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News Item12/25/08 7:36 AM
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News Item12/25/08 7:02 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Banned, Have you forgotten Jesus Christ
chose to be a Jew,...If you hate Jews seems you must hate Jesus as well.
This makes no sense, or that Jews work on Christmas because they care for us.
So if Jesus threw out the Jewish money changers and called the Jewish religious leaders a den of vipers, maybe Jesus also hated himself? Or if we criticize anybody who is American, it means we hate America?

Please, SA, be fair, and don't take down my post, let me answer wild and crazy accusations of antisemitism.

We've got three weeks before Obomba takes office. Search out his new Zionist cabinet, especially Chief of Staff Rahm "the Cruel" Emmanuel. Do you like having the country taken over by Mossad?

You want war with people across the ocean who are powerless to hurt you, to start war w/ Russia. This is INSANITY.

Obomba is a master at mass hypnosis, the
churches are deceived (by Scofield and other agents of Zionism); people are confused, can't think rationally.

But we'd all better wake up before it's too late. Maybe if people turned off the TV? Everybody seems to be in a literal trance. WWIII is NOT a good thing. Anybody OUGHT to be able to see that.

News Item12/25/08 12:58 AM
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News Item12/25/08 12:47 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Apparently, someone should wish this guy a Merry Christmas! [URL=]]]Merry Christmas to Muslims?[/URL]
Try wishing Merry Christmas to a Jew. See how that goes off.

Try singing carols about Jesus in the "public" schools and see how the Jews like that.

The Muslims don't care. They will sing right along, join right in.

Not the Jews. No, sir.

Why do we support blowing up the Dome of the Rock so the Jews can rebuild their temple that Jesus cursed? What business does a Christian have supporting animal sacrifice for sin? Why does America act as Israel's body guard while it terrorizes the planet?

Do we really, truly HAVE to go to war, nuclear war, kill billions of people, because the Jews are so wonderful?

Is this really waht the Bible teaches, that if we help the Jews to bring on the NWO and erect their temple and seat the antichrist there, that somehow this is going to get us brownie points with God?

If the Jews are really the chosen ones, then what is wrong with Christians that they do not renounce their faith in God and go put on a yarmulke and celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus, that bad guy?

Is there not something wrong with this picture?

News Item12/24/08 3:18 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Posters on SA seem not to be under an illusion regarding Rick Warren. He is a tool of the Illuminati, a gatekeeper as they say, member of CFR secret society working for the NWO, and Zionist liar, wolf in sheep's clothing.

I wonder if people also have considered the great destructive influence Pat Robertson has had on Christendom. A high level Freemason worshipper of the nightmarish god Jahbulon and Baphomet, Robertson ran the "family channel" for some 15 years, during which time never once was the truth about abortion ever shown, one Creationist film ever made or shown. Instead, he defended China's one-child eugenics, promoted the mass hypnosis fake Pop Christianity of swooning and emotional thrills, the obsession with ME-ME-ME, getting rich, getting healed. Never were activists promoted on his programs, secret socities ever exposed, Satanism confronted head on.

Because he IS ONE HIMSELF, a DEVIL WORSHIPPER, SATANIST. (sorry to be blunt, space does not allow anything but bluntness, and I don't want to sound like TLC)

Robertson was on the cover of Time in his Freemason regalia giving the Lions Paw hand sign.

News Item12/24/08 1:22 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GG wrote:
I think that some people are born homosexual.
Born and made as you say, not their fault. The estrogens from the plastics and from the soy food makes men effeminate. Many babies are fed soymilk as infants, their testicals don't descend. The sperm count among men in general is about a third of what is normal in today's sick world. The result is the planned, deliberate destruction of society.

But liars and murderers are born and not made also, and humans must curb those evil desires as well as the perverted sex desires, as you point out.

So I agree with you in this debate. The culture is sick, the people are physically and literally sick, and we are all under attack by Satan and by his minions.

