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News Item5/13/14 7:19 PM
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You cant say HOW your baptism was carried out. Hands/preach? You fudge it.

Next, according to you, you have the desciples carrying on something they're not supposed to.

9/27/13 1:25pm
Water baptism is a holdover from Judiasm

According to you, WB was mikhvah.
What on earth were the desciples doing taking Christians, initiating them into some Judaistic ritual. At one time they were doing it right under Jesus's nose.
According to you Jesus had to ditch them. (Though you were set straight here too and your theory took a beating. You had to create a tension here between Jesus & appostles if they are to disagree? Oh just waffle on J4)

Anyway, NONE of them back there had the understanding and insight you have.

But you're too much of a weasel to come out and say it. You just "allow" them. They are "not wrong". (Except for when you slip up)

What about Paul. Did he WB'ise? Then he didn't get it either.

Or did he speak of Spirit baptism only. You do use 1Cor1: as proof that Paul could only have meant Spirit baptism or he'd be disobeying the GC.
Out of space here so we'll check you theory in another post & see if it holds.

You like slow moving debates because your contradictions are spread out

9/27/13 1:25pm
God's word is clear though that true baptism saves

News Item5/13/14 4:16 PM
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The Great Commission issues a command to preach, & baptize. Each distinct.

This call must follow a distinct act for each by which to obey.

For WB, no problem.
But there is no call for what J4 says, so he is desperate to claim PREACHING along with hands.

By hands. OK. Though that's sparse for something so important as a command to obey, especially to be able to dispense the Holy Spirit.

By preaching. But preaching is already a distinct command.

Also, in preaching baptism may or may not happen since it is out of your hands. You act by preaching. The response is out of your hands.

Using "to preach" is irrefutable proof that there was a direct command to preach.

Using "to preach" AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR BAPTIZING is irrefutable proof that there was no direct command for your kind of Spirit baptizing.

Dodo says preaching is literally baptizing and literally obeying the GC because sometimes they also laid hands.

7)They laid hands but they stopped, also thru preaching
8)God does it now

10/24/13 2:59a
No, not anymore. Though they sometimes did. The most we can do now, it seems, is preach which results in those who obey & baptized

10/25/13 12L25am pg17
At various times they laid hands & sometimes they didn't & Holy Spirit just fell

News Item5/11/14 5:22 PM
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J4 loves these debates. That's why he steers us here instead of looking at how he does operates.

He applies different standards at different times to get a win.

To make his whacky idea work, J4 flip/flops his way through. There isn't any place he hasn't back flipped his way through.

Here's double standard J4 telling us that no 'how to' verses for either baptism is 'strong proof' against WB. The apostles can't be followed. But 'there are verses which show how the Apostles baptized in the Holy Spirit' which support his view.

10/28/13 3:27 pg15
The whole idea of Jesus supposedly telling them to perform a water ritual is a whole different topic. I don't believe He did
There is also no mention of a definite mode, age requirement, or purpose for water baptism in the N.T.

8/26/13 6:13PM PG 21
there isn't a place in scripture that says to be baptized in water you are to get into a river and be dunked in water while standing on one foot for the purpose of making a public confession of faith

10/5/13 4:25am pg17
Yeah, let's base our doctrine off of everything the Apostles ever did! ..I'm sure Jesus knew what they were doing, but it doesn't mean He taught them too

News Item5/10/14 6:10 PM
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No J4 you're wrong on 1Cor, but later.

Points 7&8 is about how you think the baptism of the Holy Spirit was. to be performed. According to you it was like this, no like this, no maybe..

We all believe that there is both, water and Holy Spirit baptism for Christians. You believe one & not the other. So where you quote scripture on baptism of the Holy Spirit, you want us to be like you, argue against the existence of the other - against your proof texts. We're not like you.

Holy Spirit bapt'm is God doing and man receiving & always spoke of in those terms. Scroll back down to YOUR post & look.
He(God) baptised.
(Men) WERE baptised

WB is always spoken of in terms of man baptised.

Mat2:2-12 Jesus tells a paralytic your sins are forgiven. Cheap talk anyone can say that. But a religious leader or rabi, that's blasphemy. Only God can! Scribes go balistic. So Jesus asks, what's easier for Him to claim, to forgive or to say walk? If He can speak life to a dead, is there any doubt to His authority?

There were many spokesmen for many gods. The apostles, like the prophets, were sent with authority to speak for The God eg laying of hands and other miracles.

Man was called preach & baptise and it hasn't ceased. Man never could Bptise with Holy Spirit that cant any more

News Item5/10/14 2:21 AM
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Try again and get real this time.

