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News Item6/15/15 10:07 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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King Jehoshaphat was a good and Reforming King, but he kept making the same mistake; he made alliances with the apostate Northern Kingdom Israel.
All of which ended in failure and disaster, even brought the rebuke of Jehu
Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
How we need to learn the warnings of the scriptures.

News Item6/15/15 8:32 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Frank Pavone is a Catholic priest who is against abortion, homosexuality and artificial birth control.
Make a good Antichrist; sorry Pope

News Item6/10/15 9:27 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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1517 wrote:
Thank you for presenting those verses. As much as my mind and body want to rage and rail, scripture calmly reminds us this WILL happen. So, in a strange twist, this "revelation" from Campolo only AFFIRMS scripture and strengthens my trust in Christ. Christ will never be stopped!
We must always remember that no matter what the enemies of the truth may throw at the true church of God; God still rules over the whole of His creation.
Even their wicked attacks always work good for those who love God Rom 8:28 and even despite all their efforts they actually bring about Gods will and purpose Acts 2:23 4:23-28. In spite of their intentions their actions accomplish Gods will.
Our God reigns. Not man, not conspiracies, not false religions not even Tony Campolo's wife.

News Item6/10/15 3:55 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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carl h wrote:
Why on earth do people actually listen to these fools.
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Compared to faithful believers:-
Looking for that blessed hope, and glorious appearing of the great God and our saviour Jesus Christ.
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.

News Item6/3/15 10:12 AM
BRF  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
All Muslims(even those born in this country) should be kicked out of this country. Freedom of religion does not apply to Muslims.
I freely admit that I am no expert on the American constitution, but were does it say that John ?
Are you not in fact on this issue being true to your Roman Catholicism which always wants to supress any, even true believers, from holding any belief that does not submit to the Popes authority and rule over them.
Also were would you send those you would kick out of the land of the free? and why would they take them?
Its against international law to make somebody state less.

News Item5/25/15 6:28 AM
BRF  Find all comments by BRF
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The UK human rights act of 1998 protests a persons right not to be forced by a court to go against their religious conscience article 9.
This ruling then is against the Ashers conscience, their right to practice their faith and the much maligned Human rights act, and is one good reason for them to appeal and for the UK government not to repeal this act.
Even if criminals and terrorists have missed used it.
If the UK government do as many in their party want and scrap it, Christianity will soon become a crime in our land.

News Item5/24/15 9:20 AM
BRF  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
All Catholics in Ireland and the United States who support homosexuality, abortion and artificial birth control should be told by their Archbishops to either fall in line with Catholic teaching and be against homosexuality, abortion and artificial birth control or be excommunicated. Notice that support of homosexuality, abortion and artificial birth control should be the only Catholic doctrines that one should be excommunicated from the Catholic Church for supporting. Disagreeing with other Catholic doctrines should not be grounds for excommunication.
So false doctrine, murder, adultery, Idolatry, stealing, drunkenness, lying, etc. Are all OK then.
You would make a great Pope; John making up your own rules to suite yourself.

News Item5/7/15 2:19 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Matt5:44 But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
Rom12:14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
So Christ and Paul must be wrong?
Remember Elijah was a prophet used of God, we are not.
And God being God is free from all sin, we are not. All our words and actions are tainted with sin, therefore obey Christ and don't allow your natural and sinful inclinations to be your guide.

News Item5/7/15 11:37 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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We should stick to the issues raised and not become distracted by mere personalities.

News Item5/7/15 10:07 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Freedom of speech is something to be cherished and defended.
That is the freedom to believe without fear of reprisals ones own political and religious convictions.
Which if we really do believe in we surly must extend to others. Even those we don't agree with.
Sadly freedom of speech as been high jacked by mockers and scorners to abuse others they don't like or agree with.
But Psalm1:1 calls believers not to join in with such wickedness.
Our calling is to preach the good news to ALL even those who will despise us mock us and even try to kill us.
We have no authority from the N/T to mock and scorn or even offend others, but speak the truth in love Eph 4:15.