Look up. See those chemtrails? They are not full of vitamins, and they aren't being sprayed to help us or for our good. And the stuff that's deliberately put in our food isn't put there to make us well and healthy either.

The Bible says to be vigilant of the roaring lion who prowls about seeking who he may destroy. War, abortion, sickness, famine...Satan's delight.

News Item12/24/08 1:14 AM
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News Item12/23/08 6:47 PM
Banned | om Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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This article is more Joe Farrah Zionist warmongering propaganda.

How come nobody ever reports here on what happens to Jews in Israel who convert to Christianity? Check out Pastor Ted Pike's website for some examples of such, plus more specific examples of the horrors of war waged by Jews on other Jews, Christians and nonJews.

Try THAT one on for size.

News Item12/23/08 10:29 AM
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A Bible Christian Who Believes wrote:
"M Hranek": The Satanic Vatican "Jesuits" needed another Billy Graham to replace their one-foot-in-the-grave False Prophet !
Rick Warren and Richard Land are both CFR, One Worlders, Zionists, Illuminati shysters. Almost all these big megachurch leaders are frauds, wolves in sheep's clothing (not even a good disguise), and they practice many kinds of lies, deceptions, and even covert hypnotic techniques to manipulate and control people.

Mind control, a subject people need to look into. The Bible tells us the people will flock to the antichrist in the last days, that there will be mass delusion and deception, and Jesus kept on warning, do not be deceived.

Learn about this stuff. The movie the Matrix, which I've not seen, is fiction but it tells a true thing about mass illusion and delusion.

Americans are like Hansel and Gretel who wandered into a witch's house because of all the nice candy, and we're about to get pushed into the oven.

News Item12/23/08 10:12 AM
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
.. Fritz Springmeier goes into devil possession, mind control, and multiple personalities...his work is rather disturbing.
I'm getting e-mails re Obama's use of mass hypnosis using paces,leads, subliminal hand signs. I've researched mind control, and people don't realize how quick and easy it is to put people under a spell.

Check out these sample links:'s_
CRIZa7x90DI&NR=1 (hypnotist retains
power over subject for decades to come)

News Item12/22/08 5:30 PM
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Banned wrote:
It was so peaceful without this guy.
At least he admitted that Jesus isn't God so we know he isn't a real Christian.
Stealing my moniker? Inciting Tony against me?

Please don't do that.

Where are the moderators when you need them.

News Item12/22/08 12:19 AM
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It was so peaceful without this guy.

At least he admitted that Jesus isn't God so we know he isn't a real Christian.

News Item12/20/08 11:36 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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savedbygrace wrote:
Churches beware!
How many today have semi-adopted seeker-sensitive approaches?
Ken Copeland flashes the devil hand sign, Jesse DuPlantis praises Satan verbally. Pat Robertson is a devil-worshipping Freemason, also flashes the el diablo, posed on the cover of Time in his Mason regalia and lion's paw pose. Schuller is a Freemason and Billy Graham 33 degree. They practice hypnosis on their crowds, Benny Hinn being one of the best at that. Between the hypnotic suggestions and the demonic spirits, the sheep are led to the slaughter.

The church is a scary place nowadays. Texe Marrs and Walter Veith are the only honest men of God I know speaking the truth. How many people postingon SA even go to church? Very few, if any.

Remember Walt from Michigan now listens to Alex Jones and I've heard him call in to the show a few times. I doubt he goes to church at all.

The ones who do go to church are screaming for war, so it shows the state of the church. How could dreamy eyed pastors with Mona Lisa smiles be able to stir up such hatred and blood lust in their people?

News Item12/20/08 10:53 PM
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News Item12/20/08 10:36 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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I have noticed that most people seem to be in a trance, out of it, oblivious to what is happening around them.

They live in the land of make believe, of football games, American Idol, drinking beer, looking cool, playing roles the way people did when they were childen.

Gangsters and criminals are running the world, and they are coming after us. War is coming, and the draft, and we are going to lose everything. That means our property, our pensions, our children, our lives, everything.

