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News Item8/29/09 4:11 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Teddy got re-elected(I remember a few years back when he barely won the election.)because of all the past gerrymandering done by the American Democratic Socialists, where the mass partake of the mass in the liberal state of mass(confusion).

News Item8/29/09 3:41 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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So far, you are pretty much alone, especially if you had any political ambitions and wished to seek an endorsement.
So, what is the Democrat side of you(they do have a platform.)?

News Item8/28/09 1:49 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John Yurich,

How about a conservative Christian?
John 3:36
What is a conservative Democrat? You accept abortions just less of them?
You allow for "absolute" liberty and "total" freedom of expression and agree with the rights of perversity but simply disallow the sanctioning of homosexual marriage?
Another key Democratic position is the redistribution of wealth. A Democrat would support an exorbitant tax rate on a particular class simply because they were either were talented and/or hard-working and therefore should be penalized. However, a Conservative Dem. might only want to penalize them

News Item8/28/09 1:34 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wayne M.,
Greetings in the Lord! Thank-you, and yes that is my grandson(the Lord has so graciously blessed us with 3 grandsons and a granddaughter.)
Loraine Boettner's, "Roman Catholicism", is a classic. Every time I happen to see one I don't buy it but one of these days I will(I have glanced at it). There are many excellent treatments of the system at Rome. Some that I own are:
"The Two Babylons Or The Papal Worship,
by, Alexander Hislop. This is also a
classic and I am not positive but I
believe that the last edition was
"Secrets of Romanism", by Joseph
Zacchello. The 13th. printing, 1987.
"50 Years in the 'Church' of Rome, The
Conversion of a Priest", by Charles
Chiniquy, 1985.
"The Catholicism Explained New
Testament", by Gospel Outreach, Inc.,
Frank A. Eberhardt. I last heard
that he was in a bad car accident
(those of us who are familiar with
Rome's covert Jesuit influenced
activites might wonder at some of
these happenings.), and I had gone to
one of his conferences on R.C. years
ago but cannot seem to find him or
the ministry.
There are many more but in reality
all we really need is Scripture and
maybe a book or two for some info.

Have a "grace day"!
Job 42:2

News Item8/28/09 3:55 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Biblical justice for the poor is for their betterment. Individuals were not to go from corner to corner greedily harvesting all of the crop but to let that which had fallen for the poor. Notice the poor were to be thankful even though they were not given the best. They also had to work for their food and not have someone else simply give them free handouts. We would not want a policy that encourages slothfulness. If the government becomes the caregiver(Robin Hood approach, is forced thievery and morally wrong)then as a consequence the Christian Church as a whole becomes less compassionate as far as active,
continual care and giving. The political conservatives actually at times are nearer to Biblical truth than the social elitists.
I do agree that sometimes as Christians we do need to be more merciful to those in need.

News Item8/26/09 3:52 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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What are your own interpretations for the verses you posted?
Have you read the book of John? Have you read the book of Romans?
It is heresy to imply that Jesus had sin! Human analogies in the spiritual realm are normally not perfect parallels. Unlike Mary Jesus was also divine. Without a sin blemish he was able to offer up a perfect sacrifice for sin. Jesus, the fullness of deity in bodily form and was sinless according to Scripture.

"NO WHERE IN SCRIPTURE" is the mere sinful Mary ever said to be "SINLESS"!

Many atheists are sinless? More heresy.

If Rome excommunicated those who do indeed WORSHIP MARY,this would be true:

The Roman cult.
Itself at fault.
Would abruptly halt.

Mariolatry insult.
Idols exalt.
Death the result.

As for holding water observe Jesus, Mary and the waterpots in Cana.
...manifested His glory... JOHN 2:11

"And Jesus said to her, 'Woman, what do I have to do with you? My hour has not yet come." JOHN 2:4

Jesus purpose was not to glorify the created beings. Roman aderents need to follow his advice and have nothing to do with Mary but believe on Christ and and to rely on and serve Him! ! !

Roman adherents should also follow Mary's advice here:

"His mother said to the servants, whatever He says to you do it."

News Item8/26/09 4:59 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Go to Alpha and Omega Ministries, and search - Mary full of grace. Many articles dealing with the greek lexical root charitoo. Dr. White actually knows N.T. greek.

I answered all of your verses without any help from theologians. I am awaiting YOUR interpretations without any of Rome's inferior, prejudices.
I did view the Wik. sites. Nonsense.

If you have not read John you might want to begin there. Romans will also give you a good idea of God's revelation to us of the doctrine of sin.

My Bible versions do not have "full of grace" but even if they did that phrase would not mean in any way whatsoever -

Remember, anyone without sin would have no need of a Savior. Mary's own words stating her need for a Savior condemning Rome as a cult.

