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News Item1/26/10 7:08 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Nimrod is acting to correct this by promising to day to 'freeze spending' this astonishing volte face caused me to jerk up from my four poster spilling morning coffee over the goose down quilt and scattering yelping corgis. What in the world i thought could cause a welfare queen to grasp the nettle of americas great debt overnight ?
i soon learned of course that the spending freeze excludes welfare, defence, free health and well the source of the problem really

So i devised my own 'spending freeze ' as my income this year is down by 60 % its got to be done it wont make me popular but tough measures are needed

a freeze on skiing holidays, these will be capped at three one week excursions to chamonix - absolutely no increases - read my lips !

sailing holidays will also not be exempt NO INCREASE on last years three weeks in the greek islands - do you hear me !

from now on we are going to follow obamas prudent stance and NOT borrow any more than last year and NOT increase our debt anymore than we did last year, no increase on the increase of debt.

News Item1/26/10 6:37 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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im not quite sure how the dead sea scrolls assist us in the gospel ?

perhaps someone could explain to me.

Im sure they must be a help somehow as lots of people mention them but it escapes me. genuine question im not being silly

News Item1/26/10 6:31 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Mike wrote:
Wow, I didn't realize countries worshipped anything. Always thought it was people. Maybe that explains the missionaries that were "punished" there.
ok the people of haiti were worshipping demons

News Item1/26/10 6:30 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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I hold that thepope is a form of antichrist like herod the great, Nimrod, they are not the antichrist of revelation

Survey1/26/10 6:26 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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i dont think women make good bible teachers in my observation, nor should they run sunday school.

Then again there are lots of men who teach but shouldnt!

It would be great to meet a good female preacher, I expect Philips daughters would have been good in that line. If memory serves they were martyred as well.

How many churches wont allow women to participate in the teaching of the church and yet are more than happy to have them run the sunday school - astonishing !!!

News Item1/26/10 5:14 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Mike wrote:
Could be it's more important to Phelps to maintain his position, than to give regard to Scripture. If he never met a former homosexual, he should try to get out more.

Good verses. But they're about dealing with ones own sin, not plucking the eye out of another, homosexual or not.

you cant have it both ways mike ie suggest that fred gets out more and complain about his ministry which actually involves quite a bit of getting out and about all over the USA

ditto those are the words of jesus telling people that if they want to avoid Hell they have to stop what they are doing not play around with sin which is the same as fred is doing

God does not send the sin to hell he sends the sinner

fred IS preaching the gospel to sinners anyone can listen to the sermons on line after being at the pickets

Fred is a FINAL WARNING from God to an apostate lukewarm church which is embarrassed about the Gospel and unwilling to defend itself against its soon to be persecutors.

I believe that God will use the 'diversity ' lobby to judge the churches

That the Nimrod of the last days will be a homosexual as many dictators before him

The normalisation of homosexuality will furthur open the floodgates of depravity in the world

News Item1/26/10 3:49 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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The average person and christian and person is far to ambivilent toward gays.

mostly they think that gays are fairly ordinary, even effeminate and inoffensive.

Im afraid this is based upon ignorance of Gays in the present and past.

Fred is knowlegable about the Bible and history after all he is 80 and studied hard all his life

If he says they are beasts and vicious a wise man will look again i think

The worst tyrants in history have mostly been gay and child sex abusers

Gays often are also copraphiliacs and pursue other debased practices

The roman emporers at the time of the early church were gay, Hitler was gay and so were the inner circle of the nazi party and the SA

Gaydom has run like a poison stream thru history

Sodomy was ordinary in the roman army they were not permitted to marry, the bible calls them dogs. Roman soldiers were brutal efficient killers.
Jesus says at the crucifiction he is surrounded by dogs, he is not talking about labradors

Why does the bible call them dogs ? Think of dogs in the old days in Jerusalem, pack animals, libidinous, vicious and dangerous - want them running the show ? - you have been warned

Read the pink swastika, the homoerotic roots of the nazi party

this is stuff the gays dont want you to know

News Item1/25/10 4:42 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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''Disciples of whom? A disciple of Christ is an imitator, a follower of the Lord. Unless Mr. Phelps' followers respond to sinners in like fashion as Jesus did, they cannot be properly called disciples of Christ''

like this maybe ?

