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News Item2/4/17 12:23 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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the weird files ... this one is strange, we all know better than to name an antichrist, but we have been looking at pictures in magazines speculating what that man might be ...

URGENT! JARED KUSHNER, Relative of Donald Trump is the ANTICHRIST of 2017 for the End of the World?

it's weird because he is now responsible for peace in the middle east? if we are to believe this video? and if president Trump is going to be a part of the third temple building, just something to keep an eye on.

Shirley Temple and the disturbing history of Baby Burlesk - by missy cat

ever notice how some diaper commercials do the baby burlesk dances, Ally Mc Beal had baby burlesk, it was famous for the dancing baby, these devils have been pushing this agenda forever ...

this is weird too ...

Jared Kushner Ivanka Trumps Husband Owns New York Building 666 Where RFID Chip Is Being Developed

it gets weirder and weirder ...

News Item2/3/17 7:34 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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unfortunately i have to share something not fun of popular so here goes ...

President Trump, who is a native new yorker and 911

Since the start, Trump has been in bed with the creatures who destroyed America


@ the 3:55 time, President Trump states that the twin towers were foisted upon his friend and he didn't want them, and describes the twin towers as a pile of junk... really telling
to earn trust,
he would ave to reopen the 911 investigation and prosecute.
he would have to prosecute Hillary, he would have to open up pizzagate and prosecute the pedophiles.

he will gear us up for war, America wants supremacy in the NWO and is ready for that power grab ....

America World Police

News Item2/2/17 9:54 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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"[...] something big has to happen, a big tumultuous event needs to happen, and I believe that that event is the Trump presidency because I think it will destroy the Republican party, they will never win another election, which is what I want." - Milo Yiannopoulous

and he is a moderator of the reddit for President Trump, he wants the hegelian dialectic

look at their progress ...

footage of the UC Berkley protests.... People are literally bleeding while being beat with flag poles.

so many more of these beatings on youtube

News Item2/1/17 6:00 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i see that trail of breadcrumbs my Lord left me to seek my way out of this forest ...

a commonality between Catholicism and Islam, many rumor that Jesuits created Islam, they do tend to walk hand in hand a lot~!

News Item1/29/17 6:02 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Larry Smith Treats Parkinson’s Disease with Cannabis

it isn't stem cells or aborted fetus medicine

12-year-old "Cyndimae" (11-years-old at the time of this video)

Watch Cannabis Nasal Spray Stop Grand Mal Seizure in its Tracks

she had pot to ease her pain before death, strong drink for a dying man, but what if they can't drink medically? "I give you every seed bearing herb ..."

miraculous results, why can't we use this as a medicine?
don't let politics keep this useful medicine away from the needy, have some mercy, God Bless.

News Item1/28/17 1:08 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i had a video explaining how grandmothers marched against Francis because of mission children who were sent to secret "detention camps" and how they were "disappeared" along with any minor children being "adopted" out, he even had tow dissenting priests sent there, they survived the ordeal and swore Francis himself administered some of the punishments, they even had to apologise to Francis after release...

oh well, i can't seem to think clearly or remember much, great videos i swore i had to post turned out to be lost or not so great, and having a hard time spelling the sporadic dementia seems to not be so sporadic anymore yet i have never felt more at peace in my entire life and happy.

God Bless Everyone

News Item1/26/17 7:28 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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does the medical industry have our best interests at heart?

Blood money: Bayer's inventory of HIV-contaminated blood products and third world hemophiliacs.

2016 Medical Device Recalls

Kaiser Permanente Thrive Exposed
KP: Failure to Thrive – A Managed Care Watch Web Site
Kaiser Patient Malpractice Stories

just let them take care of you no critical thinking needed ...

hers a hint, most doctors request DNR and no lifesaving when in a medical emergency because they witness what they do to people ... i used to work in the medical field and i want DNR ...

so yeah just trust the doctors and big pharma, they have your back ...

most people woefully uninformed, pot smoking as a recreation has and will be around forever, we just want to open it up so that REAL sufferers can get help legally
it's safer then a little pill with 500 side effects,people get prescriptions from doctors for mind altering drugs just like those girls did at the dispensary, i was given hyoscyamine, belladonna for GI complaints, tripps, they make you trip

News Item1/24/17 1:13 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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good grief, they really had us, they had us got us to vote for Trump ... look at the inception level lies, only Jesus will bring Hid faithful through,

yeah i know they edited it, i realised that after i posted it
but i can't just ignore all of what he is, i was so wrong to vote for him ...
here this thing .. this is bad news for us ... just bad bad bad

Satanic Donald Trump & Jesuit Handlers : Black & White = Grey Pope

can't get rid of sinking feeling about this ...

God Bless everyone, have a good day

Trump is so much like my dad it's not funny... the same dad that called himself 666 the beast wore a suit and tie, suit and tie satanists, don't you know about them?

News Item1/24/17 8:09 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i wonder what Trump said to his wife to make her face fall like that?

News Item1/24/17 5:48 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gay Allen
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just think about them meme'ing the retaking of Constantinople and let that sink in ...
that's where Constantine "took over" and paganism was blended in ...

I want you to retake Constantinople meme

is this before he rebuilds the third temple?
or after he starts a nuclear war?