Mary of course was blessed with God's favor to give birth to Jesus however this does not convey any holiness. The greatest person ever born of a women according to the Word of God was John the Baptist.

Of course there are zero examples of living Christians praying through dead saints.

The supernatural Roman goddess is given the divine attribute of omniscience and therefore equal to God. Mary, only a mere human being, unlike God, cannot hear all of the prayers of the faithful.

JOHN 3:36

News Item8/25/09 5:46 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Luke 16:19-31, this is not a commendation for Roman syncretism but rather a condemnation. Like Rome, the rich man was a pagan unbeliever in hell. He thought a godly man sent to earth could replace God and do wonders for him now when he was in hell. Abraham had no power or authority to send Lazuras to his brethren and naturally Abraham said to the foolish rich man that they had God's Word - Moses and the prophets. All that was necessary for their salvation and therefore no excuse.
John 11:35, ??? Have you read JOHN???
Rom. 8:38,39, ??? Sorry, nothing here.
Psalm 138 ??? Notice v.13.
Rev. 5:8 ??? These are simply the prayers of believers who are called saints in Scripture.
Rev. 8:3,4 ??? Ditto.
Matt. 18:10 ??? Eisegesis of Scripture. Where do you find praying to a mortal in heaven to intercede, redeem, protect you, etc.?
I Tim. II 14, ??? Rome's inferior scholarship. We are instructed to pray "for" not "to".
James 5:16 ??? Auricular confession to a Roman priest? Peter sinned, confessed to God, was forgiven. Judas sinned, confessed to a priest, committed suicide.(Matt. 27)
Where is the priest in James 5:16?
If you do throw a priest in here then he would have to confess his sins to you after you confessed your sins to him!!!

JOHN 3:36

News Item8/24/09 12:15 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John UK,

#3 is a good one! Don't expect a Biblical answer though.


Worship in the spiritual sense belongs only to God and not to any of His creation including Mary, Peter(Papa) and all of its exalted saints.

Notice, the Brits. are not instructed to privately pray for their judges with a daily devotion nor do they.

True believers do not have all of those ungodly traditions that VIOLATE SCRIPTURE, i.e., the Rosary.

Mary was a godly Christian(born sinner that she was - oops, the immaculate conception, yet another blasphemous, ungodly tradition that is a violation of Scripture)yet, she is not a supernatural goddess and therefore she cannot intercede for you, redeem you, protect you, etc.

Plain for all to see, the Roman cult is full of idolatry.

John 3:36

News Item8/24/09 11:50 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The gov. has no right to take from the people. In the past it simply was a vehicle for them to borrow(steal) from that fund to give to another one of their pet programs.
No inflation? I remember a couple of decades ago that they gave us a COLA in the contract. Lo and behold, we got an extra .50/hr.(approx.) increase added the ensuing year and they immediately changed the formula and I don't believe we ever saw a COLA increase thereafter.
This must be an illusion. An American socialistic, democratic political party that is taking from the elderly!
Todays political truism might be:

A promise spoken,
A promise broken.

Wait until hyperinflation hits down the road and big gov. is in control.

News Item8/23/09 6:39 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You said:
3. They are only equal in application. If any tradition of the Catholic Church can be shown to violate Scripture, it has to be acknowledged and discarded. NOTHING is permitted to violate Sacred Scripture.

Wow, there goes the entire Roman system.
Shall we start with Maryolatry?

News Item8/22/09 2:55 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I cannot speak for Michael but in the first chapter of Mr. White's book on this subject he divides the KJV ONLY types into five different groups. He states that the reason is because: "Movements by their nature, often defy exact definition...Yet, they share a few common elements..."

I do agree though that oftentimes brother's in the Lord, through ad hominems do sin on these forums. We may all need to confess/repent at one time or another.

James White believes the KJV is a good translation but that it is not the inspired only translation.

We must remember that the TR differs from the Maj. text.
"Dr. Daniel Wallace counted 1,838 differences between the TR and the Majority Text("The Majority-Text Theory: History, Methods and Critique," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, June 1994, p. 194)." pg. 6 Endnotes from "The King James Only Controversy".

News Item8/22/09 4:34 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I really don't have the time for all of this S.A. news forums but here it goes.

I was interested in this subject a few years ago and my concern led me to purchase a book by Dr. James White, "The King James Only Controversy".

page 65:
"Most of the time the differences between the TR and the modern texts are the same differences that exist between the Byzantine text-type and the other text-types such as the Alexandrian and the Western. But at times the TR goes off by itself and we find it either giving a reading that is not supported by Greek manuscripts at all, or by only a very few over against the large majority. It is important that the reader understand that the TR is NOT identical with the "Majority Text," even though it is closely related. The TR is its own text and it is often found in disagreement with the Majority Text as well as with the modern critical texts."

