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News Item12/26/08 11:07 PM
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
"Critical judgement disappears altogether, for in no way can there ever be collective critical judgement… The individual can no longer judge for himself because he inescapably relates his thoughts to the entire complex of values and prejudices established by propaganda...given ready-made value judgments invested with the power of truth by…the word of experts.
"Once personal judgment and critical faculties have disappeared or atrophied, they will not simply reappear when propaganda is suppressed…years of intellectual and spiritual education would be needed to restore such facilities. The propagandee, if deprived of one propaganda, will immediately adopt another, this will spare him the agony of finding himself vis a vis some event without a ready-made opinion."
[URL=]]]Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes[/URL]
Very scary, especially considering our new president is a master at mass hypnosis. Check out the links on hyposis in this link, just amazing how fast and easy to hypnotize, how powerful and permanent its effects.'s_

Survey12/26/08 10:59 PM
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
What is a conspiracy theory?
A conspiracy theory: bin Laden plotted from his cave in Afghanistan to hijack 4 jetliners w/ boxcutters. He sent 16 Saudi teens plus 2 to America to learn how to fly airplanes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. Miraculously, most of the hijackers are still alive.

Some heros called home on cellphones and said "Let's roll" and crashed one plane into the ground in PA, where the plane mysteriously disappeared, leaving no burn marks, debris or bodies. The other 3 hijacked planes also vanished, including the one crashed into the Pentagon leaving a small hole the size of a missile, piercing through four layers of concrete. All films are top secret, so nobody's ever seen the plane flying or hitting the Pentagon.

The diesel fuel mostly burst and burned outside the towers; the fires were smoking and oxygen starved, but still the 110 story bldgs turned to powder & crashed into their footprint at freefall speed. A third, Bldg 7, didn't get hit by anything but fell by osmosis, altho owner Larry Silverstein admitted he had the bldg "pulled."

During the event, Dan Rather and other reporters called it "controlled demolition" but later went with the govt conspiracy theory after they got their stories s

News Item12/26/08 10:33 PM
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Pastor Mike wrote:
No, overpopulation and environmental destruction are evil. Sermon Audio was wrong to remove my comment as it did not violate their terms of service. You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
There is no overpopulation. What are you, a eugencist? The entire world population could fit comfortably in the state of Texas, with room for parks and shops and with lots of room left over.

This family is not responsible for any environmental destruction. The earth was made for man, not the other way around, and one human soul is worth more than the entire world. (ie what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?)

Survey12/26/08 6:37 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Sorry, SA, for hi-jacking the news thread on missionaries. I have found the list of topics so I can find the right one W/O sidetracking a thread, and this one seems suited to what I've been discussing.

I think the number one issue of the church today is its attitude toward Israel and the Jews.

Quite obviously the beast in Revelation is the system that makes war -- which would be Israel, the United States and England, in that order. This is an evil system, its proclamations (ie media) not to be trusted, and is worldly and destructive and slated for total destruction by God.

The Bible says in 1John, Love not the world, neither the things in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him.

Christians must stop listening to the lies of the propaganda machine of the beast. Any person or entity which is big and rich has cut a deal with the world to get that way and not to be trusted.

People who self-publish, who broadcast on short-wave or the Internet are far more likely to have truthful information.

And "nutjob spotter's cousin," I'm not the one here shaking in my boots thinking Muslims are everywhere, coming to kill us, maybe our neighbor might be a terrorist too -- so get that straight.

News Item12/26/08 3:35 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Amadeus wrote:
Now c'mon fellas; whats wrong with a good clean slaughter???
For example
Deuter 31:3 AND Josh 6:21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.
In those days the human (and animal) gene pool was contaminated with demon genes producing fierce giants and chimeras. It was why God destroyed the earth with a flood, because humankind had been intermixed with demon and animal genes, the "mighty men of old," told about in Greek mythology that's not altogether myth.

God hates genetic engineering, and it is going on today, not just with plants and animals, and as in those days also the demon seed is being mixed.

This is where the "aliens" come from, the grays, lizard-like giants kept in underground military bases and which our government is planning to foist a fake alien invasion to unite the world, another hoax and scam that will make 9/11 look tame by comparison.

The moon landings were a hoax also. There are no aliens from outer space, just chimeras and extremely high tech aircraft kept in the underground military bases, occasionally seen as UFOs. Other UFOs are just manifested demons.

