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Survey5/18/08 3:36 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Moses and Elijah? How can that be? Where did they come from? I thought under the dispensational scheme they aren't to be raptured until after the tribulation.

Survey5/18/08 8:00 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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jago wrote:
Pilut, have another look. Salvation is not even a word in the sentence.

Correction, but it is. "For by grace are ye "saved" through faith and that not of yourselves. "It" is a nueter pronoun and thus must refer back to a neuter antecedent, of which "grace" nor "faith" are not. They are feminine nouns.

Incidentally, Socrates from Iowa is also correct in

"Faith is a gift of grace poured out on all whom the Holy Spirit has regenerated in the new birth. We can not have true faith till we have been circumsized of the heart and now love the God whom we as enimies before hated.
Eph 2:8-9
Deut 30:6
The dead must be given life before we have faith Eph 2:1f"

Faith is given as a fruit of the Spirit and not a work of the flesh. Since a corrupt tree cannot bare good fruit unto salvation, only one regenerated by the Holy Spirit can have saving faith.

Survey5/15/08 8:08 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike wrote:
They have difficulty with the reality that actual dead people, and actual live sinners, are not the same thing.
No Mike, what we have a problem with is Arminians such as yourself who believe that you have the power within yourself to regenerate yourself spiritually.

The Greek word for "dead" in Ephes. 2:1 is "nekros" literally meaning - a corpse. You are dead spiritually, the spirit is a corpse.

Survey5/14/08 5:25 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike wrote:
Answer 2: If I say yes, will you agree that Lazarus being a corpse is not the same as a man being a sinner?
You are the one on the hot seat, not me. Lazarus was dead physically. The application is that one who is dead spiritually needs to be quickened to have spiritual life. The will of man is guided by either the spirit or the flesh, it is not a self governing entity. If the spirit is dead, then that only leaves the flesh.

Romans 8:8 tells us "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

v9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

v10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness."

Survey5/14/08 4:46 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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While you are in the house, maybe you can answer the question.

How was Lazarus able to answer the call from Jesus to come forth when he was dead?

Mike from NY. You still missed the point. If you talk to a corpse, what are the chances it will answer you.

Wouldn't Lazarus have to be quickened from the dead to answer the call of Jesus to come forth?

Survey5/14/08 2:48 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Minnow wrote:
Eph 2:1 "And you hath he quickened, (MADE ALIVE) who were dead (Means "DEAD") in trespasses and sins"
Only God raises the dead.
*ALL* the glory to God.
NIL to man.
Aw Minnow, you spoiled the fun. I was hoping Mike would come to that conclusion on his own. God had to give Lazarus life, regenerate him so that he could answer the call and command to come forth. He didn't receive life because he came forth, he came forth because he was first made alive.

Now Mike, see how easy?

Survey5/14/08 12:25 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike wrote:
Grace and faith both precede salvation, therefore they both precede regeneration. See how easy?
Interesting observation Mike, but let me ask you a question.

How was Lazarus able to answer the call from Jesus to come forth when he was dead?

If you talk to a corpse, what are the chances he will answer you?

Survey5/13/08 10:50 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Observation Post
It would be my opinion that we do ourselves great disservice and don't nearly honor God anywhere we should when we "chop up" the salvation He gives us in Jesus Christ at such great cost to Himself instead of standing in absolute of the completeness of what Jesus has accomplished for us. Further I believe such 'chopping up' of Salvation can stunt a person in their faith and hinder their growth as a child of God.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did

(1) foreknow,
he also did
(2) predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Romans 8:30 Moreover whom he did
(2) predestinate,
(3) them he also called: and whom he called,
(4) them he also justified: and whom he justified,
(5) them he also glorified.


It is the word of God that rightly divides the order of salvation.

It begins with the foreknowledge of God. Those whom He has chosen from before the foundation of the world. Then predestination, then calling, then justification, then sanctification and finally glorification.

Survey5/13/08 3:13 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Observation Post
Can anyone be save, and that would be from the wrath of God apart from justification?
Mark 10:26 And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

Romans 8:33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.

Man has not the ability, morally or otherwise to save himself, save the grace of God. If salvation were left up to man, he woulld be trying to work his way into heaven by every means necessary even his free-will. That is why it is impossible for men, but with God, all things are possible.

