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News Item7/17/13 3:09 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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SteveR wrote:
It was an outrageous claim that you were all too eager to repeat


You're putting too many words in my mouth and in my head that are not there. I'm done with you.

News Item7/17/13 3:04 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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SteveR wrote:
She cautioned Trayvon that GZ might be gay, then it was Rush that overreached and speculated the assault was motivated by her caution.
I would suggest not repeating it, as it makes you look desperate to demonize trayvon
Oh, knock it off!

I'm not "desperate to demonize" anyone.

I just want to find out what's going on, and Limbaugh has been a very reliable source (not my only source but one of many) for quite some time. MUCH more so than the MSM.

News Item7/17/13 2:49 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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SteveR wrote:
That speculation was an analysis of her court testimony by Rush Limbaugh. While this 19 yr old woman did say some odd things during Piers Morgan, that wasnt one of them.
Guess I'll have to find and watch the original interview to see which one of you is right.

News Item7/17/13 2:28 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Even after the angels blinded the sodomites oppressing Lot's household prior to that city's destruction, they STILL wearied themselves trying to get to Lot's door rather than fleeing in the face of such overwhelming rebuke.

Makes one wonder if today's sodomites have similar degrees of stubbornness regarding their moral state. Not even caring, evidently, that a lift on the ban could endanger the blood supply.

News Item7/17/13 2:17 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Then why doesn't she just recreate Him in her own image, as so many others seem to do these days?

News Item7/17/13 2:15 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Lol! Most people with whom I disagree theologically try to get me to "reinterpret" the Bible so I can "agree" with them.

News Item7/17/13 2:05 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
S.F. John, I happened to catch a "Judge Judy," on t.v. yesterday. It must have been made right after this attack because here was another person who thought he was Wyatt Earp, (oh read the history of Mr. Zimmerman, This particular article on this site--which I have no info on--[URL=]]]Martin-Zimmerman: Tragedy yields futile search for absolutes[/URL].
Oh, Judge Judy? She put the maximum fine on Wyatt Earp Jr., if memory serves, for not staying in his car and using his cell phone to call in the police. Anyway, S.F. John I found your comment interesting.
The whole thing is truly head-spinning, isn't it?

I didn't watch it but I heard that CNN's Piers Morgan interviewed Rachel Jeantel who claimed Martin was actually giving Zimmerman a beat-down because he thought Zimmerman was a gay predator, eying him and possibly posing a threat to Travon's little brother who was also at the home nearby where Trayvon was staying at the time.


News Item7/16/13 2:22 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Didn't Baha'i already provide such a faith decades ago? Why do we need another one?

News Item7/16/13 2:03 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christopher000 wrote:
...if Zimmerman had listened to the dispatcher, Martin would be alive today.
I heard that Zimmerman DID listen to and obey the dispatcher and disengaged his pursuit at that point but that Martin was already pissed-off by Zimmerman's initial pursuit and then proceeded to go after/ambush Zimmerman, who'd lost sight of Martin at that time.

This whole scenario sounds like one of the dozens I used to read about on a monthly basis in an NRA magazine I used to get which listed "local" news reports where proper use of a firearm prevented further crime and/or saved someone's life. In this case, Zimmerman's.

For some reason this one story out of so many thousands like it has garnered national attention and inflamed the passions of so many people.

News Item7/12/13 12:53 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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How sad it is when other, lesser (at least perceived to be) nations are now rebuking US when I could swear it used to be the other way around? At least when I was a kid, growing up in an America that was only starting to be ravaged by divorce, and homosexuality was something that wasn't even talked about in polite company. How the "mighty" have fallen indeed.

News Item7/10/13 4:18 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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What a fun/funny question!

Donkeys were the "cars" of Jesus' day, and since he had to "borrow" one on which to ride into Jerusalem I get the idea that he didn't even OWN one himself.

I myself picture the most likely modern "motorized" scenario of Christ and His disciples as all 13 of them putting around in a full-sized van or small bus--with Peter most likely in the drivers' seat. Lol!