The disciples did this. AND the disciples did that.

So what's the difference? It's subject to the kooks approval!!

Your great and mighty revelation for Christendom is that the bible can only be parsed through this degenerate.

I'll move on to your challenge now so you have no room to weasel out.

News Item5/9/14 11:55 PM
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Thanks JY
God loves you and will be your guide.

Debates get heated over differences. But I cant tolerate someone who's shifty & dishonest. This guy can reach over for your wallet and deny taking it while he holds it to your face.

Woo hoo J4, in all this, your biggest gotcha moment is the word 'pout'? It wasn't in my original point because I knew you'd pout.

Here's your Jesus pouting & leaving town-
'When He hears what his disciples are doing He departs to Samaria'

I didn't engage you for you to give your garbled incoherent interpretations. You've been doing that for years. I am exposing your two faced backflip responses. Then we let you loose

Your gloating over some 'strong proof' is YOUR ALLEGED lack of verses about 'how to' WB in the bible. Your wining submission is YOUR ADMISSION that there are no verses to show how to baptise with the Holy Spirit. Are you that daft?

The apostles are our example. Except when they WB. Then they're in error.

Proof #'s 7&8 will be about J4's 'how to' baptise with the Holy Spirit.
It's hands. No, it's preach. No, hands. God does it. Preach, that's literally the act of baptising. But sometimes they don't know that it is happening. It's not done anymore. It was only for the disciples......

News Item5/9/14 5:52 PM
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I've got 7&8 left of the challenge. You wanted me to prove that you said what you admit you've said? The challenge at that point was to put a bravado front. You haven't denied any of the points. You've simply explained/rationalised. I don't care if you wana change. None of your points have been consistent anyways. You've waffled & cheated because it kept falling apart.

What' are you complaining about in your last post?

DID YOU SAY THAT there's no verse showing how to baptise with the Holy Spirit.

Every Cristian believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So quoting verses for that is not proof that there's no water baptism.

You were asked the question because you had gone on about there being nothing given about water bapt'm as proof against it.

You attacked WB because there's no verse showing how to do it. THERE IS NO VERSE SHOWING HOW TO BAPTIZE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. So much for all the hot air over that point.

So how do yo do say we know what to do? Follow the disciples. Ah but they are in error over WB! Don't follow! Ok, follow the bible cause it's inspired. So now the strength your wacky theology is based on the strength of impeccable waffled fuzzy interpretation. All of Christiandom is at mercy of YOUR mistique wisdom.

News Item5/9/14 3:28 AM
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J4 we'll get to your defence later.
There are two issues, your wacky views, your dishonest ways. I'll address the challenge for proof, then back to your dishonesty.

We'll get to that John/uk

Back to J4's challenge for proof

Point #6 J4 admits they weren't told how

10/26/13 12:11 page16

What verse do you see the Lord teaching his disciples that they would baptize people with the Holy Spirit?

J4 responded
There are none. Just as there are none of Him teaching them to baptize in water either.

I can't tell you how much of a big deal J4 made over this point against water baptism, yet here he is admitting -

For point 4 (Jn3:22/23)

J4's theology had, when Jesus found out the disciples were baptising, He pouted and left town. But J4 was corrected, so J4 had an epiphany & left town.

10/4/13 9:14pm page17
What did Jesus have to say about baptism in those verses? That's right! Nothing. For another thing, it clearly says Jesus baptized not, but His disciples

10/5/13 4:25am page17
There is never a case in scripture where Jesus either baptized people in water directly or commanded for it to be done. When He hears what his disciples are doing He departs to Samaria

Then J4 concedes when presented with Jn 3:22

Out of space

News Item5/8/14 1:07 PM
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CV wrote:
2)This crackpot believes that there's no water baptism - 'John baptIZED' is in the past tense

3)Not that just us Christians got it wrong, but the apostles too

4)In fact, when Jesus was with the apostles & found out that they were baptising back then, He ditched them & left town

5)J4 says in Mat28:16, Jesus said to baptise with the Holy Spirit, not water

6)J4 admits they weren't told how

7)They laid hands but they stopped, also thru preaching

8)But nobody baptises now. God does it now

9) Mat28 wasn't for all Christians anyways. Not even for Paul

10 'Though Paul did baptise

11) Sometimes he didn't even know he was doing it

You know you said those things yet you ask for proof, and then debate each point as biblical.

My issue was about how deceptive you are. You're already doing it.

John for JESUS wrote:
1) Okay, let's see the date and time
And so that you don't have this as an escape hatch:
"Let the record show that CV has not showed the time and dates of my post which he is referring too. I doubt you will"

Points 2,5,9,10 you've answered it on this thread for me

#3 you said on this thread (and others), that Peter was in error (having an ephiphany?)

