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News Item11/4/19 3:16 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Anyone remember the news item posted here weeks ago about the protestors singing hymns? It seemed to give you the idea that it was a Christian protest. I even asked if anyone else had seen that reported on a secular news site.
Of course, looking for news on the internet is pretty haphazard, since China controls their internet, so no one inside that country can ever report on 'real life.' In Mexico, the drug gangs control the news media by simply giving the old 'lead poisoning' technique to any reporter or editor who dares report on what is really happening there. The same could be said of Guatemala, where the brother of the President was recently convicted of drug dealing, and the country is not being upset with protest like the ones you read about in Barcelona, Spain or Chile.
Cocaine is still being transported from Colombia, now in close coordination with those super-powerful gangs in Mexico.
And do you remember people in the USA saying, if we legalize marijuana, those gangs will go away.

News Item11/4/19 11:53 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Excellent news item--and it brings back memories of the Roman empire and gladiators.
ANd Paul's quote about athletes preparing.

News Item11/2/19 5:22 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Good point, 'Carl' but not to worry, the Chinese and Indians are producing children smarter and more able to work than the ones here. Soon you might find them being the bosses of the native youth here. Like they say, 'a man without a plan will always be the servant of the man with a plan.'
Dave Ramsey boasts of 'changing a family tree forever' when he helps families get out of debt, paying off even their mortgages. But I think this can be dangerous because it just allows the children to be so sensitive to any workplace condition that they will quit at their first insult and move home. Their parents who have worked hard to pay off the mortgage, will have no good reason to keep them away. In other words, I don't see how, just because you paid off all your debts, that your kids will do the same.

News Item11/2/19 5:07 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Isn't Hillary having something called a "Listening Tour"? I think she still thinks she deserves to be president, and there are a lot of women, crones like her, that agree with her and will vote for her.
Because the US has not followed the Bible (esp. I Timothy 5)for decades, there is a whole reserve of older women who have an intense hatred of men and would delight in seeing Hillary or Warren become President. You can bet they will be contributing to Warren's campaign and volunteering for her.
But the good thing is that there is a 'self-cleaning' function in the US, where 'birds of a feather flock together' so these crones will move to other places where they will find similarly-minded women. And this makes those states, like NY, CA, IL, become easy Democrat wins.
It is in the 'borderline' states that have divided populations (half Dem/half Rep) where they will be working hard to make a difference.

News Item11/2/19 5:00 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wonder if this is related to the growing number of illegal immigrants in the schools. Though, if they were coming from India or China, those math scores would be going up.

News Item11/2/19 4:58 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I hope they mention these things about Muslims: 1. for Muslims, all other people are enemies of Allah. the world is divided into Allah's World and the Rest. there is no middle ground, no tolerance. Islam means peace by submission, like the peace a slave has under his master.
2. Taqqiyya is the Muslim principle of deception and lying. Any Muslim is allowed to lie and deceive, even to other Muslims, if they think it is advancing or defending Allah (see #1 above, if you are not Muslim, you are the enemy of Allah).
Therefore, you cannot believe anything a Muslim says to you.
3. FGM--Muslims say this is like the Jewish rite of circumcision, but is done on their females at a very early age. It basically destroys their ability forever to have any pleasure from the Biblical act described in Genesis ("Adam knew Eve and she conceived..."). When you see any woman with those dish towels on their heads, you have to feel sorry for them.
3. Heaven for a Muslim is not guaranteed, except if they die killing non-Muslims. Then they will enjoy 72 virgins, but this does not mean virgin girls, but also boys. Homosexuals are sentenced to death in the World of Allah, yet the practice is very common. Some Westerners say it is because they are repressed.

News Item11/2/19 2:32 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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No one needs math anymore when the smartphone is right there with an app for it. I like to test cashiers by giving them a few extra pennies so that they will give me a quarter back, like giving them $3.02 when the bill is $2.77. The printout is correct in saying $0.25 change, but you should see the look on the face of the cashiers!
(The same thing has happened with cursive writing..who is learning it? do you know it? do your grandkids know it?)

News Item11/2/19 2:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Perhaps they have a low tolerance for pain, or a high level of awareness of the ways a job can affect you. Compare them to the workers in the 1950s who just had to put up with whatever the job required, because the long term benefit--a pension, and having $$ to buy a house for your family--was more important. You might even do a 'cultural history' of sermon topics and find many that extolled the benefits of sticking with a job, no matter how bad it is (think of 'cross you have to bear').
Also, when you know you can always go back to live with the parents, as a large percentage of these youths do, it makes it easier to complain about the job.

