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News Item11/18/2020 6:40 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Mike wrote:
From the news:
“I would recommend to people not to abandon all public health measures just because you’ve been vaccinated," Fauci said. "Because even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don’t necessarily know for you how effective it is."
See where it's going? Even if 90-95% effective, hey, maybe not for you. You are at risk of living your life. Be afraid, wear your mask. Forever.
See the point you make, Mike.
When will the church start praying for the Lord to debunk this present tide of evil?
Meanwhile, its culprits seem not brought to accountability till His design comes to fulfil his purpose.

News Item11/18/2020 6:09 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John Lee wrote:
1. ... are you saying that when the figure goes up to 10%, you will consider it as being the justice of God?
Or are you saying that the figure needs to be ... 99.9999% as ... in the flood
2. Our guv spoke about a second wave, if great care was not taken, and it is turning out to be
3. ... the collapse of the world as we know it, a huge population decrease, the end of capitalism or financial greatness, and the second advent of our Saviour
Just some few remarks, John
1. Plagues of judgement God sent were often not total, but substantial, say a third of the earth hit, or so many killed, and other times selective, e.g. the children of Israel had light while Egyptians darkness. What identified them as such is discernment

2. While gov measures were imposed during the first wave they were already assuming the second.

3a. You may be talking in the line of a dispensationalist, where the only solution is the end. No, waves of evil come and go, this is the pattern. What is true is the judgement of civilizations, to their end.

3b. How is wealth going to be produced in the absence of capitalism? Socialism and communism do not produce wealth, they consume it. "With the sweat of thy brow" is God's pattern of creating sustenance

Sermon11/15/2020 5:48 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Self-Destruction or Salvation
Rev. John Greer
“ Not much preaching of this kind nowadays ”
The preaching of the gospel from the 13 chapter of Hosea has been solemn, interesting and profitable.

Sermon11/14/2020 11:21 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Ingredients of Bible Evangelism
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ A unique message ”
Dr. Cairns at his best in zeal, power and content in what it appears to be one of his earliest messages at the beginning of his ministry in Greenville. Tremendous.

News Item11/14/2020 6:21 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Watcher wrote:
So be it.... scripture, will be taken out of context, and misconstrued to fuel the fire.
It is always the case to commit the cause to the one who judges rightly.


Moderators, please, consistency with your own policy will be appreciated
Thanks ,

"He has shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of thee,
but to *do justly*, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

To *do justice* and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice"

News Item11/14/2020 5:20 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Refrain your rant please, it is far from edifying. Please abstain from mentioning my name in your posts. This is greatly appreciated.

Worth noticing.
Some get away with viral attacks as the moderators seem aloof to their own policy of checking on personal attacks.

Sermon11/14/2020 1:30 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Evangelical Cave-in
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Vital information ”

News Item11/13/2020 2:16 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Cont. Mike
Even Nazareth was known as a disdained place in Christ day by the mouth of Nathanael:

"And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"

Yet that town was the place were Christ pieuosly lived with his family :

"And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read."

Folks, without wishing to create offence or stir new rants, and in the light of what has been demonstrated above, the fact is that in this side of the Atlantic, the Irish are joked about by the world as being not smart, the English as being posh and calculated, and the Americans as being boasting know-all big mouths. Multiple are the jokes about based on these stereotypes.

Now are all Americans that way?
Surely the character of Christ can been identified in a number of fine American pastors and Christian folks among SA users


Watcher, agreed, sanctification should be better displayed and identified by the over 60 here

News Item11/13/2020 1:07 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Mike wrote:
... the misty world of generalization. Name the Americans of whom there is complaint...
Mike the Word is full of generalizations, e.g.
"No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God"

"the soul that sins, it shall die"

Yet easily we perceive to who they apply.

"Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes"
Exceptions to this condemning generalization are obvious, as some of the disciples came from Bethsaida:
"Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter"

with Crete where Titus ministered to believers:
"there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts,"
"For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee"

So the generalization did not apply to all Cretians,

News Item11/13/2020 3:40 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Watcher, sorry to observe your beleaguered treatment.
This has happened here before when some one has passed a general remark on the same line. Other posters then, refrain from interference in the conversation knowing they will get the same treatment and insult if doing so. However out of conscience this comes to you.

It appears that Americans and pastors consider themselves above correction or criticism. However, perhaps the responses you have gotten amply prove your original point.

He that dares to correct the fool will attract upon himself scorn says Scriptures.

So, now, we can anticipate a new wave of abuse for daring to post this comment to you.

Folks, abstain please, in honour to freedom of speech

Sermon11/12/2020 9:06 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Be Not Afraid, But Pray
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ An inspiring blessing ”

News Item11/12/2020 7:51 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Take care, John , God bless

News Item11/12/2020 6:40 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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God given guidelines and utopias are two different things, they work against each other in a fallen world.

The difference is that God's guidelines contribute to the benefit and improvement of societies, while utopias as communism end in oppression, disillusion, disaster and dispair.

The gospel our age needs starts with accountability unto God,
"repent and believe that gospel"

News Item11/12/2020 5:35 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John Lee wrote:
Sure thing, God's ways are good and they are the best. But if the minority Christian sector cannot or will not attain to them, then you cannot blame the poorest Christians from getting help from wherever they can, which, in the UK, is from the beloved guv.
Fine, you can, but the leanness of heart towards the things of God such setting creates in society, is reason enough to lament, if not abhor, socialism.