News Item12/26/08 10:14 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
Here is another shocking post for you to read and inwardly digest.
If you would spend more time reading the HOLY BIBLE, which is God's word... you would never have come to the conclusion that there will be a rapture of the church. When the Lord Jesus comes back at the sound of the trump, it is END.
The comments on this thread are proof that Christians have a bad attitude, and rather than the Muslims wanting to convert at the point of the gun it is Christians.

And, John, you don't know how much I read the Bible; I'm making ALL my points based on the Bible. Seems YOU are the one who needs more study on who is elect and who is not, who is chosen and who not chosen, saved and not saved; and what God expects and doesn't expect of Christians (like warmongering).

And I have never believed Jack Chick's nonsense about an imminent rapture, never. II Thes. 2 proves Christians are going through the Tribulation to the very end.

However, traditional orthodox Christianity and the Bible DO teach that at the end, when Jesus ONE LAST TIME comes back, that those believers who are alive will never die, but be transformed; and those who are dead in Christ will be physically raised.

News Item12/26/08 9:57 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
You are of course entitled to your opinion. I do however disagree with you. APPEASEMENT will lead to a horrific blood shed far more than 'tender hearted' pascifists could ever imagine.
Appeasement? Iran has not attacked anybody, has no weapons, just wants to be left alone as it always has wanted to be. It is the U.S., Israel and England who terrorize the planet. And Russia and China and the rest of the nuclear-armed world is getting darned sick of appeasing US.

Michael Hranek wrote:
BTW When your 'friends' the Muslims turn loose ...a turning loose that is very much preventable not through appeasement but in committedly refusing to give in to the demands of Islam Muslims)
What demands.

I agree if we nuke everybody off the planet we won't have to worry about anybody ever attacking us. But that is evil and cowardly to even think of, as you keep hinting you want to rub out innocent, helpless people in case they ever get any ideas about attacking us.

And your point about the CIA and Mossad being too powerless to orchestrate 9/11, but bin Laden somehow has that power from a cave in Afghanistan, I wonder if you realize how foolish you sound.

News Item12/26/08 9:26 AM
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John UK wrote:
Whose side will you be on when JEHOVAH JESUS steps in to deliver Israel from the demonic and rampaging surrounding countries when they try (HA!) to wipe out the nation of GOD'S ELECT?
Your post shocks me. Jesus is coming back to destroy the Jews' antichrist messiah with the "brightness of his coming" according to II Thes. 2, and defend and rapture the CHRISTIANS, N O T the Jews. People who hate Jesus are only elect for Hell.

Jesus doesn't want Christians to go around blowing people away, starting WWIII, so the Jews can have their temple and own the Mideast.

John UK wrote:
Israel will not always disbelieve, for it is prophecied that they WILL return, and see their Messiah.
Many do believe and many are appalled at the Zionists. Perhaps more will believe when they realize their phony messiah is a devil.

Your post shocks me. I've heard there's much British Israel stuff at the root of the Zionist drive to the NWO that emanates from England and the Rothschilds.

News Item12/26/08 8:57 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GG wrote:
The early Christians were Jews, the Messiah of the Jews IS JESUS, they just don't know that yet!
It's unfortunate fact that the only Jews going to Heaven are the ones who believe in Jesus and that most Jews throughout history died in unbelief, hating Jesus.

GG wrote:
..the security of Israel is currently in our best interest.
Provoking WWIII with Russia is INSANITY.

Al Qaeda is CIA controlled, as reported by SA. Remember when the CIA sent al Qaeda in to Iran to wage terror attacks?

You're not aware of false flag attacks throughout history? ie Hitler burned the Reichstag, Nero burned Rome and blamed the Christians. Ever read on the Net about the USS Liberty when Israel attacked our ship for three hours doing its best to sink it and kill everybody on the ship, so as to blame Egypt and start war?

9/11 was a false flag. Most people realize the official story is 100% BOGUS.

The controlled media, bought and paid for by foreign banksters, spits out propaganda and lies, phony bin Laden tapes, phony hooded terrorists w/ fake Arab accents. Many suicide bombers are CIA/Mossad mind controlled, as are school shooters here in the U.S.

