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Survey4/16/07 3:42 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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i would say this new antichrist will succeed quite well with his current plans noting a few things...

1) Christians don't believe the Book
2) Christians want to come together (regardless)
3) Christians don't marginalize themselves anymore
4) Christians are mostly stupid and simply mimickers of the world and what the world has to say

News Item4/16/07 3:39 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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nah, the bodies are cold by now. just to be stating true facts.

btw, "guns" would be wrong. i only own one.

News Item4/16/07 3:25 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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amen michael


gun laws are already too strict. If it had not been illegal for every student and facualty on that campus to carry a gun, then there could ahve been a chance that someone would have been packing. We live in a crazy world, a good measure of heat helps to subdue some of the craziness at times.

News Item4/13/07 7:59 PM
Bro. Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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You guys keep up the work, but it is hard to break the walls of heresy.

Survey4/13/07 7:54 PM
Bro. Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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hence your request....

I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise (especially those with their brains tied behind their backs) and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

Survey4/11/07 6:32 PM
Bro. Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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First, I actually did lol with that first comment in your reply to me. Just keep that brain tied back there, I would hate to have that thing unleashed on all of us...... .... ... (stifled laughter)

What we may need to look at is a closer study on humilty Tamil.

CBC, you hit the nail on the head.

Survey4/11/07 5:58 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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once again your always humble... (sarcasm)

Wasn;t it you Tamil, who always used to scream something along the lines of "keep it the context" to JD and Lawless, and well, anyone you wanted to.

All of a sudden though, you are stuck in the OT claiming promises to the Jews. You been reading Rick Warren or something?

I am doing my best to keep civil, but civil war is never far from my thoughts.

And Yamil, that whole brain behind the back thing... we are used to that from many of your responses... you may want to put that thing back in your head. (just jabbing of course, I know you can take it!)

Survey4/11/07 4:16 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I don't take things personally per se, just when it comes to the Bible, family, and oppossums.

And don't twist this thing, you know I would never say God wants us carnal. Nor have I ever said that I didn't think that it was important to pray for it, would be to God the church would turn around! I just said it isn't a promise, you can't find it, you can't prove it, you can't show it, you can't etc. etc. etc.

Would be to God we would all be revived again, but it is not a promise or a direct doctrine. And, it aint gonna happen.

But like you said, Im not coming to your unbiblical, Bible correcting side, and you won't come to the truth, so it might as well be left alone! (hope you can handle a jab as well, although mine usually go for blood).

Survey4/11/07 3:57 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Listen Yamil,

I may be a hick from the sticks, but I believe what the Bible says. If it is a prayer, it is a prayer, not a promise of future revival for a gentile church. I have no "hindrance in understanding" based on the fact that it is a prayer.

Fact is, the verse won't hold water for this doctrine you are trying to prove.

For the Isa verse, it still doesn't provide a verse (that isn't a promise given to the Jews) that shows revival is a modern day Biblical doctrine to expect and demand.

Survey4/11/07 2:44 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I never said different. Yet to take something that is promised to someone else(in this case Isreal) and apply it to yourself to build a doctrine upon is the issue.

Not to mention that the passage doesn't say anything about God desiring for his people to have revival - it is a PRAYER!!!!

Survey4/11/07 1:40 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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God said these were the last days, (in his Bible).

Most obviously - Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Other examples, 2Tim3, 2Pet3:3, Revelation 3.

I am not guessing on the date, I just know we are closer today than yesterday, and tomorrow than today. Paul expected it in his day, why not me.

BTW, you sound an awful lot like those scoffers mentioned in 2Pet. 3 with that 2000 years bit, best watch yourself.

On that last part about not edifying and all... I persevere in an effort to stand for God's Word and that is not edifying? Dear boy, I seek to edify God first, not you or anyone else first. If you get on the wrong end of that aim, your will get hit. Even though you were not in my line of fire to begin with, a hit dog always yells (Is that a Ruckman enough quote for ya Yamil?)

And the whole "get thee behind me satan". HAHAHA. Are you the Christ, the Son of the Living God? I trow not.

Yamil, Michael...

What concerns me is that a couple pre-mil, dispensationalists are pulling from passages to the Jews.
Mike, where does it show revival for today? Yamil? It doesn't. I have to side with truth here boys. Have to.