People cuddled by the 'beloved' state, are told they are good, and deserving what ever the case, so provision is guaranteed on such grounds from the cradle to the grave.
In short God is dispensable, cause and effect is not relevant any more, rewards from His part are not extant, hell?!? Why bother.
Accountability gone who cares about those crazy preachers down the lane ...

Would you rather have it like this?

The god of this world uses the socialistic setting to blind many more by a bland shot ... A whole country at a time perhaps ...

News Item11/12/2020 4:55 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John Lee wrote:
Sister B, are you describing a system that could and should be? Or a system that is actually working in a real country, somewhere in the world? Thank you.
Do you reckon God's principles are worth taking on board in any society or country?
There you have your answer.

God did not intend man to function as a member of a communal which would take responsibility of his needs, but as an individual with personal accountability exercising personal initiative, discernment and judgement.
Surely the law included charitable guidelines for tragic outcomes, but not for the state to take over .

Modern demographics have distorted this picture shifting responsibilities to the state, to the point of having today 'Christian Socialists' in the milenial rank of the evangelicals

News Item11/12/2020 4:13 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Watcher wrote:
And yet, your founding fathers were all socialists and many of them were high-ranking Masons. Interestingly they talked about democracy when they knew nothing about it. Just my opinion.
If they were at the beginning, when starvation proved the failure of such ideology due lazyness of some individuals, they quickly changed it to free enterprise.

Democracies are humanistic demographics.
When the crowd is wrong there are no corrective or checks, so they get what they ask.
God gave Israel what they asked when endeavouring on self willed demographics

News Item11/11/2020 6:27 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, when free enterprise works it takes care of all those instances, but from different means, and angles because,

1. Economies work better, are more productive and self-sufficient when individuals manage their affairs without interference reducing bureocracy costs

2. Taxation diminishing, wealth increases giving place to personal philanthropy: the state concentrates in order and safety

3. Charity and education return to their ordained places of function: the individual, the church and the family

4. The implementation of cause and effect rids society of financial parasits, absurd claims and hand me outs, giving way to affordable private insurances for cases of accident, theft or conflict

5. The cost vice generates in governmental sources gets tampered by placing the individual in charge of the consequences of his own poor choices, say selfish breakage of relationships, addictions, abuse, or reckless living. Hence crime reduction will follow.

We have created a society of self entitlement, where we take all we have as a 'right', when in reality they are unmerited privileges derived from a wrong concept of man, his nature and ethics

Talks on socialism can be found in SA. On understanding directives, the rest, say the said above, falls into place.

News Item11/11/2020 4:15 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Adriel wrote:
1. How the country uses and applies its taxes is one thing.
2. Socialism is entirely another question.
3. "Non-Socialism" = Is not the private ownership of everything.
1. Yes, this is the point, when taxes are used to redistribute wealth, provide Healthcare and hand outs, administer education, regulate policy, exercise charity and impose life styles, etc...
The only role of the state is to punish evil, as given in Rom 13, not to be the all in all benefactor.

2. Socialism is when the state over steps its God given role.

3. Non socialism is free market, empowering the individual with personal accountability, iniciative and the rewards of his own hands.

News Item11/11/2020 3:38 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Adriel wrote:
1. "Socialism is an ideology or system based on the collective, public ownership and control of the resources used to make and distribute goods or provide services. This involves ownership of such things not by private individuals but by the public (the community as a whole), often in the form of a centralized government.
2. The things needed to make goods or offer services— Under socialism, the means of production are owned collectively, rather than by private enterprises."
1. Fine, who owns or controls the British postal system, healthcare, benefits, social wellfare policy and practice, education, pensions, the BBC, railways, interest rates, and water sources in Britain?
Socialism works by statism, when the state dictates industry minimum wage, quota production, licence to exports/imports, hours of work, pension scheme, taxation tarif, and ethical definitions.

2. Raw products used to make wealth are regulated by Brussels, pacts and treaties. E.g. Who took away British fisheries and why? Why farmers are told how many heads of cattle can produce in exchange for subsidies? Why grants to turn pasture land into forest?

In all, theoretical definitions sound often nice when disconnected from reality

News Item11/11/2020 2:37 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Adriel wrote:
1... a Monarchy and a House of Lords ...
2. There is a strong capitalist tradition in British society too ...
3.... there is a strong socialist presence in...
4. the administration of industry and commerce is a management based organisation which is accepted by most of the workers.
5. a strong middle class tradition in the nation.
6. An interesting recent event is that Boris Johnson won, over the Labour Party, and demonstrated a strong support for a conservative mandate for this parliament.
Adriel, Perhaps you are dreaming in the past
1. Those are forms of government, socialism is made of financial and ethical policies

2. This has not survived European Treaties, global policies and banking strategies

3.Socialism is more than an ideology

4.Management and workers are subject to amoral taxation and miriad regulations

5. Midle class is disapearing

6. Your point here contradicts your previous statement:
"Theresa May, David Cameron and Phillip Hammond are examples of the Left - And therefore Liberals masquerading as Right."

Perhaps you are not aware of the lengths our wellfare system has arrived: redistributing wealth, rewarding vice and poor choices, while penalising making wealth.
This is socialism

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