Michael, from reading your post, I believe you are closer to the truth that those like JD/Casob who deny the power of sin and the necessity f God sovereignly intervening to deliver them and free them from the bondage it has on them.

Don't worry about labels, keep seeking the truth as it is laid out in scripture, keeping in mind the sinfulness of man and the holiness of God.

Survey5/11/08 4:44 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Casob wrote:
The "solas" are appealing to the worthless fleshly pride of religious humanity and is a means to draw attention to the elevated status with which they regard themselves. (In My Opinion)
Minnow wrote:
It is criminal of you to post to me.
You are supposed to be ignoring me.
Now don't dare indulge in such "fleshly pride" again.
Minnow, don't you find his remark interesting. It is that same group that teaches that you can get saved by your own power and that they can by their own power conquer sin, repent and turn to Christ without the sovereign grace and power of God. Talk about "fleshlly pride". It is that same group that teaches that the Old Testament saints are not as as elite as the New Testament saints and will not be resurrected at the same time. It is that same group that teaches that only the New Testament saints are "in Christ" disregarding the fact that Christ was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. He also maintains that the atonement of Christ was not retroactive to OT believers like Abraham, Moses and even John the Baptist. Talk about fleshly pride.

News Item5/9/08 5:51 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike, the "thees" and "thous" pertains to the second person singular or plural and the part of speech.

Nominative case
Thou art worthy (2nd person singular)
Ye must be born again (2nd person plural)

Objective case
I say unto thee (2nd person singular)
I say unto you (2nd person plural)

Possessive case
Thy word is a lamp (2nd person singular)
Your words shall betray you (2 person plural)

The NKJV does not make those distinctions

Survey5/9/08 2:09 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Good points about the will rogerant. The will is not self governing, but is goverened by either the flesh which is carnal or the spirit. Since the unregenerate man is dead in tresspasses and sin, that leaves only the sinful flesh to control the will. That is why the sinner must be regenerated and quickened.

Eventhough I disagree with you on the thousand years argument, I still enjoy and appreciate your post and gracious spirit.

Survey5/9/08 1:00 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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What usually happens if it is preceeded by a definite article such as "o"or "ta" in the Greek? Does that imply a literal meaning of the adjective or noun. Why have a definite article if it's not to be interpreted that way?

BTW, still waiting for Casob to answer your questions on free-will. You hit the nail on the head.

Survey5/9/08 11:02 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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There you go rogerant. Those are the questions I was looking for.

Just as a sidenote from yesterday concerning the number "thousand" being in the plural in the Greek, the only number in the Greek that is singular is the number "one" εν. Jesus had twelve apostles. δωδεκα is plural, but he didn't have twelves of apostles, he had only twelve. Jesus saw "two brethren" δυο is in the plural. He didn't see twos of brethren, he saw only two brethren. So to claim that "the thousand years" is to be interpreted as "the thousands of years" is based on presupposition, not necessarily fact.

Survey5/9/08 10:08 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Also you asked Casob some very interesting questions something to the effect about how will they be saved, their own free-will or will God make them willing. Will God exercize "effectual calling" to insure their salvation.

Survey5/9/08 7:37 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Bottom line, do you deny any "spiritual" relationship between God and Israel in the Old Testament?
Yes or No?

Survey5/8/08 11:52 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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You scored several knockout blows to Casob/JD's dispensationalism with your post, however your last jab was uncalled for.

Try reposting the questions posed to him without the sarcastic remarks as the questions were definitely very valid. That is why your post was pulled.

I don't agree with him, but at least he is willing to step into the ring and fight for his position.

Survey5/8/08 5:36 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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And also Casob, bottom line, do you deny any spiritual relationship between Israel and God in the Old Testament? Yes or No?

Survey5/8/08 12:35 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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However we are faced with one problem. It appears in the Greek numerics, they are all in the plural. For example, in the parables (Matt. 18:12) it refers to "an hundred sheep", (Mark 4:20) "And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred." The Greek word for "hundred" εκατον is also in the plural. Does that mean "hundreds of sheep" or the individual brought forth hundreds of fruit?

Also in Rev. 20, in the Greek, the word "chilia" is preceeded by a definite article "ta" which could be translated "the".

The Greek word for "years" ετη is also in the plural.

Survey5/5/08 4:29 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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When God restores the national Israel, no man will be able to take their land the way they are doing it now. The land will be theirs in it's entirety.
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