Trump is a war hawk, Trump asked three times in a meeting "if we have nukes why can't we use them?"

News Item1/24/17 5:18 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i want abortion illegal, yet i can't get on board with a catholic coup of our white house, "what do?"

News Item1/23/17 6:07 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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remember the sex abuse survivors and rape survivors and survivors of domestic abuse who marched yesterday~!

John UK | Wales, says ...
When women get together to march, they're up to no good.

why is that John? because women are shifty lying and untrustable w****s?

so the elite are using women's suffrage to push ungodly laws and themes, what about the real women and their real suffrage?
do we just tell them to go jump in a lake???

by all means throw that baby out with that bathwater ...

News Item1/23/17 6:04 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Oh, quit you're whinning Do you think you were preaching to a church choir?
[URL=]]] (Street Preaching -- C. H. Spurgeon)[/URL].
By the way, using megaphones is an obnoxious practice. See Spurgeon.
SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE PREACHERS, and they are if they whine like that, my daughter met up with one while drinking, bar hopping with friends, he had a giant look at me cross on wheels (did Jesus have wheels???), he confronted her out of all the people he could have, why didn't he pick on a man his own size? he grabbed her by her arm and tried to detain her for a lecturing while she was drunk and shes a rape survivor who's been taught to not let men ever put their hands on her in that way EVER, and she flipped out, started fighting him and he called the police detaining her and she got a ticket, his word against hers ... scum of the earth street preachers giving God's name a bad reputation

didn't care that he wasn't allowed to touch women, got her arrested, didn't care he was opening a can of worms and would have to be responsible for all the attendant pain and suffering he would encounter if he scratched some surfaces, judgment begins at the pulpit~!

News Item1/19/17 7:55 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Trump is pro partial birth abortion, he should be called chameleon not centipede, he is the schrodinger's cat of candidates ...

The Trump Deception and The Election Hoax -Truth With Trishaly

News Item1/19/17 7:05 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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trump already said "let it be" as in leave the law stand as it is he is already showing his true colors

all of these assassination of trump memes, they are telling us something ...

really hating this 20-20 hindsight, need foresight ...

Donald Trump: The "Anti-Christ" Agenda Exposed

at the 6:22 mark they speak about the falling away in churches and churches now being beacons for such behavior, and i can see how coming to read the news here and commenting has lead me to actually get involved with politics and to vote for a wicked ruler, i would have just not voted, this is what i learned through the obama presidency and should have stuck with it.

News Item1/19/17 6:34 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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got your nose and other lies : advanced peekaboo

this is how i feel about being tricked this election, but God has us in the Palm of His Hand and i should not panic ....

this is a not safe for your ears video, and well pray before watching it, it has the demon of Kenneth Copeland on it

Trump Is A LUCIFEREAN.........FACT!

i do not believe the Bible was destroyed by Baccon, God preserves His Word~!

lot of philosophical luciferians in the world but i believe this is in regards to his denomination, a card carrying practising yada yada yada ...

was so hyped to get rid of Hillary at any cost
out of the frying pan into the fire, the labor pains get more painful and the deceptions are inception level

you think Obama was a devil well this devil is worse and the devil after him will be worse than him ...

i thought it was awful all the swearing in this trump vid and hesitated posting, and then i remembered all of the baby babbling demonic talk of kenneth copeland and his swearing, it's out there in places you wouldn't imagine and you can hardly avoid it

News Item1/18/17 5:18 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Donald Trump Exposed As a Zionist Freemason Under Jesuit Control

and that guy hes posing with that has the full sleeve tattoos is a nazi BSDM porn writer ( he draws nasty cartoons) we voted hillary out and oh look, it's just what "they" wanted and planned all along....

we all got to wake up and stop being used of the NWO

News Item1/17/17 1:11 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Sanhedrin calls on Russian president Putin and US President-elect Trump to join forces to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

News Item1/13/17 7:18 AM
Gay Allen  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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what other users Dave? list with examples or links or it never happened ...

I have NEVER seen a heavy user turn into a schizophrenic .... i have used heavy since third grade, i had used for about 30 years before i quit, this is nonsense and more "reefer madness" scare tactics ..
the whole time i was smoking marijuana as a kid i was also denying the virgin mary as a co redemptrix, go figure? my mom who didn't smoke marijuana was heavily into being lied to by Veronica Leuken's virgin mary sightings

brainwashed by TV and the media you believe pot is as evil as heroin... insane~!

Genesis 1:29
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

You know who won't obey God and let us have our hemp back? the government ...

pot is a seed bearing herb that God gave us for a purpose, where in the Bible does it say, every seed bearing herb BUT pot?

someone show me where that is in the Bible?

you think using pot during the formative years of my growth would have made me a mental midget or some insane person if we are to believe this ...

News Item1/8/17 7:31 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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just a reminder about mind pollution, cant tear yourself away from the TV syndrome, always falling asleep under it ...

even exposes like this are dangerous because the people exposing this want you under THEIR control too, as they are a couple of new aged witches, so pray and watch while drinking a pot of coffee, they always give up great info packed in a pile of lies, use discernment.

Television Mind Control, Black Magic, Sigil Magik THEY ARE ALTERING YOUR MIND!

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