News Item5/5/15 11:34 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
All Muslims should be deported from this nation, even those who were born here.
where would you send them? and why would they accept them?
It is illegal under international law to make somebody stateless.
How is such action loving thy neighbour?

News Item5/1/15 8:27 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John UK what would you say is the difference between liberal churches, modernist churches from apostate churches? are they not the same?

News Item4/30/15 6:02 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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kjg wrote:
What else can Prez BO and his administration blame for a bad economic quarter besides weather--flatulence of a gnat somewhere in the state of Kansas?
You mean its not the GOP fault?
Here in the UK all our politicians blame the other side.

News Item4/30/15 5:56 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Sorry John Y what is needed is for this Pope to repent of all the false doctrine he and his predecessors have taught.
And which the counsel of Trent upholds.
Then preach Justification by faith alone. All the rest will follow, the gospel is repent and believe the good news.
There is good news for homosexuals, abortionists etc. there is forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ
Because we are new creatures in Christ then and only then will people truly be against these sins you mention but all other sins which are manifest in fallen human beings.
The gospel begins with bad news but is positive, mere telling people what wrong and sin full with out the Good news of redemption will never impress let alone bring others to true repentance and faith.

News Item4/28/15 2:16 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Frank thank you for your response in regards to the scriptures, there is opportunity now to engage in discussion. Know were in the new testament is the individual believer given any right to use violence even as self defence to the point of casting somebody into hell.
Rom12:19 the one you did not address.
That belongs to the civil government on earth, Rom13 in matters of war and justice.
Of course protecting your family is right
But Killing ? we are to leave that to those who God as given the authority to.
One of the great evils in the UK is that government will not enact justice towards murders.
But I still maintain the Christian is to accept even what we fell are great personal pains and struggles as the will of God even unto death believing that even in them God works good to those who love Him Rom8:28.

News Item4/27/15 5:11 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Frank do you think that a witch should be put to death Exd22:18 what about idolaters :20 ?
Exd22 does not give you the right to shoot anybody.
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the LORD Rom12:19
Or don't you trust the just God to do right?
Know body seams willing to engage with the scriptures I post. Why is that as soon as the word of God requires some kind of suffering people always resort to human emotionalism and forget the real hard requirements Christ calls us to which includes suffering wrong for his sake.

News Item4/27/15 2:04 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John UK wrote:
Surely Labour could not get back in again, after all the mess they made last time? But yes, with few people understanding politics and economics, they might think life under Labour would be more rosy. At least the Tories are not promising an easing of taxation, but more of the same belt-tightening.
Landslide for UKIP?
Sorry John I doubt it, can't vote for my local UKIP candidate because he is an idiot.

News Item4/27/15 1:59 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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I'm still eternally ranting so
Clam down stop shouting and use lower case letters.
So Christ is wrong Paul is wrong scripture is wrong and your right.
You still don't address scriptures given.
There is a difference between resisting evil by violence and standing for Christ in a godless world and being ready to die for ones faith and the One who gave his life for his church.
The kingdom of God is not built by using carnal weapons but by prayer & preaching Gods word. These are the only weapons we have been given.
I would quote you 2Cor10:3-6 or Rom12:19 but then you think Paul is wrong so there is no point.

News Item4/27/15 11:44 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Both Catholics and Protestants take different things from Augustine of Hippo (I don't care much for the term St)
He held wide views not all believed and held by either Rome or Protestants.
Calvinism is better called Augustinianism
Like many of his day he was prone allegorise the parables, but this is plain wrong because the difference between parables and allegorise is parables have one point to make but allegorise (Pilgrims progress) have many different images and meanings.
Christ taught in Parables not allegories.

News Item4/27/15 11:20 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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I'm Eternally saying So
A better moniker would be
I'm Eternally Ranting So
I aske you the same question I asked Cody
Was Christ wrong in Matt5:39
Was Paul wrong in Rom12:17 & Phil1:29 ?
But here is Christ again to Peter
Matt26:52 put up again your sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish by the sword.
Then there is
Rev13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.
Christ would take your Gun not me. I don't have one nor need one or want one.
Your anger is not with me but Christ and his scriptures demands for Gods people to live by faith even if it costs us our lives.
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