house.

News Item1/24/19 7:07 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Thankfully it's the chinese new year, and I have one month break with my family in Canada.

but last month many of the teachers are experiencing burn out, because it is the end of the school semester soon. last week a student jumped out from one of my teaching buildings and committed suicide, I was at home ready to leave, so i missed it, but the taxi driver would not.stop talking about it.

The holidays have gotten quite busy, i got some surprise lectures I needed to prepare, (which turned out i did not have to do anything, just free talk with the students), correct and grade final exams, deal with complaining from failed students, the bible school asked me to do a class on the image of God, it went well. a retired gospel singer from california hosted a party, and invited me. She has a genuine heart, but with bad theology. Saturday the Catholic family invite me to their home and tried to convert me. They asked the question "you don't KNOW if you are the elect of God, and therefore must do everything you can to look like one". He is really annoying, but is highly respected.

News Item1/24/19 6:51 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I wish stories like what I shared could be shared alongside the persecution, but they're not. There are large churches open to all in beijing, who have an english service, and after service, they have a chinese bible study, or have an english corner led by a young american guy who does anything but a bible study. The foreign influence is awful here. But because their white and exotic americans, they get opportunies of influence.

News Item1/24/19 6:44 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Last month I was wandering around downtown, amidst all the shopping malls, I could see a light, it came from a cross steeple attached to the 3 self church. I'm not denominational guy, but there believers in those churches, every sunday you have literraly thousands of people coming to this large building, speakers blarring out "jesus loves me this i know" chinese hymn, and what do you see inside: Old people, retired, housewives, crammed into tiny pews, cold, bible open, notebooks open, as the female preacher speaks on a chosen verse of the bible. Many have to be put in a different room, with a tv re-broadcast, because
it's just so full.

Not perfect theology, but they got the gospel right, I think that's the type of fellowship the local believers want to protect. So far it has been allowed, none has been arrested there. No emperor worship to be found inside, they have a good testimony with the government, known as peacekeepers.

News Item1/24/19 6:28 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I'm ok, thanks! if you want to receive my prayer letter and newsletter, or to talk with me, send me an email:

I enjoy talking with believers from the site 😊

News Item1/4/19 9:39 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I read this in another place:
Other "Level 2 countries" are Algeria, Antarctica, Italy, Jamaica, and the U.K.

News Item12/20/18 3:35 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Excuse me? Anyways, Maybe I am too political with my recent posts. I have said my peace, if people want to know more, pray for the truth to shine in this darkness. It's Christmas, I prefer to spend it with loved ones and not on an message board app.

News Item12/18/18 7:00 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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2. Bad journalism exposes this piece as nothing more than propoganda:

Article says:
This month, another congregation in the Chinese capital, Cathedral of the Immaculate, has been shut down indefinitely for repairs.

Some Catholics consider the repairs to be “a veiled attempt to hamper Christmas celebrations, which attract thousands of people, even non-Christians"

"some Catholics?!?" This is crappy journalism. It's propoganda. Who are these "some" catholics? Is this a middle school paper report?

and once again article says:

"In certain provinces, the CPC has campaigned to remove Christian symbols from Christians’ homes and replace them with pictures of the president;"

certain provinces?!? This is largerly an undocumented fact, I have asked around Christian leaders, and they say it was the Believers who wanted communism introduced into their church. Whatever, it's just rumor and innuendo, that should not be news worthy, because it is not fact checked.

News Item12/18/18 6:53 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I'm tired of repeating myself, but here we go:

1. False headline, megachurches are not closing, that makes you think megachurches are being closed. False, only the controversial Early rain church and it's partner church, who as the article says has 5000 people, but has refused to register. Would a 5k church in america be allowed to legally gather without registration? Please tell me.

These are trully illegal churches, who have grown too much in size, and have an anti-christian foreign support from secular organizations to promote human rights issues. Sadly this will lead to real persecution of legal churches because Christians fall for click-bait headlines.

News Item12/16/18 8:14 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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and please read this one also:

News Item12/16/18 8:09 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Just to be more organized here are 3 good articles to explain the Chinese Church situation:

From a reformed pastor:

From a 3 self pastor:

From another house church pastor:

News Item12/16/18 7:54 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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First: It is possible to be registered and be outside the 3 self church.
That is allowed. There is a large beijing church every sunday, and if they did not allow female pastors, I would attend it, because I believe they are doing a good job. Last week they were preaching through the book of acts.

As for children, yes it is illegal to bring them to church, and this start to be enforced last month.

It upset many people, but some call it a blessing, as it forces parents to be accountable for their kids, and not some 20 year old stranger who graduated bible school.

In my opinion, and it's mine convinction, is that the Christians are too influenced by nationalism and patriotism, that many want China to embrace Christianity for it's moral value, many of the hymns are based on "God bless China!".

You can glance at some articles here for more info:

God bless you!

News Item12/16/18 3:44 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I guess what I want to say clearly:

The article headline makes it seem like all churches are persecuted, but actually it is only 1 church. And it is a controversial church. Just google search it, and you get the same results: Victims!

2nd: I feel like Christians can run away from persecution, but actually running towards it, is silly. We do not seek out to be persecuted!

3. Few christians respect this church, both registered and underground. I know it's a bold claim, but You will never find a biblically sound missionary praising this church. Go and find one.

4. Their actions actually anger the government and paint a horrible for the locals, who do register and follow the laws of the land.

But I am convinced that the devil is using this to bring about real persecution, but now to all churches.

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