#11 I've given below

News Item5/8/14 5:56 AM
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My issue was not to "debate" our interpretations on baptism. We will, in time! Your interpretations are wacky and will come out as we go along anyways. But for now, i am not primarily debating your view. You can even change your view.

My issue with you is that you are dishonest. You will decieve and twist when you need to, to get your kooky beliefs accross.

You asked for proof. For what? To imply that you hadn't said it? Then go on to prove each one biblical?

Here it is-
There's a difference between "recall" & "realize". One is memory/rememfrance & other is to be aware that it took place.

To work your baptism of Holy Spirit into 1Cor1:16, you had to state that Paul did not always REALIZE he was baptizing.

No matter. You said something, take your pick!

CV wrote -

9) Mat28 wasn't for all Christians anyways. Not even for Paul. 10) 'Though Paul did baptise. 11) Sometimes he didn't even know he was doing it.

J4 challenges me to show where he said it, (& then defends it also!) -

10) Paul did baptize. You do understand that, right?
11) Paul didn't recall if he had baptized anyone else.

1ST proof
8/28/13 5:51AM page20
2) I don't believe it strange of Paul to say because he may not have known if someone was baptized without him realizing it.

News Item5/8/14 4:14 AM
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LIdough wrote:
Mohler said this just the other day that the churches lack of doctrine in these two areas alone has enabled other sins such as same sex marriage. Later this year the SBC is hosting a marriage conference to finally nail down their divorce and remarriage doctrines.
After we re-arrange the chairs on the Titanic, we shouldn't allow queers and gays on the promenade deck. Only the Evanjellyfishes should be allowd to waltz around RE-defining marriage.

How dare the queers? OH the nerv! Only Christians should be allowed to change the bible

(SteveR doe's stand up for the Roman Catholics. And unfortunatelly, the Roman Catholism as well. Sometimes we swing too wildly at both.)

News Item5/7/14 3:36 PM
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UPS wrote: "You still have to give him credit for being civil in his discussion of the matter"

If it was just a matter of a different view, you would have had a point. Every view under the sun has made it's rouns before.

My beef is the dishonest way this scammer works.

Look at this, he's called for date/time to give the appearance that he's caught me out - called for proof! Why call for it if he knows what I posted is true? Because he want's to look good here and knows that later it will be forgotten!

We're not arguing bible interpretations, he's good at that game. We're laying out what he said. His posts are on record. Not much wriggle room here.

He called me to prove. Then he went on to explain rather then onject to what I said.
In all that, the best escape hole he found was that he was "corrected". Actually, he was stumped and left town for a while.

Now UPS, I'll provide the proof.

He hasn't objected to what i have said. He can't. He will give more tripe to smooth it over.

John for JESUS wrote:
1) Okay, let's see the date and time.

News Item5/6/14 8:45 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
John's baptism in water is in the past (John "baptized" in the past tense)
I want to show what a crackpot you are. I will get to baptism later. But first, I want to show the dishonest way you arrive at your theology.
I will be referencing your very own posts, but because of space, I'll leave out the date/time unless you ask

Before we leave baptism -
This crackpot believes that there's no water baptism - 'John baptIZED' is in the past tense. Not that just us Christians got it wrong, but the apostles too. In fact, when Jesus was with the apostles & found out that they were baptising back then, He ditched them & left town.

J4 says in Mat28:16, Jesus said to baptise with the Holy Spirit, not water. J4 admits they weren't told how. They laid hands but they stopped, also thru preaching. But nobody baptises now. God does it now. Mat28 wasn't for all Christians anyways. Not even for Paul. 'Though Paul did baptise. Sometimes he didn't even know he was doing it.

J4 your theology has to takes some pretty stupid hops at critical junctures to make it work. But you're good at lying and smoothing it over.
This is what we will look at

News Item5/6/14 9:08 AM
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In Acts 10 God sends Peter to a gentiles house.

"27Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people. 28 He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean."
Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation..
44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.
45 The Jewish believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles.
47Peter said,“Surely no one can stand in the way of their being BAPTIZED WITH WATER. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.”

In Acts11:16-17
Peter recalls our Lords promise of the Holy Spirit. but the gentiles too recieve the Holy Spirit. Read V:17

Acts 11:17 "If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?”

Acts 11:16 is NOT an admission of error by Peter. It is recollection of Jesus's promise.

J4 loves these twisted games. Stick around J4, you'll soon shed the woolies & be howling again. stay

News Item5/3/14 8:34 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
3) Faith doesn't bring knowledge about baptism,God's Word does
No dodo
In the Calv'st position, it's regeneration before faith. Faith is a gift.