Watch Alex Jones' Terrorstorm on-line. Educate yourself, but it's kin

News Item12/26/08 7:59 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
I can't recall the bombing away of anyone by the U.S. military in recent decades. Perhaps you are reading old archival newspapers from 1943-45 and becoming confused.
9/11 happened in 2001, only 7 years ago, when the CIA and Mossad blew up the towers, Pentagon and murdered a lot of innocent people. The govt and controlled media told us Afghanistan was to blame, and we've been over there rounding up goat herders ever since, shipping them off to the torture dungeons, and renewing a thriving heroin traffic for the CIA the Taliban had closed down.

Then the govt said Iraq was to blame for 9/11, that they were hiding WMDs. Iraq said they didn't have any WMDs, so we Shock and Awed them, and I think we've killed about a million of those people since, using depleted uranium and bunker busters and house to house killings. We tried Saddam, not sure for what, and then we hung him in front of his people (for not handing over the WMDs?, not sure what). Some people say it wasn't Saddam who was hung, but one of his doubles??

Anyway, a lot of Iraqi families and American soldiers are DEAD, or maimed, torture is now enshrined as our way of doing business; and America is now a police state.

I'm surprised you weren't aware of any of this.

News Item12/26/08 7:13 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
First - Why do you continually defend Islam.
Because of people like you who slander and warmonger against them and because there has already been TOO MUCH KILLING.

Michael Hranek wrote:
Also from what I gather Muslims are great hypocrits and all too often violent hypocrits, no fornication...4 wives (in burkhas) daughters murdered for disgracing their families
Stop repeating war propaganda and lies; you should know better. It's wrong to want to kill people because they don't dress like us. Leave them alone.

Michael Hranek wrote:
Second - Honestly telling of the Jews hostility...IS DIFFERENT from giving the feeling ones thinks Jews don't deserve to live and of having a double standard regarding Jews and Muslims in which Jews are always wrong and Muslims always right.
I never said Jews don't deserve to live and I don't want war, to nuke them,as you do the Muslims. I would like to kick the Mossad out of our govt tho. I said the Jews aren't God on Earth, their Zionist NWO goals are evil, their religion is evil, they're NOT superheros who don't need Jesus, and that to blow up the planet for them and their cursed temple and false messiah is INSANITY.

News Item12/26/08 6:52 AM
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Anthony wrote:
...the saints were put to death for rejecting the Roman Catholic "mass" which involves the worship of their false "Wafer Christ"...
It occurs to me that celebrating the birth of Christ is a good thing, as the angels did so and the shepherds ran into the city and told everyone and also celebrated. I don't know about celebrating in ways that go back to the Druids or all the shopping and presents.

As to the Mass part of this holiday, it also occurs to me that Jesus was celebrating the Passover when he told the disciples "as oft as you do this" to think of him in place of the lamb and the unleavened bread. To me this is not a command to celebrate so-called "holy communion." Only Jews are commanded to celebrate Passover, and once converted to Christianity they were to think of Passover in a different way than before.

I don't see the command in the Bible for "Holy Communion" or for nonJews to celebrate Passover. Maybe I missed something here.

News Item12/26/08 6:36 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Genuine Christianity will be quite disruptive to the world system. For example genuine born again of the Holy Ghost Biblical Christianity can put beer houses out of business, turn prostitutes and their customers into good mothers, wives, husbands and fathers. It can empty jails when the police have no criminals to arrest.
It shows ALL other religious to be false, evil and false...including Islam such as in Turkey
Acts 17
5 But the JEWS who were not persuaded, becoming ENVIOUS, took some of the EVIL MEN men from the marketplace, and gathering a MOB, set all the city in an uproar and ATTACKED the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.
6 But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren...
First, why are you posting verses about the Jews being envious, forming a mob, and attacking Christians? If I did that you'd say I was an antisemite.

Second, there aren't any beer houses or houses of prostitution to close down in the Muslim countries to use to disprove their false religion. They don't fornicate, don't abort, don't drink and drug. I guess that's why we have to go over the ocean to bomb them away, yes?

News Item12/26/08 6:28 AM
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Pastor Mike wrote:
That's disgusting. I hope Michelle's uterus ...
Your post is disgusting and very evil. I hope SA removes it. This board has far too many people posing as Christians while promoting eugenics and war, celebrating and clamoring for the death and misery of innocent people, women and children. Sometimes I wonder if this is a Christian site or a Church of Satan site. Some of the most prolific posters here are incredibly cruel, callous, and murderous, and their bigoted, selfish, cowardly and warmongering opinions are anything but Christian.