News Item8/22/09 3:09 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You are actually correct about Rome and the deity of Jesus Christ. They pay lip service but their established doctrine reveals that they deny his deity. If they actually believed in His diety then they would believe and teach that His vicarious atonement was sufficient and He would no longer be on that little crucifix that most adherents wear with an almost mystical attachment. Jesus Christ is the "spotless" lamb of God, whom the old testament typology had the sacrifice of a lamb without blemish. He was the propitiation for our sins - God the Father was completely satisfied to the point that His wrath was appeased forever. Praise the Lord!!! Thank-you, Jesus!!!

JOHN 3:36

News Item8/21/09 3:45 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Distinguishing feature of a cult.
Interpret Scripture - they command, HALT!

Lock up your brain, put it in a vault.
Private interpretation? Bring on the catapault!

Whether Rome's papa child or papa adult.
Worthless, thrown & trodden under is their salt.

This due sentence is the result.
When a mere man they do exalt.

News Item8/20/09 2:05 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wayne M.,

Good luck(not mean-spirited but you are going to need it).
We are in deep trouble down here. All presidents over the past 50 or so years have succumbed to fear rhetoric and have stated positively towards or tried to initiate some kind of universal health care. Control! Only L.B.J. actually bulldozed it through(Obama is next with the Amer. Socialist in full control)and we have been a mess ever since. It is all about big gov. power and the Am. Soc. have extended their political base by lessening restrictions on mmigration(encouraging) and in former times the Amer. people were always totally against any gov. control. Now with all of the poor flooding Amer. soil for free handouts for the first time in our countrys history their is actually a strong voice in favor of national health care.
We have been a semi-socialist state since then and as a consequence things are out of whack. Governments first priority-defense of its citizenry-cannot be maintained because of all of the other costs that gov. has no business being in according to our Constitution.

News Item8/20/09 4:56 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wayne M.,

I guess your main point(s) is(are) that it will not bankrupt you. Yes, taxes galore and there are going to be more.

Although, the Clintons have done some damage with their influence in years past(I believe because of Bill the medical tests now have to include cases such as AIDS in the pool, in figuring the avg. whereas before they were left out to figure the norm and were accurate. Now a test may reveal that their is nothing wrong with someone even though there is because of using extreme cases which were left out before.)we still receive great care.
Most people today have some kind of copay, maybe $15 office and $25 specialist. Do you receive Chiropractic? I recently received same day treatment and the appt. was given for 10 min. after I called. My family Dr. also have given me an appt. at the spur of the moment. Do you receive Orthodontic? I could go into more but choose not to. Rooms, even private rooms at times are no problem.
Care is always diminished with any public takeover. Eventually, you lose all real freedom of choice.

News Item8/19/09 3:24 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wayne M,

I can foresee all kind of problems here.
Question: (I will bring up the brain cancer issue again). Say, I am acting out of my normal behavior and it is obvious that something is terribly wrong. I go in for diagnostics and they discover that I have a brain tumor and that is the cause of the problem. However, because it is only a benign tumor I am told that I will not be put on the waiting list. I actually heard something like this today. Then what?
Things up your way are only going to get worse. The government makes no money. The outlook is not very sunny.
Of course here in the good ole U.S.A. the gov. acually owns or controls about 1/3 of the U.S. economy since the bailouts and will increase its domination after the Amer. Socialists political leadership majority puts this nationalistic health scare system into law, to approximately "40%"!!!
No more quick, quality urgent care across the border.
Wondering what your main points of choosing public over private health care?

News Item8/18/09 1:18 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wayne M,

That is one of the main problems with "free" giveaways of anything. People will line up for anything that they do not have to pay for.
With the oppressive intrusion of ever increasing taxes by letting big gov. be the provider the accompanying mindset will always be: "I am going to use this because not only does it not cost me something but they are funding this by me through taxes anyway." This hurts research and development long term. Competition is dwindled away and privatization suffers. Healthcare does not maintain its optimum performance level and people suffer.
Where will the people go for better care, available facilities, etc. when the U.S. goes socialistic?
So, YOU can't spend your own money in a private surgery centre on common heart surgery while other groups such as federal prisoners may.

News Item8/18/09 4:10 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wayne M,

I believe the times that I read that urgent care(cancer and the like take up to 4 months). Even if the provincial gov. made some improvements that of course would mean more money to invest. Guess what that translates into........
INCREASED TAXES! As big gov. runs head on into a wall and the taxes reach disproportionate levels there will only be one solution - HEALTH CARE CUTS(pun intended.) This my friend is where the Canadian Socialistic system seems to be headed.
As far as the federal arm of big gov. there are always restrictions or a catch somewhere. Question: If a regular person like myself happened to be living in B.C., would I be allowed to spend my own money on my own healhcare or are only some special interest groups, such as its federal prisoners, only allowed to use private surgery centres?

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