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News Item2/12/17 8:06 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i really despise alcohol and drinkers, that being said, wasn't an apostle informed to take wine daily for his stomach issues?

there are people who treat their body as an idol, no drinking or smoking is equated with godliness and not out of love of God and service because of love compels you to do all you can for the love of Jesus, so that gets backwards sometimes and becomes a form of works instead of fruits of the spirit, catholics of which i WAS one of are great at doing this in minds ...

temperance in all things, abstain as it is given to some of you to do so, don't judge others based on what food or drink they may have to eat ...

which means i need to work out my hatred for alcohol and drinkers

this was edifying, i found where i was lacking in love.

drat that goes double for cigarette and cigar and pipe smokers

News Item2/11/17 10:17 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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this reminds me of where i heard this news first, r/the donald, it was there that i noticed a post and followed its author and discovered that jared kushner was the brilliant mind behind most of the posts on that sub reddit .... food for thought

News Item2/11/17 9:59 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i can speak for this, first it breaks you down, you have a nervous breakdown even, then God builds you up new according to His specifications.

it's hard being put into the crucible but if it's a path you are on, God is using that His Glory and your good.

also to edify ... Hosea married Gomer

News Item2/9/17 8:49 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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ok, sing your heart out, i will listen~!

News Item2/9/17 8:05 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Mark 3:17
And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:

they were loud, contended and debated with each other, and were stormy .....

Jesus is going to have all kinds of personalities in His kingdom, food for thought ...

News Item2/8/17 9:14 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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it's the media, can we really trust their polling?

MEDIA DIRTY TRICKS: CBS, NBC Manipulate Polling Data to Show Hillary with Lead Over Trump

News Item2/7/17 9:56 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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read Foxe's Book of Martyrs, and steel ourselves against that day, nothing wrong with a little Armageddon Training, get your running shoes on and walk a few miles each day, get the clean diet going, really prepare, and if you can find others who can share war stories so you may understand what the many forms of persecution may look like and or ways of overcoming, share strategy and mental preparedness ...
God Bless Everyone

News Item2/7/17 6:31 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Trump is bringing the Antichrist into the world of politics for the first time, they only have to fool the Christians, the others are already on their way to hell ...

News Item2/6/17 4:13 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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like i said if you saw me you would not see a tear streaked face or a person that engenders pity, i was sharing on here with you and it's the only place i actually share these thoughts with any humans
in my real life i don't say a word to regular people about"my hard life" they think i don't have one and give me the regular rough treatment they give everyone ... lol, i get cut no breaks for this and asked for none
so sharing on here is ruining your minds? huh ...
i should stop sharing online, i shared online because its so impersonal, you can't find me and pity me in real life, i'm unreachable save for prayers, ill take any you are willing to throw my way
God Bless

News Item2/6/17 3:40 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i found something to compliment and speak highly of and celebrate~!
This Young Man speaks Truth~! God blessed us with him~! he has done better than desalinization, God will provide us water, this man provides us the Good Word~! hallelujah~!


he has 372 subscribers and 144 views, so unpopular~! not of the world or celebrated by mainstream media or a child of the elite or of the blood line, just a regular guy~!

there are more like us~! one of us... one of us of us ...

News Item2/6/17 2:44 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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and to think all it took was a comment about a teacher in 4th grade and i got told off ... lol
it was the straw that broke the camel's back?
the last straw?

what you really needed to do was walk a mile in my shoes then comment.

this really fries my mind, you never saw me in person, understood my life and yet tell me off like you were living in this house with me, you don't know and don't have that right, i believe you can not as you have not any experience like ours, seriously in order to do therapy you need experience, either working with people who have gone through this and an empathic personality or you need experience going through it, can you please tell me how you are qualified?

and please don't patronize me with stories about how you had it bad when your life wasn't threatened daily ....

News Item2/6/17 2:01 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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here i saw this comment and i thought of what some of you think about self deprecation ..