News Item12/25/08 12:27 PM
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Maybe the American soldiers, instead of painting skull and crossbones on their tanks (which many of them now do), they should instead paint a picture of Jesus on the tanks (to go along with the hot air balloon theme). Maybe we should have Jesus' picture embedded in the helmets, and on the wings of the fighter planes and missiles while we're at it, kind of how the Jewish children wrote goodbye notes and put them on the missiles that were fired into Lebanon two years ago when Beirut was flattened.

And we're doing all this killing for Israel, but try flying one of those balloons in Jerusalem and see how far you get.

News Item12/25/08 11:57 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:

btw what the utter defeat and destruction and eternal punishment that Jesus Christ Himself will give unrepentant Muslims and Catholics and even 'ordinary sinners' is almost to dreadful to contemplate, do you have a problem with this too?

To whom much is given, much is required. For so-called "Christians," who have the Bible, to be advocating mass murder of innocent families across the ocean is beyond evil. And to be doing it in the name of the Jews, who hate Jesus, who wear skullcaps in celebration of Jesus death, who castigate him in their infernal holy books (ie Babylonian Talmud and Babylonian Cabala), to be killing families to please the Jews so they can build their temple and worship their phony antichrist messiah in it is sick.

Somebody played a horrible trick on Christians to get us to believe this way. I admit I used to think this way myself. The Jews are not chosen for anything but hell if they do not repent of their hatred and rejection of Jesus.

News Item12/25/08 11:50 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
The totally ironic (and terribly saddening) thing about this hot-air balloon event in Baghdad is that:
1) The blood of American troops made it possible for this to happen (it would have NEVER happened under the Saddam Hussein regime).
2) The event was sanctioned, protected and sponsored by the Iraqi Interior Ministry -- the present Iraqi authorities!
3) Now, IF this same sort of event happened in any major AMERICAN city ... all hell would have broken loose! Come to think of it, this type of an event -- flying a huge, multi-colored hot-air balloon with a picture of Jesus Christ on it in an American city -- could never have come to pass without violence, public outcries, protestations, and repercussions.
That's how far this country has come, or rather, has gone down the road towards pluralistic paganism. We send troops overseas to fight for the right for people to do the very things that we ourselves are NOT permitted to do!!!
It is the Word of God that saves, not some artist's rendering of Jesus. We are forbidden to have images of Jesus anyway.

This whole thing is disgusting, eerie, and sick.

News Item12/25/08 10:52 AM
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webwatch wrote:
I said it was not all bad. I did not say that it was perfect. It's easy to mock and scorn and deride. Eat the orange; discard the skin and the seeds; enjoy the fruit.
I think it's better that it happened than if it had not happened.
Whether in truth or not, Jesus Christ was proclaimed to a crowd in Baghdad, Iraq. In that, I take some joy.
Note: Baghdad's population has been estimated at 6.5 million.
"What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice". - Philippians 1:18
Let all who name the nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity.

This is sick. This is what the Illuminati do in their mind control -- use the Bible when they are torturing people to give them different meanings of the words, teach them that Jesus is evil.

News Item12/25/08 9:58 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Do we really want God to be God on His terms in our lives and rule them as He see fit?
God is in control, but he's waiting to see what we do. If we don't care, why should he?

Not only that but the Bible warns of the mass delusion and deception in the last days, and it's obvious people are zonked out, entranced, bewitched, mesmerized, unable to think, willing to believe any kind of wild and crazy story that's fed to them by the media, even that 110 story buildings fall in 8 seconds, the concrete turned to powder, because of a couple small fires in the upper floors that are mostly put out,or that Bldg. 7 that was hit by no plane, which also fell in 7 seconds and the owner admitted he had "pulled" was also somehow brought down by bin Laden.

II Chronicles 7:14 says if my people called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from Heaven and heal their land.

It does depend on us. You push for war and when people like me say, hey wait a minute, and push the other way, you say God is in control, let God handle it all.

So stop warmongering against the Muslims if that's how you really feel.

News Item12/25/08 9:51 AM
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