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News Item6/25/09 8:06 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Didn't he just recently convert to Islam?

News Item6/25/09 5:48 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Oh! I am so sorry I forgot that certain Calvinists teach God
totally abitarily predestinates some to the eternal hell is all for His glory.
First off, one of your major theological problems, Michael, is that you just don't believe in predestination or election. Particularly GOD'S election. Even though God's sovereign ELECTION is all over the Bible, both in the OT and NT, you STILL don't believe it! The ONLY election YOU believe in is MAN'S electing his own salvation. Man's choice rather than God's.

Two, God does everything for His glory! EVERYTHING!

Three, God does nothing willy-nilly or arbitrarily. Because God's choices are HIS choices, they are purposeful, totally righteous, and perfect.

Four, for someone who claims to love His Son so much, you certainly have a very low view of God the Father.

News Item6/25/09 5:20 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mr. Piffle wrote:
Who does God describe as being "in Him" in the OT?
That sort of NT language ("in Him") is not used in the OT. God's righteous ones, people, sons, remnant, saints, chosen, and etc., are some of the Hebraic words and terminology used to denote God's elect -- those who were saved -- in the OT.

News Item6/25/09 4:09 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
[URL=]]]How the Church Relates to the Kingdom[/URL]

The Church doesn't merely RELATE to the Kingdom, The Church IS the Kingdom! Better put: Jesus Christ, and all those who are "in Him" (The Church), IS the Kingdom.

BTW, there is something about Gil Rugh's delivery that just drives me crazy. I find it extremely difficult listening to him for long.

Sermon6/25/09 1:25 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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“ Jesus is the FINAL Temple! ”
Despite what some (Pre-Trib/Pre-Mill Dispensationalists) may profess, there will be no third temple in Jerusalem built by hands. And if some try to build such an abomination, it will be a monument to unbelief. Acts 15:14-19 does not speak of the building of a third (Millennial) temple. This is because JESUS Himself is the total fulfillment of what the previous 2 Jewish temples signified. The REAL has come. The shadows and types have passed. Jesus is the Destroyer of the earthly sanctuaries and the builder of the true spiritual sanctuary: Himself and His Church! The final 20 minutes of this sermon will make your head spin -- in a wonderful, blessed way! Another great teaching sermon from Kit Culver.

Sermon6/25/09 12:00 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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“ Splendid Sermon! ”
How is Pentecost -- the outpouring of the Holy Spirit -- related to the "Last Days" and the "Day of the Lord" as spoken of in the prophecies of Joel cited by Peter? Listen to this profound teaching sermon and find out! Another gem from Kit Culver.

News Item6/25/09 10:47 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Michael Hranek wrote:
... some post or teach God has created some ONLY SO He might hate them and that they might perish
How many more years are you going to post this rubbish, Michael? God never created anything for the SOLE purpose of hating and condemning!

What you forever discount is that God stands "outside of Time," and all events occurring in Time are, for Him, present. IOW, He not only sees the End from the Beginning, but He sees ALL things at once. God resides within the eternal PRESENT; the eternal NOW. Along with this, He knows ALL things -- nothing surprises Him.

From our human, temporal vantage point, God works WITHIN Time and has expressed Himself in Scripture in ways to us that are understandable.

God knew that the inevitable outcome of creating volitional, contingent, temporal beings possessing limited knowledge would necessarily involve their eventual "falling from and short of His glory." He KNEW that should He withhold His upholding graces for one moment from any of these creatures, whether angels or men, they would fall. He KNEW this from before the creation! And He allowed it ALL to happen for His glory and NOT SO HE MIGHT HATE!

We worship a sovereign GOD who is greatly to be feared.
THANK GOD for His Son Jesus Christ!

Sermon6/24/09 7:46 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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“ Exceptional Sermon! ”
This sermon is so good, so life-giving, that after listening to it, you will think that you have been "raptured!" Kit Culver teaches that those who are "in Christ" now by virtue of having been born again have already taken part in Christ's Resurrection. That's all I'll say ... you MUST listen to the sermon for the rest of the story! It's absolutely worth 1 hour of your full attention.