And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,
48where 'their worm does not die,
and the fire is not quenched.' 49Everyone will be salted with fire.

(preserved in fire)

BTW fred had a letter from a reformed gay man last year and read it out in a sermon using the passage princephil used and fred reckoned there was hope

interseting anything with the GHF we**ite on it doesnt post mmmm

Yes over the years listening to SA sermons my ears have grown simply ENORMOUS !! I hardly have to have any volume now another thing is when they hear error they start waggling in protest and then curl up and i cant hear anything !

yes john the preacher was another 'well without water' 2 peter v 17
' a dumb dog that cant bark' isiah 56v10

News Item1/25/10 4:33 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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i cant post on this thread more than a few words the machine wont let me i am maybe being censored ?

Survey1/24/10 5:45 PM
prince charles | wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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small point perhaps but id just like to point out that i believe hell was made originaly for the devil and his angels

mathew 25
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

ie not a place men are supposed or maybe its advised to go to - im not sure but thats the text

News Item1/24/10 5:23 PM
prince charles | wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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princephil wrote:
Interestingly in over 40 years of preaching Fred Phelps has never seen a homosexual saved and doesn't believe it possible. I Corinthians 6:11 And such **were** some of you: but ye **are** washed, but ye **are** sanctified, but ye **are** justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
Give me some of Fred's gospel message links as I would like to hear the good news from him

News Item1/24/10 3:39 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Judy wrote:
It is time for ministers to examine their own preaching and listen to THEMSELVES!
Pah totally ive just lestened to the worst preacher on anglesey tonite, just the usual stuff, lazy, unfocused, doctrine free, wandering rambling, talking about the world etc etc

I suggest that you might consider doing what i am now doing - make a mental note of their errors and give them the appropriate scripture, its a good discipline and good practice in being nice (i need it)

lots of these preachers are NO GOOD and shouldnt be doing it they are just mates of the other preachers and no body has got the bottle to call them out and stop this ridiculous farce.

I dint encourage my kids to be disrespectful but they said they could do better i never said anything
maybe if you are a big enough pain they will let you preach ?

Survey1/24/10 3:09 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Hi john not quite sure i follow you but ill have ago, BTW my absoutely in my previous post was meant to agree with your previous post rather than the subject of the thread but i wasnt very clear

I would hope to comfort the elect with their position as you describe

ie Num 23 v 21

He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them

I suppose I am a bit cautious because i dont know the persons final destination obviously im hoping that they will be one to accept the word and i emphasise the calling of God esp if i know a little of their circumstances but in case they are not (at this time) then i also remind them of the creators blesings in their life and their obligations toward Him, which stand wether they come to believe or not

yes i do worry about saying things which are untrue, i rerun the conversation afterwards to try and see what mistakes i may have made im getting better but ive had my regrets

the preacher tonite (visiting ) said that old cliche 'God does not go where he is not wanted' Pah ! I ran him thru the opening verses of Isiah 65 and told him that if that were the case then no one would be saved !

Survey1/24/10 12:55 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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prince charles wrote:
mmmm yes absolutely
i just wanted to quickly post that my post was a mistake ie i meant that i wished to concur with johns previous comment NOT as it reads that I absolutely agreed with the proposition of the thread ! I will post on my return from church - must dash !

Survey1/24/10 8:11 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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mmmm yes absolutely

the elect prior to being made aware of their calling are loved by God even tho they were Gods enemies. So here is an amazing thing, that while we were Gods enemies, rather than placing us under siege and destroyiing us as the world would he had yet made provision for us

Rom 5v10
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

But is it right that we are to tell all men that God loves them ?