News Item7/10/13 2:42 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Andrew wrote:
It would be interesting to know God's thoughts on organ harvesting/transplantation; after all, the body parts are still 'alive' when transplanted, otherwise they'd be useless. I've always considered organ harvesting a contentious issue. The media only ever shows us the part where the recipient benefits, notwithstanding the curious phenomenon of 'rejection'. My present understanding, rightly or wrongly, is that it takes 3 days for the soul to depart the body. So, all organ harvesting is premature, and there would be nothing worth harvesting after 3 days; so, forget it! I consider it another of Satan's lies, deceptions. This is a case in point, regardless that the poor soul suicided later. I believe the medicos often can't wait to get their greedy hands on people's body parts. Watch out for them.
JWs don't like it but most every Christian preacher I've heard say it's biblical to donate blood and organs since Christ said "greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends".

"Life" includes blood and organs.

News Item7/3/13 2:32 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Beyond dead wrote:
"He's in hell, Jim."
-Capt James T. Kirk, USS Enterprise
Not yet.

He may very well be in Hell following Judgement Day, when all the lost will be "...cast into the lake of fire", as it says in Revelation.

Hebrews says it is appointed for a man once to die and then to be judged. Christians have already been judged AND damned in Christ after He said "It is finished", so they enter into paradise IMMEDIATELY after death even as Christ did. Not so the unsaved, which have to be judged first for their sins and then punished for them by damnation on the last day.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, theologically or otherwise.

News Item6/18/13 11:52 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Limbaugh's right (once again!).

This guy (Obama) is not "cool" (as many like to think), he's COLD.

More than cold enough to have little or no regard for human life outside of that which supports his political agenda.

News Item6/14/13 12:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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No surprise . Still I doubt the American people will wake up. It's over.
It would be interesting to see a "man-on-the-street" interview asking people if they even know what "1984" is and/or who wrote it (who George Orwell was).

So much distracting fluff in this culture prevents so many people from learning or even wanting to learn "the old paths".

1517 wrote:
"If we are not governed by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn.
Great quote.

I'm sure that most any mere man or woman would be more than willing to fill the vacuum left by a discarded god (God himself, in our case, since there is no other).

News Item6/13/13 11:49 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Immigration standards and enforcement have been so lax in this country for so long that we may very well have many thousands of dangerous people in this country right now.

Now that they are here they are naturally going to use OUR phone and internet systems. I'm told the two "charmers" that blew up the Boston Marathon were known troublemakers--even Russia warned us about them--but we either did nothing or realized we could do nothing at the time. Now Congress and Obama are reacting as best they can which, sadly, is "roughing-up" our Constitutional rights (which often happens during "war"). Believe me I am NO fan of Obama by any means, but I can sure sympathize with the incredible predicament he inherited from previous generations of fat, lazy politicians and those who voted for them.

We're ALL paying for it now.

News Item6/12/13 2:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Ask Susanna Wesley.

If I remember right she had at least 22 siblings and was herself the mother of the famous preacher, John, and the equally famous hymn writer, Charles.

News Item6/10/13 1:13 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Chris Frost wrote:
Jesus was an illegal immigrant?...
"Jesus" has a most annoying way of "becoming" a champion of or at least an example of so many advocacy groups and their members that it's hard to keep track.

Most common example I hear is that Jesus was a "homeless" person, therefore somehow ennobling the condition of homelessness (!).

News Item6/5/13 12:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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He's almost right.

The Quran is the revealed word of ALLAH, not God.

Most people don't realized that these two "gods" are different and too often use the same term for each, causing many to assume they are the same.

News Item6/5/13 12:05 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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SF from TX wrote:
I didn't read the whole article but to answer the title question, yes. Men should be just as concerned with modesty. When Adam and Eve sinned they both sewed fig leaves for clothes. This what not enough for God so He killed an animal and made them coats of skin. From this we can learn two things, clothes are important to God and blood has to be shed for sin. Notice God didn't just see Eve a coat but he sewed Adam one too. While women are mainly emotional creatures we are also visual too. To help us keep out flesh in control, brothers should cover up- that includes while swimming. No guy should swim shirtless or in a Speedo.
Excellent post.

WAY too much skin out there visible for all to see. Might also be less skin cancer cases if more people covered-up.

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