News Item6/24/09 5:31 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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This has GOT to remind people of the novel and film:
"The Mouse That Roared"

News Item6/24/09 3:24 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
You're a strange one, Tony.
You're just finding this out???

Survey6/24/09 2:32 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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I have a serious question for anyone out there. Admittedly, I don't have the answer and I thought someone might know.

Q: What ever happened to the tribe of Dan as it isn't included in Rev 7:4-8. I see Ephraim isn't either, but the other ½ Tribe (Manasseh) is. And yet, Rev 7:4 reads:
"And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty thousand OF ALL THE TRIBES of the children of Israel."

What's going on here?

News Item6/24/09 7:01 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Kevin Damon wrote:
You should know that there are several reports that purport to have found homosexual behaviour in the animal kingdom and these are now being used to counter the views you espouse.
Someone needs to give the following hyperlinked article a good read:
"[URL=]]]The Animal Homosexuality Myth[/URL]"

Excerpt from the article:
"Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals.... For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that **appears** to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an animal homosexuality. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction."

Beyond this, there is NO moral element to any animal behavior. No animal was created, as was Man, in the "image and likeness of God." Man is not merely another animal species, rather, Man is a special creation and unlike animals, Man was designed to relate to, worship, and reflect his Creator.

News Item6/23/09 5:25 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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*John UK* could probably use some of [URL=]]]THIS STUFF[/URL]

News Item6/23/09 1:48 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mr. Dispy wrote:
... how do we reconcile the idea of imprecatory prayer ... with other NT commands [for prayer]
There's really nothing to reconcile.

Imprecatory prayer does not present an "either/or" dilemma, but rather, provides for a "both/and" solution.

The commands in the NT for the various kinds of prayer, i.e., supplications, intercessions, petitions, confessions, praises, thanksgivings, prayers of agreement, prayers of faith, groanings, et al, do not exhaust the full arsenal of prayer. Imprecatory prayer is a "secret weapon" -- one to be RARELY and cautiously used, and only against specific "targets."

If I may make an analogy:
IPs are the spiritual ICBMs specifically targeted against the steel & concrete reinforced, case-hardened bunker/silos which house the destructive missiles of God's enemies: FALSE GOSPELS; spiritually wicked ideologies and philosophies (along with the commanders who vigorously promote them); and dangerous heretics within the Church itself. [2Cor 10:3-6]

IPs are dangerous weaponry not to be used flippantly as did this pastor Wiley Drake. As far as I'm concerned, this bozo has brought nothing but reproach against Christ's Church. Watch -- he will be used and cited again by the media to show Christianity's "hypocrisy."

News Item6/23/09 11:31 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
Honour thy father and thy mother, etc., & etc.
Therefore, as far as a son or a daughter is concerned, a parent has "carte blanche" to do any wickedness against God, His Christ, His people, and His Gospel?

Furthermore, the son or daughter should thereby pray ONLY that the parents would be blessed even if those parents be totally antagonistic toward God, His Christ, His people, and His Gospel and are nothing short of blood-thirsty and treacherous people?

The situation is much more complex than some make it out to be and a spurious sense of "love" aught not to mute the Church's imprecation when there is warrant!

Indeed, the Church must be **extremely** careful in its use and application of imprecatory prayer (as testified by in Luke 9:51-55).

Imprecatory prayer (IP) is merely the Church living up to it's reputation that unto the sinner the Church can be his best friend -- or his worst enemy.
One of the most frequently quoted Psalms in the NT (quoted nearly a dozen times) is Psalm 69 -- an imprecatory Psalm.
The imprecator must first "take the log out of his own eye" (Ps 69:5,6) before he proceeds. We deal with ourselves first ... or flirt with disaster.
IP's main focus should be upon internal enemies "within" the Church.