America is cursed. People can't see it. Somehow, they think being cursed translates to being blessed.

America the bewitched, America the cursed.

News Item12/20/08 6:40 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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I've been Googling You Tube videos on hypnosis. Most disturbing to see what happens to people who suspend disbelief, turn off the thinking, discerning, conscious part of their mind and surrender their thoughts and will to another person. In the stage hypnosis videos you'd see 20 people slumped in chairs or standing with head drooped waiting for their "master" the hypnotist to command them. Whatever they're told to do, they obey, amazing things, freezing like a board so their head and feet can be placed between two chairs and someone can stand on their stomach. Or adults believing they're are five years old and acting like it. You have to see these videos to appreciate what I'm saying.It's shocking and creepy.

Reminded me of people listening to the news on Hellevision, the way the newscasters stare into the screen and read the propaganda in a hypnotic, rhythmic, soothing manner, no matter how disturbing the news story.

Is this why people believe everything they hear, because they're in a relaxed, suggestible and trancelike state, the conscious part of the brain disconnected, and the messages going straight to the subconscious?

No wonder people are confused! (ie brainwashed, victims of doublethink, oblivious to the danger before us of war and tyranny and death)!

News Item12/17/08 10:43 AM
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News Item12/16/08 11:19 PM
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Moderator Alpha wrote:
For your knowledge you were blocked several months ago because of frequent disregard for thread topics resulting in hijacked threads for your own pet topics. Unless you want to be known as "Banned Again" please take notice of the thread topic....
"British Authorities Prohibit Newspaper Ad Condemning Homosexual Behavior; Ian Paisley is defiant, says he will go to jail if necessary."
If you don't have anything to say relevant to the topic please refrain from posting so those who do wish to comment on the news item have opportunity.
Thank you.
Yes, I see we've got way off topic, my fault.

I was wondering why I was Banned Before, and I don't want to be Banned Again, so I will pay more attention to the thread topics.

News Item12/16/08 9:20 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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On thinking millions, then billions then trillions --

I'm more informed than most on the central bank and fractional reserve banking, but I still don't understand how 800 billion could turn into $8 trillion in debt and growing. Bloomberg News reports $8 TRILLION currently, and growing. Not a mistake. It is T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N.

Soon as the $800 billion bailout went through, it was being reported that it was going to go to $5 trillion or more, the sky's the limit, that the $800 billion was not the top, that the Banksters had carte blanc to take whatever they wanted, with the U.S. taxpayer to be held accountable -- we are the collateral.

I don't understand, but this small group of greedy criminals (who own 90 perceant of the world and want 100 percent of it) has the ability and the right under the agreement made in 1913 when the Fed was formed to suck out all hte money from the country -- all of it. They already own all the gold, all of it.

By sucking out all the money, they will cause a worldwide depression, war, and then they can consolidate into a world government and world bank, or rather strengthen the world govt and bank already in existence.

Watch the Money Masters on-line while you still have the Internet and can afford electricity.

News Item12/16/08 6:34 PM
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Neil wrote:
Stalin had no problem suppressing even remotely contrary literature in his regime.
A typical response, "it can't be true or the people who say it would be dead, the book would be banned," etc. Alex Jones hears this all the time, "You must be lying or you'd be dead."

Fritz Springmeier, a Christian, is in prison, framed, paid a huge price for putting out the information.

People are hurting all over the world, yet Christians who post on SA think nothing bad can ever possibly come to America.

Bloomberg reports 8 TRILLION in funds pledged in the bailout, 2 TRILLION already spent from what was supposed to have been $800 billion, and the Banksters refuse to divulge where the money is going. The taxpayers, that's us, are on the hook for this money, and who knows where it will end, probably when there is nothing left.

The foreign Banksters are imploding the economy on purpose, and when there are no jobs, food riots, when crime balloons, the military under Northcom will have their excuse to crush us.

It is TIME to wake up. Google The Money Masters video online, 3 hrs., and watch it. Watch it twice.

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