"Life is not about the progression of our species becoming more loving, compassionate and wise use of technology. It's just dung, moaning, and sticks."

look if you want to ride a feather bed to hell i can't stop you ...

am i a soldier of the cross

what you fail to realize is that as time goes on toward the end people will wax worse and worse, times will be evil, and mostly for God's people, why are you not as scathed as we are? you suffer things common to all men and think it the height of suffering and then tell us real sufferers off?
you know the bible tells us that all men suffer, there are things all mankind suffer in common, i have spoken to people who have just lived life with all its attendant curses and think they are martyrs and when others tell of worse tales they count themselves in with them and tell them to shut up ...

really tired of that lack of pain threshold and ignorance, some with a cold or flu think it like a cancer and tell the cancer patients to stop with all the whining ...

really disappointed in some of you and you know who you are ...

News Item2/6/17 7:36 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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and finally if you met me in person you would see that i am not a person that engenders pity in the least, people see me as strong and capable and are afraid to speak to me because there's something strong in my eyes and it intimidates most people, if i was telling these stories in person behind a podium you would see it differently, but because you are reading them, it's easy to internalize and personalize what i say and take it wrong.

no matter how badly i hurt during the game of life running the race set before me, i still feel an olympic champion made that way by God.

News Item2/6/17 6:17 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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certainly you wouldn't tell 911 survivors to pipe down would you? yet even worse is coming to the world, how unprepared for this tribulation are you?

News Item2/6/17 6:13 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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people like christian need to quit their whining every time they wander in on actual veterans sharing war stories, we share to edify and to get a form of relief, a glass of water, and you would deny us that glass off water

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward."

you are removing your reward with this whining, one might think you were not in line for any reward with that thinking ... many will say didn't I in your name ...

also how mean and unchristian, you are in pain so shut up because its making me upset?

you are so wrong so very very wrong and it's not the first time i have read these unchristian sentiments on here so i'm going all out on it now ...

News Item2/6/17 6:01 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i wonder why none of you critics ask God why you are not being worked with in this manner, He lets the damned pretty much alone, but He chastens His children ...

pray and ask Him,
why not me god, won't you blind me on the road to damascus, put a thorn in my side, don't you love me? please love me again and throw me on that potters wheel once more, just give me one more chance please~!

News Item2/6/17 5:56 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i'm ashamed for some of you on here, mostly lurkers who don't contribute to the great fight were commanded to fight, you want it slow and easy like a cross between mr rogers neighborhood and sesame street ... you want to be ensconsed in warm comfy thoughts when the reality of the world is much much worse, you want to stick your heads in the sand, don't ruffle my peace and calm with the problems of the world ... yada yada yada ...

Jesus was a man of sorrows who wept, you are not conforming to His image by sticking your heads in the sand and pretending this world isn't wicked and ruled by wicked ...

if you're not in the fight, make your calling and election sure, things will wax worse and worse and if you can't handle our old war stories what can you handle when the real persecution occurs?

News Item2/6/17 5:44 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Christian wrote:
My goodness, you people, are you so hardhearted that you can't manage to be at least a little happy about the apparent breakthrough? Why is everything always negative with you guys? This is positive news, an example of man obeying God's command to take dominion over the earth, and you have to respond with criticism and negativity. I feel bad for you guys.
... it says if a friend ask you to walk a mile you walk three... obviously were the ones that had the lives of Lazarus covered in sores with only dogs to lick our wounds and you have had a blessed life, to us you are the poor poor one who needs to be put into the crucible to be reforged, or put on the potters wheel and rethrown over and over again, its actually wonderful to be picked out for this life by God, it means we get more reward, now don't you feel left out of having such a rich life filled full of experiences?
what must your daily living experience be like? cardboard?

we get the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat~!

Wide World of Sports Intro 1978

we God's olympians are running the race~!!!
may we never faint,
its edifying to others to count the cost who think some strange thing has happened to them
we are commanded to

News Item2/5/17 6:15 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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had a fourth grade teacher who would ask us students to invent a new way to desalinize water and if we figured out any to bring them to him for a whole dollar~!

jerk ... he just wanted to steal and exploit

News Item2/4/17 1:55 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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here's one where Jared Kushner is called the "Trump Whisperer" some think he is the man behind the scenes that helped get Trump elected ...

Jared Kushner: I Will Bring Peace to Middle East | Jared Kushner Most Trusted Trump Advisor

Fox Business: This man is Trump’s secret weapon

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