News Item6/22/09 7:47 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Mr. Dispy wrote:
1. Because Paul CURSES those who preach another gospel ... does that mean we are to do the same?
2. Is this curse reserved for false teachers, or is it for all the enemies of God?
3. If the answers to 1 & 2 are 'yes,' does that mean we can then appropriate curses from the OT that, in context, were national Israel cursing their Gentile enemies, for curses today by Gentile and Jewish believers against Gentile and Jewish unbelievers?
1. We're under no obligation to do so, but we should be of the same mindset as Paul especially when it comes to the Gospel.
2. I believe imprecatory prayer is especially suited against false gospels, but there are other special applications.
3. As a corrective, first read Eph 6:12 and 2 Cor 10:3-5
National Israel's battles with gentile nations were typological of our spiritual battles. It's appropriate for us to use the imprecatory Psalms all the while understanding the typology involved and then mentally translating the concrete physical realities of these Psalms into spiritual realities and truths. It's helpful and very important to always remember that the genre of the Psalms is that of poetry and NOT narrative. Remembering this aids in our application of imprecations as applied to our spiritual..

News Item6/22/09 6:42 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
Well hang on just a mo bro
Saul preached a false gospel? HUH?
Are you serious?

You really DO have a fertile imagination!
Since when has Pharisaical Judaism ever even PRETENDED to be a "gospel?" -- the Good News?
And where in Scripture is it stated that Saul preached ANYTHING before he was converted? HUH?

I consider our "debate" ended.
Anyone who can possibly interpret what Paul was saying in Gal 1:8,9 as: "LET THEM ALONE, they be blind guides leading blind people and they all fall in the ditch together" has a strong prejudice against the obvious meaning of the text. Your spin on Gal 1:8,9 is nothing short of the emasculation of powerful Scripture ... probably the STRONGEST verses of all that Paul wrote in the New Testament.

And I'll have you to remember that this same Paul, in this same epistle, wrote the following about these same false gospellers -- these Judaizers:

"I would they were even CUT OFF which trouble you!" [Gal 5:12 KJV]

Do you know what it means for a JEW to say about another JEW that he wanted them to be CUT OFF? IOW, Paul would have them D-E-A-D!

Leave them alone?

News Item6/22/09 3:45 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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*John UK* --
Isn't it obvious to you why Paul made mention of a (hypothetical) preaching angel in Gal 1:8? Paul was upping the ante as high as possible! An angel from heaven would only preach God's truth, wouldn't he? YET, if he were to peddle a perverted gospel, then accursed be him too! THAT'S how strong a statement Paul is attempting to make here in Gal 1:8. And he REPEATS himself again in 1:9 for those with wax in their ears!

No definition is going to suit us both.
I will opt for the absolute STRONGEST definition because I maintain that the context calls for such a definition. Observe: in 2 successive verses, Paul cries out: "LET HIM BE ACCURSED!" ... "LET HIM BE ACCURSED!"
If you can't see the force of this, you're just numb or obstinate. Why so? Perhaps because going into this "debate" you REFUSE to see any possibility for imprecatory prayer in the NT church and therefore you will NOT allow Gal 1:8,9 to strike you with all its force. For if it did, these verses might militate FOR imprecatory prayer ... and you just won't have that.

I have to laugh at your fertile imagination!
"elect preaching a false gospel before their conversion" (therefore the anathema can NOT be irremedial). Good one! Nice attempt at sabotage, *John UK*
You made me spit my drink!

News Item6/22/09 1:58 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
Sorry, clean forgot

Collins Dictionary of the English Language, 1979.

So ....... for your definitions of the word "anathema" you use and refer to a modern, contemporary **English** dictionary to help us out with the meaning of a Greek word being used in a 1950+ year old NT Scriptural context originally written in koine Greek?

And you dare give yourself the "thumbsup"???


And how do I know whether or not Collins (and company) aren't outright atheists, nevermind non-Trinitarians?
Should I now disqualify YOUR sources and deem unacceptable YOUR definitions forthwith?

At this point, all I can hope for is that you might see that Paul was ready to anathematize even an angel from heaven should he preach a phony gospel. THAT ALONE should speak volumes as to how serious Paul was about his "anathema esto" and should rule out any notion of a mere excommunication. Why? Because an angel from heaven wouldn't be included in the church to begin with!

I'm sticking to my guns: Paul's "let him be accursed" is STRONG STRONG stuff. IMHO, Martin Luther has a better handle on what's going on in Gal 1:8,9 than does John Calvin. And this: Paul was not one to pull punches -- he withstood Peter for not eating w/Gentiles!

News Item6/22/09 1:19 PM
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You didn't include your source, *John UK*
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