Survey4/11/07 9:53 AM
Bro. Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Ahem. The problem with not being a paid poster is that I have no control of those who steal monikers. For your information, the last comment supposedly posted by me, was in fact, not actually posted by me. I would ahve said "woosies" not "wusses". I will post an actual response later though. I apologize for the current confusion with moniker thiefs.

(Thank you SA for removing the imposter)

Survey4/11/07 9:40 AM
Bro. Williams | Battlefield Baptist Church  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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[removed by editor]

Survey4/11/07 7:22 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Well, well, well. It seems many have shown true colors on this particular forum.

For the record, and back to the topic, can anyone show me where revival in these latter days is a Biblical truth?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you won't find it.

Also, again for the record, i have learned here we certainly have far fewer men stadning for God's pure word than I thought, but, that should be expected.

Furthermore, why would "who's Who" call someone out to show their true identity when they won't even identify themself?

sackloth and ashes, are you for real? you sound like something out of a latter day saints commercial. I mean, come on oh pious one.

on Moses, I sure hope it is MBL, long time no see on here. I will always back a man who stands for the word. If not, amen to whoever it may be!

News Item4/9/07 11:44 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Here is a hardy AMEN AMEN AMEN, to You Think.

A few other good examples of just what You Think is talking about...

Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

(Shnooker is thinking "You mean you are saved by bulding an ark?)

1 Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

(Next thought... "now we're saved by water?!?)

2 Peter 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

(there be that flood again)

Jude 1:5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

My goodness, shall we throw out Peter and Jude as well?


News Item4/6/07 1:27 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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For that last statement made from Shnooker:

..."I am not a product of my time Too old for that"..

...Nah, cultists and heretics come new and old. all the same old bag, the Bible is wrong and I am right. Always the same.

.."I believe the end days be marked by those who choose which Christianity they follow"...

... which Christianity? Come on... this is getting stupid. There is true Christianity which is truth and then there is everything else, untruth. (not to say that Christians don't get confused, it is just that there are not different kinds of Christianity, I mean, come on).

Happy Ishtar

News Item4/6/07 12:05 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Well, glad to see you go, we have enough heresy to combat here.

First, in response to your response:

You do throw out Acts 13-Philemon and the before mention passage in 2 Pet. 3.
Not to mention, you failed to answer my question of why you do not listen to Peter.

You agreed some of the sites deny the divinity of Christ, yet you still accept their Bible rejection as authority. You stated there was a "Big difference in heresy in regards to Israel or the divinity of Christ", well yes there is. If you do not believe the divinity you are lost, if you do not believe the standing of Israel with God you are just Bible dumb. Big difference.

Where does Paul hate women?
Does not Jesus call a woman a dog? Where did Paul even go that far?
And yes I completely agree with Paul, it is the Bible after all (my wife agrees as well... since she believes the Bible after all).

You said that "I dont say as those sites that Paul was a false prophet", well golly, what are you saying then?

You said concerning Paul "so much me me me everywhere"... yet that is all we see you speaking of "not my cup of tea", "bothers me", "I don't say", again "it bothers me", "i don't need Paul", "i know all these things", "you judgin me" etc. etc.

To be continued...

News Item4/5/07 9:27 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I thought your post said "you decide". Why are you trying to sway my decision now?

To answer your last question, no, Im not kidding, not in the least, Heretick.
Notably, the biggest problem with the sites is not the Paul issue, but the fact that they claim Christ is not equal with God, but is instead a lesser created being.

On the pope Pauly thing.
Your verse
1 Corinthians 4:15 For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

My first thought is that you are incredibly dense. On second thought though, it is easy to understand that you don't understand scripture because you don't have the indwelling Spirit to teach you the Scriptures. I will use some un-Paul verses to assist your Spirit-less learning.

First, did not Peter call Marcus his son? (hence begotten) Speaking of Peter, he accepted Paul and his epistles (2 Peter 3:15-16)
, whats your excuse?

What about John? Remember that whole children thing (I John 3:18, 3 John 1:4).

I see nowhere where he claims to be the vicar, just that he begets sons in the faith through the gospel, just as we are called to do.

BTW, what do you do with Acts 13-28, throw it out like you throw the rest out?

News Item4/5/07 11:06 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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On that last post... I looked and I decided.


News Item4/4/07 8:25 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Expo: For your pleasure you can now read it.

And for the record, if nothing else is ever agreed upon, I am thankful for the fact that you can take it and give it, (so many can not and run and cry so quickly).

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