I believe no, at least not indiscriminately, but in our exposition to explain that for those that God grants repentance, for them that he calls out of the world then yes, I stress Rom 5v10 and God WILL call and redeem them that he loves, also stressing that God is good to his enemies mathew 5v43 and remind the sinner of the blessings that he has received from God, if i know the person a little i run thru a list showing how God excercises restraint upon men and blesses them with jobs, food house etc etc

In this way i feel both bases are covered.

News Item1/24/10 4:33 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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lifeontrack wrote:
I have to agree with prince charles. WBC are providing a greater witness to this fallen immoral country than any church out there. Frankly, their message is Biblically sound and they are running the good race.
Bravo to WBC
Yay !

I dunno why christians join in the world and attack WBC, including grace to you, politics i suppose, usually people turn on their own to make themselves popular with their oppressors

yeah if people wanna say things like utterly irrelevant and scorned by all but that statement obviously untrue even a simpleton can see that many people aeound the world are interested in WBC in a way that they are not interested in what the 'mainstream' church has to say.

Youd have to be blind not to see that their influence far exceeds their size - that should tell you something

Also something that many today dont understand is WBC represent what USED to be MAINSTREAM , if the saints from the 50's when fred was young can see what is happening to USA they would be doing the same but they are all dead only fred is left.

I believe freds work will pass through the fire and it will be silver and gold not chaff and stubble

Todays church is in a trap of its own making it will be obvious but to late

News Item1/23/10 6:10 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Freddy isn't the only person to play up a single issue to get publicity, I just wonder if the publicity has helped him recruit any more gang members or netted him more money?
I dont believe fred is doing this for money or publicity and I dont see any evidence for this.
The evidence is the reverse, they dont need the money for one

I think Fred and his family should be admired for the way they are reaching out to Gays and liberal false religeonists and those in sinful lifestyles

I think they are extremely brave, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I think its a shame that christians join in the world when they acccuse WBC of hate, i see nothing of the kind

Yes they cause offence to infidels - is that the criteria christians should use? Obviously I dont think so.

The true Gospel IS an offence to the natural man.

They are literally laying down their lives to warn people about what Gods word really says in this apostate age. We are in the great falling away WBC testify to that. Greater love hath no man........

It seems self evident to me that God is blessing their work, how else can one explain their profile which is out of all proportion to their numbers

News Item1/23/10 5:54 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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The sermons at my church are around 40 minutes which seems to go quite quickly, it never seems like 40 mins, most churches here are around 20 mins and mostly thats all the 'preacher' has got and usually theres not much meat there and im bored, when this happens i read my bible. But this happens only when i am obliged by circumstance to visit another church.

I think 40 mins is a minimum if the minister has got something to say and the ones that have 40 mins in them almost always do.

The unconverted person can be benefitted by a short sermon on a simple theme but the converted need a square meal and strong meat and I think the unconverted are better of with a good 40 minutes.

To often these days churches have short unsatisfying sermons with to many songs its all a bit pointless frankly, theres no conviction they are playing at church

News Item1/23/10 5:42 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Prince Charles you are correct my church has trips to Israel every several years and one just a year or two back. Of course we don't have much good to say about Catholicism! [URL=]]]Christian and Catholics -- never together![/URL]
The Crusades had a strong defensive side to them, Of course Catholics then and now want to make pilgrimages and they make up a large part of the population of the world, but the Crusades were multi-faceted as this author points out, [URL=]]]The Crusades and the Spin Doctors[/URL].
interesting link thanks

News Item1/23/10 12:24 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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''Medieval Catholics needed access to Jerusalem so they could make pilgrimages there & thus fulfill the penances imposed upon them by the priesthood (or themselves). The Crusades were thus a direct product of false Catholic theology''

christians today want to visit Jerusalem and they arent neccesarily catholic, i expect it was the same back then

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