But your man of fath already has knowledge of baptism.
His faith came about as a result of a lot of work. He has had the gospel preached. He was enlightened and armed with knowledge before he 'freely chose' to have faith.

So quit making stupid points to trip people. You know what T.R meant. And drop that 'faith is not works.' We'll dispose that in time too.

What would you say about a kid whose got his face and hand stuffed with cookies and the other hand in the jar, all the while denying taking any? And what of an adult over more serious matters?

Your positions are built on a method.
You start with a lie that you know will take some finessing to draw out. Buys you time until caught. Then you're forced to make an admission. But then right back to it. So why the admission then?

You strength is to to draw something out long with clever twists so nothing can be pinned. Your best is to be able to go back to hold a lie with a 'straight face' after you've been caught. You are a phethetic deciever. This last we'll look at. Then we'll debate baptism and your sinless man.

News Item5/2/14 5:45 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
1) Jesus was baptized with John's baptism to fulfill ..God's command for Israel to be baptized
Before we deal with your nonsense against water baptism..

Re: Gov. Perry' s water baptism,
His politics not withstanding, for I am clueless on current American politics, but good on Gov. Perry for acting on his faith. Who cares what you or the Reformers think on baptism. We only care what Jesus calls for. And He calls for WATER BAPTISM(immersion).

You do not need a truckload of theology or to flog yourself in repentance. A simple realisation of your need for a saviour sufficeth. Like the Ethiopian eunuch, God creates in us a desire to seek Him in truth. Our knowledge and understanding grows out our desire for Gods simple truth.

What I detest is wolves like you that have no spiritual pulse but use intellectual prowess to erect contrary doctrines that are an obstacle and upset people's faith.

You are so egotistical. You stand contrary to every single historical Christian essentials just so you can stand out. To believe what you believe, everyone will have to submit verses only to you for parsing

News Item5/1/14 6:01 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
He isn't going to be in better standing with God for having taken an extra bath that day. If he is truly saved, baptism occurred at the moment of faith once and for all by the Holy Spirit. There is no need for an extra ceremony.
Our Lord was baptised, (I know it was a mystical Jewish ritual right), and He commissioned us to do water baptism.

But if it's a bath, you could use it the most.
Along with rest of your stinking theology, don't you believe that Adams sin was not reckoned to us?

Why, you were born sinless just like Christ. And it was quite a horse race until you blew it. Just think, had your homemade Arminian will not failed you there, I would have been praying to you today. Up to that very point, you were sinless and immortal, but you became a slave to your free will, and fell.

On the issue of water baptism, you were slithering around with no hole to escape into - the last time we engaged.

You have many fans here. I see you as a snake.

News Item4/30/14 8:40 AM
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SteveR wrote:
Not that I am always on topic, but on the RC bashing we do, nobody thinks that there aren't people within RC that love Jesus or that they are less beloved of our Lord. But all that seek Him find their way out of Rome, as they would out of Hinduism.

These are loved by my Lord. The difference between you and most of us here is that we recognise Rome for the phoney monster that it is. And you present a ready defence for that Harlot.

In all our duels, it's Rome that I despise, not the Roman Catholics that Jesus came for and is coming again for.

News Item4/30/14 6:54 AM
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Ah Jim, we need to pray for our pastors. Pray for their families.

And no, I am not a pastor, son of a pastor, or play one on TV.
My concern is that the attack on the pastor and his family is of particular significance to the evil one.

Oh, and Charisma, the Pentacostal mag, citing biblical qualifications for a pastor, yet boasts the largest number of women pastors.

News Item4/19/14 7:50 PM
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Don't forget the free will of the mentally retarded or those in a vegetative state. The Arminian position, unless it is willing to concede that this group of people get a free pass which would make them some sort of 'elect', would have to accept that they too have the full capacity to respond. Even babies too.
Possible I suppose.

Armins say that we are not robots. God does not force anyone. Man is free to make a decision.
I can never understand how then some Armins believe in perseverance. At least those who believe in losing your salvation are consistent to maintain their freedom to choose. Armins who say they cannot lose their salvation are half baked. Is mans will the guarantor that it will never fail God again? Nope!
Armins rely on Calvinism to bail them out here. God so worketh that man is irresistible drawn to him, removing the 'choice' to fail --something for which they opposed Calvinism for.
Ultimately, all Armins are good Calvinists when they get to heaven, Robots forced against their will. There wil be NO FREE WILL CHOICE to fail again.

In heaven, Arminianism will NOT WORK!!!

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