News Item11/1/19 5:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Japan's NHK news program today is posting about North Korea using a new multiple-missile launcher. One picture showed it mounted on a semi-trailer size truck and having 4 tubes for 4 missiles. Range could easily reach Japan and South Korea, but not sure about US base on Guam. The NK subs can reach that, along with Hawaii.
Anyone who was planning to move there upon retiring might want to rethink that.

News Item11/1/19 5:18 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I am glad to see this news item come to the fore, because it points out the problem with Muslims, how they will destroy their youth all in the name of their religion.
If feminists knew more about this, they would shudder every time they saw a Muslim woman. The abortion issue would be a minor detail, compared to this one.

News Item10/31/19 3:53 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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North Korea is launching submarine based missiles these days. That will make people living on the West Coast of the US a little more worried than they were before by either fires in California or the air pollution that China generates (a bigger carbon footprint than the US and Europe combined) that floats across the Pacific Ocean.

News Item10/31/19 2:46 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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It would be interesting to see if this story has been posted at any secular news source. If you saw anything about it in your local newspaper, please post a link for us to check it out.

News Item10/31/19 2:43 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Thanks,'Adriel' for posting since it gives me a chance to correct my last post.

I meant to say that 1 Timothy 5 is NOT limited to Paul's time only.

I think many Christians and the churches they attend do not want to face up to the fact that the world is not our friend. The world is not in favor of anything in the Bible. Remember Paul says it is foolishness in the eyes of the wise of this day.
People who follow the Bible cannot pick and choose which verses apply to them. When they read I Timothy 5 and look at the world, they see a 'Disconnect' where a granny like Nancy Pelosi is not at home taking care of her grandchildren, but trying to lead the US House of Representatives! This is madness. And she is probably harming herself with all the botox injections she has had to keep her face 'presentable.'

News Item10/31/19 1:28 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I could not read the entire article because I am not a subscriber to
And I have not heard about this turmoil in the SBC on my local news or on any other email news source. Maybe someone could identify another source like Fox or CNS News or even WND.
It's similar to the controversy over the Bachlorette TV program, where the 'deeply committed' Christian woman said she would have intimate relations (i.e, "Adam knew Eve and she conceived a son") with one of the cute bachelors pursuing her on the show, and on of the 'deeply committed' Christian bachelors said much the same thing.
What is happening is that churches today do not teach the entire Bible; they pick and choose a few central verses and then use worldly concepts to run the rest of their business.
Do they preach the Guidelines for Older Christian Women as detailed in 1 Timothy 5? No, they probably pass it by, say it was only for Paul's age, like Paul telling Timothy later in the same letter to drink wine for his stomach. How many Christian alcoholics have grabbed onto that verse for dear life!
As I see it, 1 Timothy 5 is limited to Paul's age only, but is a 'tip of an iceberg' of how Paul, and thus, God (if we believe the Bible is the Word of God) wants society to be organized.

News Item10/31/19 12:52 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think the Clinton Administration shared a lot of missile tech with the Chinese.

News Item10/31/19 12:19 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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It's about time he figured this out and will say it in public. I think many blacks knew that abortion is against them, though they may not know the viewpoint of Margaret Sanger, who helped start "Planned Parenthood" (look that up under 'oxymoron' in your dictionary, since it has very little to do with parenthood). Sanger wanted to reduce both blacks and other non-white races with her group.
Today, though, most liberal black women will shout in your face, 'I protect a woman's right to choose' when you confront them with these facts.
Bottom line: it's mathematically useless to try to persuade blacks to change from their 99 percent Democrat voting record. Just look at the numbers: if you get 5 percent of them to vote Republican, it is only a small number, but if you pay more attention to your white conservative base, you may get 5 percent of a much larger number, and that will help you win in narrow elections. I am sure President Trump won that way in states that were 'traditionally' Democratic. It wasn't from blacks or Hispanics, though maybe Florida had some extra boost from Cubans in Miami (though that county went majority Democratic)

News Item10/30/19 1:59 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Just in time for his shoe-box collection effort to get going for Christmas. I guess not many Catholic churches were partnering with his group.

News Item10/30/19 1:57 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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There are videos to watch here at SA, or at least referenced to them here at SA. I recommend the ones about Biblical Theology from the John Knox Institute.

News Item10/29/19 4:00 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think they might have a problem since the Muslims control the area they want to build the Temple on.

News Item10/28/19 3:28 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Yes, 'Adriel,' that is a good point-that many who are warming the pews in churches we consider faithful to the Bible are not real believers, but just there for other reasons, like their parents forcing them, their spouse forcing them, even for business reasons (esp. if you were a car or insurance salesman).
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